Juice Fasting ?

I'm considering doing a juice fast for 7 days. Anyone had success or problems with a juice fast?


  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I've done a juice fast for 3 days. You have to prep before and reintroduce solid food slowly the next day. I did not really find the experience all that helpful. Good luck
  • sbird
    sbird Posts: 9
    I did a juice fast for about 9 days in February and the first 3 days were really really hard but after that it seems a little easier. No problems other than hunger pangs and a little light headedness. I lost 8 pounds and have kept them off. I felt like it really cleansed my system too. Beware of juices filled with sugar and high fructose corn syrup though-that's where a lot of people go wrong. You need to do it with real fruits and veggies. The best way to do it is to use a juicer. I would do it again if I thought I would have the will power. Good luck to you.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I did it and LOVED it.

    I was having digestive issues and my doctor recommended it. I googled juice cleansing and found some info. I had a friend who had done the cleansing. She recommended using Odwalla juice instead of juicing everything myself. I decided to go the Odwalla route because I knew the juicing would turn me off. I didn't want to search for recipes and deal with the mess.

    I did not lose any noticeable weight while doing it. I did not weigh myself before and after though. My doctor told me I'd lose a bit from removing plaque from my intestines.

    What I did lose were all of my cravings. Before I did it, I was reaching for the junk instead of healthier choices in our pantry and refrigerator. Those cravings were wiped clean. My friend had the same result from it. The healthier foods started tasting better again.

    I started the cleansing with the intent of doing it for 3 days. Day 1 was challenging, but not impossible. Day 2 was awesome. The juice even tasted better that day. LOL I ended up doing it for 6 days before I eased back into foods. I had no ill-effects from it. I felt absolutely wonderful. I've done it one time since, although that time I did eat raw fruits and vegetables with it since I wasn't concerned about the colon cleansing aspect of being off of solid foods.

    The cleansing helped my digestive issues a lot. I still continue to drink the Odwalla juice. My body seems to crave it, and I feel extremely satisfied when I drink it.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Bump! :flowerforyou:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I really like juicing. Especially veggies.

    I save the pulp of the veggies and make a meatball mixture. 1/3 Pulp, 1/3 TVP, 1/3 Ground Turkey. Add egg and a little bread crumbs, plus your fave spices. (I use chopped cilantro, green onions, jalapenos, pepper.) Roll into meatballs and bake. Tastes great and is a good source of fiber.

    I throw any extra pulp into my compost bin.