I need motivation and Inspiration. Please add me :)

I need motivation and inspiration from women who are like me. To show myself that if they can do it I can do it. Im 22 years old and 5'4". I weight 198 down from 222 and want to get down to 145. But my first goal weight is 180. I know I can do it! Just need some help and some friends support. So if you are around my age or weight or can just give me some motivation please add me. :)


  • I will totally add you! i'm a little older than you, but right now i'm 219.5 lbs and my goal weight is 167. i'm down 47.5 so far, and almost half way!

    this was my first full week at the gym doing the circuits my trainer made for me and i'm down 5.5 lbs! I'm high as a kite right now, i don't believe it! :) something to be said for calorie counting & exercise :)
  • I know, this is the one thing ive never tried is diet and exercise. Ive always did fad diets and taken oh so many diet pills. They never worked. Now some hard ol fashioned will power. :)
  • I am older than you. I am 28 and am new to this. Any motivation and support I can get would be great. I am 5'3 154 and want to get down to 130-135 by beginning of July.
  • I am older than you. I am 28 and am new to this. Any motivation and support I can get would be great. I am 5'3 154 and want to get down to 130-135 by beginning of July.

    I am in a similar spot. 31 years old, 5'3, 162ish lbs(been afraid to get on a scale lately). I just joined today & am still figuring the site out, but I will try to be a motivator & hope to get the same in return. I know exactly what to do to lose weight(diet & exercise) but my willpower is lacking & it feels hopeless sometimes. When that happens, I eat. But we all can do it! We can get through this & feel good about ourselves. :smile: