

  • Thanks to everyone who sent congrats and to those who told me of their experiences. All of my doctors tell me different conflicting things so I like to know what the majority of others have been through before I take any single doctor's advice. They are only human too.
    in preggers!!! Comment by sbird August 2010
  • This is the stuff that keeps the rest of us going. Thanks for sharing!!!
  • When you make significant lifestyle changes and drop a lot of weight quickly, loose skin is going to happen. If you lose weight more gradually there is a better chance for skin's elasticity to work on it's own. I am close with 3 people who have lost a very significant amount of weight and if they have not already had the…
  • I am sorry, I am so confused. I am not putting this down in any way but I have never heard of HCG before as a weight loss application. Maybe I am just in the dark and have no idea what HCG is in your reference but if we are talking about the same Gonadotropin, don't most pregnant women gain weight during pregnancy when HCG…
  • A girl I used to work with was in your situation and she was drinking Ensure as her only intake for what seemed like months after the procedure. This is what her doctor recommended as it fulfilled her nutritional daily values and did not disturb anything else. I do not know your or her full situation is so I can not relay…
  • i like the picture you used of you and dad.
  • I did a juice fast for about 9 days in February and the first 3 days were really really hard but after that it seems a little easier. No problems other than hunger pangs and a little light headedness. I lost 8 pounds and have kept them off. I felt like it really cleansed my system too. Beware of juices filled with sugar…