I work at a vet - Owner 'His leg is painful he tried to bite me when I moved it' me - 'OK I'll get a quote including sedation' owner "OH you won't need to sedate him - He doesn't bite"
I've been using the powder for a little over 2 months. The weight loss has been slow and steady. I really like them because they help me plan what I'm going to eat during the day. I usually mix mine with chocolate almond milk and frozen fruit or orange extract - yummy!
Veterinarian Assistant/Office Manager = the person who is THE someone when the phrase "Someone will do it..." is said and love it!!
I see a Star Wars fan LOVE it I say it a lot at work. How about..."I wear all black to work out...It's like a funeral for my fat"
Vikings - they love old players - especially QB's - LOL
I've been using the Body By Vi shakes for a couple of months - pretty tasty and there are a ton recipes to mix. I'm not a person to loose weight very fast and am loosing about 5 lbs a month which seems slow, but healthy. I like the shakes because I know exactly what I'm eating for 2 meals a day.
Fayetteville, North Carolina