I like beer

jmw7 Posts: 27
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I can give or take on the food, but when it comes to beer, I really struggle. I've wondered (as you probably are now) if I'm just an alcoholic, but I've been able to stop for weeks at a time with no problem. The problem is that I like really good beer. Heavy, thick, tasty stout. I've tried to go back to the "lite" stuff, but it isn't the same. I found one I really like, Sam Adam's Light, but finally read the label and realized it isn't really a light beer. Oh well... Any suggestions?


  • jmw7
    jmw7 Posts: 27
    I can give or take on the food, but when it comes to beer, I really struggle. I've wondered (as you probably are now) if I'm just an alcoholic, but I've been able to stop for weeks at a time with no problem. The problem is that I like really good beer. Heavy, thick, tasty stout. I've tried to go back to the "lite" stuff, but it isn't the same. I found one I really like, Sam Adam's Light, but finally read the label and realized it isn't really a light beer. Oh well... Any suggestions?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi and Welcome,

    You're probably not an alcoholic if you're so picky about what you drink. :drinker: You're probably in the same boat with people who can't give up ice cream or chocolate.

    Somewhere on MFP you'll find solutions to your dilemma. If you track your food and drink and exercise enough you may find room for the beer you love.

    Good luck.:bigsmile:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I can give or take on the food, but when it comes to beer, I really struggle. I've wondered (as you probably are now) if I'm just an alcoholic, but I've been able to stop for weeks at a time with no problem. The problem is that I like really good beer. Heavy, thick, tasty stout. I've tried to go back to the "lite" stuff, but it isn't the same. I found one I really like, Sam Adam's Light, but finally read the label and realized it isn't really a light beer. Oh well... Any suggestions?

    it is all about choices...what do you want? the beer is empty calories but if it is worth the price you pay (money and gut and sugar, etc) then it is a choice only you can make. Is it worth it? For me, I would rather eat and drink stuff that will help me get to where I am going, which is to Studville! :laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I can give or take on the food, but when it comes to beer, I really struggle. I've wondered (as you probably are now) if I'm just an alcoholic, but I've been able to stop for weeks at a time with no problem. The problem is that I like really good beer. Heavy, thick, tasty stout. I've tried to go back to the "lite" stuff, but it isn't the same. I found one I really like, Sam Adam's Light, but finally read the label and realized it isn't really a light beer. Oh well... Any suggestions?

    Quit reading the labels. :laugh:

    I struggle with wine, so I feel your pain. :wink:

    Welcome & good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I like beer too. I make sure to allot for it and try not to drink it during the week. :drinker:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    mmmmmmmmm....beer :drinker:
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    Hi jm & Shannon

    i too struggle with the wine...i know it is empty cals but the fact is it is THE vice i have...i don't really eat sweet stuff and food wise i have a healthy balanced intake but i do enjoy a glass at the end of the day to unwind...

    i would like to give it a go and cut it out for 1 month, but not too sure i would be able to:sad:

    oh well lol xxx
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    I'm right with you on the beer, I like a Guinness or Shiner Black- not that MGD 64 crap (but I do drink it on occasion) I just plan for good beer by keeping my calories low through the day or working out extra long if I'm goin to have a good beer later. Just plan it in your day and you'll be fine
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Maybe try what I do with pepsi. I LOVE pepsi. But I hate to waste so many calories on it because it doesn't often make me feel full like food would or is healthy so I save it for treat days or special occasions. I also hate diet pop....so I would just rather not drink it than drink diet.

    So drink the good beer that you like, but limit yourself. Don't keep it in the house so that you drink it all the time, save it for one weekend night a week and go out to a bar or restaurant for it. Also, working out extra hard to make room to drink it will help.
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    I don't like beer (sorry!) but I do LOVE my hard liqour...I didn't give it up completely, I just only drink on Friday and Saturday now. That's helped me cut back on a LOT of empty calories. And for some weird reason I hardly ever drink anymore, so I'm a lightweight again, meaning 3 drinks and I'm GONE! Saves me money and cut back on the calories I used to consume!! :laugh:

    Don't give up beer if you enjoy it. If you want a beer, have one! It's like cookies...don't deny yourself a cookie if you want it-it only leads to a binge and guilt later and then you really can't enjoy it. Just watch how many you have...and ENJOY IT!! :drinker:
  • Jiggasb22
    Jiggasb22 Posts: 17
    Drink Mich Ultra!
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    I like alcoholic beverages of all shapes and sizes, but I love good scotch and good beer.

    I don't drink at all during the week. My diet allows for three cheat meals. Some weekends I don't use any of the cheat meals and just let the alcohol count. I also try to drink good stuff that isn't too bad on calories. One of the best suggestions for beer is Guinness. If memory serves it has somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 calories a bottle.
  • brmeese
    brmeese Posts: 11 Member
    I would suggest saving it for a cheat day. Every Saturday night is my cheat day. I eat what I want and if I want a beer and sometimes I do then I drink it. I too love beer especially the ambers and ales and I also save some calories up for those beers. You have to live as we all do and to give up everything just isn't worth it to me...enjoy it but do it wisely. :drinker:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    cheat day is a good plan too, it just generally keeps you from feeling deprived
  • jmw7
    jmw7 Posts: 27
    Funny thing is that I don't drink much on the weekends. It's during the week that gets me. A beer after work with friends. :drinker:

    Thanks for the advice. Hadn't thought about the cheat day and that seems do-able.
  • heidivan
    heidivan Posts: 3
    I love beer, I switched to light brews, but gross. Anyways, i just decided in a few months it will be worth the wait. i like tot drink n weekends, but i just end up having to make up the extra calories during the week. Oftern time i end up "drinking" the calories i earn each day from working out. which usually comes out to one or two brews! otherwise it is vodka and soda water!:drinker: :drinker:
  • AllenMom4
    AllenMom4 Posts: 294 Member
    Im not huge fan of beer, but love the hard stuff! No not an acholic, just when I go out with the girls, yaggerbombs and so forth! Next thing you know your on the table dancing : )
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I usually have either a glass of wine (5oz) with dinner or one beer. Depending on what we are eating. I keep it in my calorie count and I enjoy the flavor with my meal. Couple times a month we go out for drinks. Love the girly martinis! But only have one.

    If you can keep it to one or two you should be able to work it into your calories. If you're wanting to drink alot then you'll have a problem.

    I'm in this lifestyle forever. Not just till I drop a few pounds. There are things I'm willing to not have. There are things I enjoy and don't feel like I have to give them up. Everything in moderation.

    So I say enjoy your beer, :drinker: just count it.
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    Im not huge fan of beer, but love the hard stuff! No not an acholic, just when I go out with the girls, yaggerbombs and so forth! Next thing you know your on the table dancing : )

    IMHO you don't have a party until you have jaeger bombs.

    :smile: :drinker:
  • jenkvig
    jenkvig Posts: 5
    I LOVE BEER TOO!!! I can't drink it because I am trying to lower my sugar and beer is evil in that area. But, I can really dig it with clamata in it. I don't drink it, so, I dont consider myself an alcoholic either. I can take it or leave it, but I love drinking it. so, don't feel bad about liking beer. My daughter drinks Miller Light (I think), it has 96 calories. she is able to fit a few beers in while she is counting her calories. it is working for her. check it out.

    beer lover in MO
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