

  • I am pleased to meet you. I hope you find enjoyment and success on this site. I just joined yesterday and I love it. I am 35 and a mother and grandmother too, and it is for them that I do this. I am 5"3" and weigh 265lbs. My back hurt so much I can't hardly pick up my littlest grandson (he's 16 mths old). I know it's the…
  • Congradulations on you're new lease on life!!! I know the courage it takes to overcome addiction. I was a meth monster for 15 years. At my lowest I weighed 98 lbs.I never weighed more than 135lbs. I got a second chance at life in April of 2007 and never looked back. Since being clean though I have gained alot of weight…
  • Hi there!! I just joined too. I heard this website is great and I love the calorie counter. Takes the guess work out of it. If you keep with it I'm sure this will work. Welcome!!!!:smile:
  • I heard these a few weeks ago. Offensive, but I still laughed. Q: How do you know when you're making love to a fat chick? A: When she's on top and you can't hear the radio playing!
  • I prefer peanut butter and banana. My room-mate prefers peanut butter and pickles...ewwwwww!!!!:noway:
  • Hi Simon. I'm new here too. Just joined yesterday. I know with faith and determination I will succeed, and I feel the same success for you. Keep up the good fight and you will be victorious!!!!
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