1200 calories???

I feel like an idiot! i'm qualified in nutrition but only for under 19s and I can't work with my allowance of 1200 calories. I realise it's only supposed to be a 500 calorie deficit but i'm already 600 calories over on today and i've not had that much to eat. Something about 1200 stuck in my head and then I realised that this is the calorie entitlement for a 4 year old girl here in britain! If I had a deficite of 500 then I should be allowed roughly 1500 cal before exercise.

Now I'm questioning what my issue is exactly and I've decided that it can only be one of 2 problems either:
1. a calorie in America is different to a calorie in Britain or
2. I'm more active than I gave myself credit for.

I'm not eating without thinking I had a roll and sausage for breakfast, a uni-meal of veg korma for lunch (healthy food award meal), and a portion of pasta bake for dinner. Snacks, i've had 20g of Green and Blacks 85% cocoa chocolate with my tea (tiny amount of semi-skimmed milk and no sugar) and a carton of ribena black currant. I already drink water like a fish so it's not like i'm confusing hunger with thirst like i know can happen. During the week i'm full time in the lab so lots of moving around and climbing stairs, at the weekend my job is less active but i do walk a lot and the staff area is also upstairs.

Anyone have any advice for someone struggling?


  • shooting_star
    I feel like an idiot! i'm qualified in nutrition but only for under 19s and I can't work with my allowance of 1200 calories. I realise it's only supposed to be a 500 calorie deficit but i'm already 600 calories over on today and i've not had that much to eat. Something about 1200 stuck in my head and then I realised that this is the calorie entitlement for a 4 year old girl here in britain! If I had a deficite of 500 then I should be allowed roughly 1500 cal before exercise.

    Now I'm questioning what my issue is exactly and I've decided that it can only be one of 2 problems either:
    1. a calorie in America is different to a calorie in Britain or
    2. I'm more active than I gave myself credit for.

    I'm not eating without thinking I had a roll and sausage for breakfast, a uni-meal of veg korma for lunch (healthy food award meal), and a portion of pasta bake for dinner. Snacks, i've had 20g of Green and Blacks 85% cocoa chocolate with my tea (tiny amount of semi-skimmed milk and no sugar) and a carton of ribena black currant. I already drink water like a fish so it's not like i'm confusing hunger with thirst like i know can happen. During the week i'm full time in the lab so lots of moving around and climbing stairs, at the weekend my job is less active but i do walk a lot and the staff area is also upstairs.

    Anyone have any advice for someone struggling?
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    MFP set me at 1200 cals to lose 2 lbs a week.
    I was not a happy camper.
    So, I talked to some of the sucesses and have customized mine.
    I eat between 1500-1600 and am MUCH happier.
  • shooting_star
    thanks ChubbyBunny! I'm having real problems with trying to eat like a 4 year old. Not to be too personal but are you losing weight on 1500 cals?
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    Are you actually looking at the Carb, Fat, Protein content of your meals...what about the fiber content.
    I know for a fact that unless a British sausage is specifically low fat, or a custom made one, it will have 80% of its calories from fat. Marginally better than eating junk really.

    Nothing is writ on stone....depending on your energy expenditure 1200 may or may not work for you.

    I see you are active...which plays into whether 1200cals is enough or not for an individual to lose weight.

    How about lots more Vegetable...will fill you up more, for longer, has fewer calories plus all the health benefits too.

    People do lose weight on 1200 calories. For most people actually that is what works. As they begin to add more structured exercise, they add some more calories due to increased energy needs.
  • jmw7
    jmw7 Posts: 27
    MFP set me at just over 1600 calories to lose 1 lb per week. I typically keep it around 1300-1500 (otherwise MFP yells at me for going too low). But, about every five days or so I end up around 1700. I've lost 5 lbs in three weeks. The big thing for me is avoiding the high-calorie fried foods and bread. I also avoid the sauces that are full of calories and just not worth it. (Yellow mustard is my friend now.) Grilled chicken, and veggie burgers work great and I avoid most red meat. I've been able to stay full and still lose weight. (Oh, and I also started eating breakfast again.)
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    thanks ChubbyBunny! I'm having real problems with trying to eat like a 4 year old. Not to be too personal but are you losing weight on 1500 cals?

    I lost 10lbs eating 1500 cals (and NOT working out)... gained a few back when I let myself go when my fiance was home on leave. So I am having to relose those...again :blushing:

    I'm a teaching with bouts of sedentary and moderate activity level...depending on the day/class.
  • shooting_star
    thanks guys, the sausages were grilled quorn sausages which aren't that bad for you.

    And let me highlight that 1200 is the requirement for a 4 year old! I'm 22.

    ETA the BMR calculator said that i need 1460 calories to get through the day, I know for sure that you should never consume less caloroies than the BMR requirement so does that mean i need to readjust my goals and if so how do i do that?
  • hushmonkey1234
    I dont know how true this is, but I read once that what ever weight you want to be you should eat the calories accordingly. Like if you want to be 120 lbs then you should eat about 1200 calories. Basically add a zero to the end of it.

    Right now I am working towards my first go and I am at about 1700 cal. a day. I dont know if this helps. But remember its not good to starve so make sure your not starving on the amount of calories you are eating also. And add some exersise so that you can eat a few more calories as well.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    thanks guys, the sausages were grilled quorn sausages which aren't that bad for you.

    And let me highlight that 1200 is the requirement for a 4 year old! I'm 22.

    ETA the BMR calculator said that i need 1460 calories to get through the day, I know for sure that you should never consume less caloroies than the BMR requirement so does that mean i need to readjust my goals and if so how do i do that?

    I started with my BMR number (I was a starver), BUT remember that is merely a survival number...technically you should eat more. Go to goals, click change, customize.
  • star139
    star139 Posts: 134
    MFP also gave me a really low number for calories/day. My best friend is a personal trainer and she gave me this formula which seems to be more on point.

    (1.4 x your weight) x 10 - 500

    the minus 500 is for if you are exercising. try that and see if you get a better number
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    MFP also gave me a really low number for calories/day. My best friend is a personal trainer and she gave me this formula which seems to be more on point.

    (1.4 x your weight) x 10 - 500

    the minus 500 is for if you are exercising. try that and see if you get a better number

    Wow that gives me an allowance of 1615! MFP gives me 1200 but I'm comfortable with it as I'm into whole foods and swapped the percentages to allow myself more protein and less carbs.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    MFP also gave me a really low number for calories/day. My best friend is a personal trainer and she gave me this formula which seems to be more on point.

    (1.4 x your weight) x 10 - 500

    the minus 500 is for if you are exercising. try that and see if you get a better number

    WOW! That math gives me a crazy number!
    If I am NOT working out.... 2590
    I I am working out 2090

    That's like.... right up there with how many calories I need to eat to maintain my CURRENT weight...not a loss.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    MFP also gave me a really low number for calories/day. My best friend is a personal trainer and she gave me this formula which seems to be more on point.

    (1.4 x your weight) x 10 - 500

    the minus 500 is for if you are exercising. try that and see if you get a better number

    WOW! That math gives me a crazy number!
    If I am NOT working out.... 2590
    I I am working out 2090

    That's like.... right up there with how many calories I need to eat to maintain my CURRENT weight...not a loss.
    Dunno, a static number like that may work for some, but not everyone should try to lose at the same rate, for example, someone who is morbidly obese can have far larger healthy deficit then someone trying to drop 15 lbs.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    MFP also gave me a really low number for calories/day. My best friend is a personal trainer and she gave me this formula which seems to be more on point.

    (1.4 x your weight) x 10 - 500

    the minus 500 is for if you are exercising. try that and see if you get a better number

    WOW! That math gives me a crazy number!
    If I am NOT working out.... 2590
    I I am working out 2090

    That's like.... right up there with how many calories I need to eat to maintain my CURRENT weight...not a loss.
    Dunno, a static number like that may work for some, but not everyone should try to lose at the same rate, for example, someone who is morbidly obese can have far larger healthy deficit then someone trying to drop 15 lbs.

    Dude Danks, you callin me fat.