

  • Well this week I lost 3 lbs, lets hope I can keep it off and lose more. I will be trying to workout more this week if my schedule allows it and eating according to my diet.
  • MY GOALS FOR May is to lose 6-8 pounds this month My Goal for WEEK 1 IN MAY: 1. Drink a minimum of 4 glasses of water a day 2. Exercise at least 4 days this week... 4 treadmill days and will be adding ab workouts as well 3. Try to do weekly weigh-ins MY GOALS FOR WEEK 2 IN MAY: MY GOALS FOR WEEK 3 IN MAY: MY GOALS FOR WEEK…
  • Hey Guys, So this week I have not been doing Jillian Michaels video due to me having to work more and school. I have been doing the treadmill and the exercise bike this week MWF. This has proven to work this week as I have lost 2.8 pounds. So I will Probably keep this up and see if it works.
  • Started Level 2 on the 30 day shred, wow this should be fun lol
  • April Starting Weight: 156 For the first week of April my workout and diet fell off due to Spring Break and being out of town for the week. Next week I hope to get back on track. I just need to keep motivating myself and watch what I am eating. I need to find healthy recopies as well that are quick and easy due to my busy…
  • Hello I am new to MFP. I am doing this because I want to get back in shape like I use to be. I am currently 154 but want o get down to 130ish by beginning of July(have a trip planned). I will be doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred at least three days a week as well as some time on the treadmill and going for walks. I…
  • I am older than you. I am 28 and am new to this. Any motivation and support I can get would be great. I am 5'3 154 and want to get down to 130-135 by beginning of July.
  • I would love to join sounds interesting. Name/real name: brokentiara/Ashley Goal weight on April 30: 144 4/01: 4/09: 4/16: 4/23: 4/30:
  • I have been trying the 30 day shred it is a challenge