

  • You might also want to let the system recalculate your daily calorie goals. As I lost weight, my daily calorie maximum was reduced. It's now 100 calories lower than when I started.
  • Welcome and good luck! I am 45 and started MFP in March. I've lost 18 lbs so far and have about 7 more to go. The system does work if you stick to it and are honest with yourself (and the computer). :wink:
  • or more specifically:
    in OT-Mattresses Comment by jmw7 April 2009
  • Celebrate with me! Hit my first threshold over the weekend by losing my first 10 lbs in about 45 days.
  • Hey, and welcome. I believe the system defaults to a minimum of 1200 calories a day. Otherwise it thinks you are starving yourself. So, the only way to increase the difference of calories "in" versus calories "used" is to increase your exercise. Sounds like you are already exercising regularly. I suggest you just keep…
  • Hi Debbie. Best of luck to you! I've been on the site for just over a month and have lost 8 lbs so far. I have also tried the low carb and other means of losing weight, but nothing worked for very long. This site keeps me motivated because I am forced to be totally honest with my daily entries. My goal is to lose 20 lbs…
    in Hello Comment by jmw7 April 2009
  • hey. We eat out alot so what I do is try to figure it out by adding up the raw ingredients. It isn't accurate but it's close enough. To be safe, I stay away from anything fried or covered in sauce. I know those are diet-busters...
  • Same problem. I agree about the sodium. When I go out, I try to eat the grilled chicken and avoid all the fried stuff. If I order a sandwich, I don't eat the bread. Seems to help a little. The other thing I do is hit the restaurant's website before I go. Most of the chains have their nutrition information online. I decide…
  • Welcome and best of luck! It's a great website.
    in Newby Comment by jmw7 March 2009
  • MFP set me at just over 1600 calories to lose 1 lb per week. I typically keep it around 1300-1500 (otherwise MFP yells at me for going too low). But, about every five days or so I end up around 1700. I've lost 5 lbs in three weeks. The big thing for me is avoiding the high-calorie fried foods and bread. I also avoid the…
  • exactly! it's my exercise reward!! :drinker:
    in I like beer Comment by jmw7 March 2009
  • I've tried the low-carb beers but just don't like them. So, I plan a couple of "good" beers into my diet each week. It's my reward, of sorts...
    in I like beer Comment by jmw7 March 2009
  • Horns kept it close!!
  • Sounds great! I'll have to find some...
  • I haven't read about that yet. Seen lots of posts about it. Guess I should check it out...
  • I do have to remind myself that whatever passes my lips goes on the list... Sometimes I catch myself wanting to forget about that second beer. The best part for me is simply realizing what foods are better to eat than others. Then I just eat as much as I want of the good stuff (within reason) and avoid the fried foods and…
  • I've been a member for just a couple of weeks and I love it. The first week was really easy and I was very motivated. This week I'm having to work at it a little harder, but seeing some results early on has helped greatly. (It doesn't help that the weather has turned cold again!) Best of luck, and GO HORNS!! (They are…
  • ...if I could only find a system where I didn't have to count beer and ice cream!!! javascript:add_smiley('huh','post_body')
    in I like beer Comment by jmw7 March 2009
  • OK, so I tried the "cheat day" idea this past Friday and had a few beers at my favorite bar while watching basketball. I woke up Saturday morning feeling like crap! It wasn't because I was hungover (I wasn't) but because I felt fat again. Even though I'm early in this process, I was feeling better just from losing the…
    in I like beer Comment by jmw7 March 2009
  • Seems that when I eat cereal (Special K, Cheerios, or any other for that matter), I'm hungry again by 10:30. This morning I had two scrambled eggs wrapped in an 8-grain tortilla. I try to get more protein in the mornings to curb the mid-day cravings...
  • Both. You win. :laugh:
  • I've started drinking white tea. The box says it is good for all sorts of health reasons. Anyone know the differences between white and green? By the way, there is nothing quite so beautiful as a 40+ year old woman who takes care of her health, yet doesn't feel the need to cover her age with too much make-up. Her…
  • Yesterday I discovered Fat Tire. Very good beer!! A 22oz bottle has 300+ calories, but I planned for it during the day and was fine. Fortunately, I had the willpower to only have one.
    in I like beer Comment by jmw7 March 2009
  • Funny thing is that I don't drink much on the weekends. It's during the week that gets me. A beer after work with friends. :drinker: Thanks for the advice. Hadn't thought about the cheat day and that seems do-able.
    in I like beer Comment by jmw7 March 2009
  • I can give or take on the food, but when it comes to beer, I really struggle. I've wondered (as you probably are now) if I'm just an alcoholic, but I've been able to stop for weeks at a time with no problem. The problem is that I like really good beer. Heavy, thick, tasty stout. I've tried to go back to the "lite" stuff,…
    in I like beer Comment by jmw7 March 2009
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