

  • I know I should be better than this. My boss chewed me out in a staff meeting this week. Not really unusual, she is what she is. It was my reaction that has me concerned. I left work, went to the gym which usually helps. Not this time. On the way home I stopped at KFC and while I did pick grilled chicken (who knew they had…
  • Hello ladies, It has been a couple of weeks since checking in. The addition of a new dog in the house has upset all my good intentions of checking in. I have barely made it to logging food and exericse. The new little girl does have her upside. It is now nearly impossible to ignore two dogs who want to walk, so logging in…
  • So happy to have found you all. I have been on MFP for a few weeks and found the tracking very educational. I am training for my very first 5k and hope to be able to complete in under 40 min.
  • Hurtfull is unmotivating. . . .Period For folks that can't or won't cheer me on, my weight loss, diet and workouts are not a topic of conversation. If it were me any other comments from this moron (other than an abject apology) about my loss would be greeted with silence.
  • Yeah, congrats, I hate when the Wii tells me I gained weight and what did I do (wrong)
  • Thanks so much, I'm 53 never run a day in my life until 2 weeks ago when I started C5K. I figure small goals first.
  • Me thinks I just got my new facebook picture. Thanks
  • So Love Planet Fitness. Our's is a wonderful place where people of all shapes and sizes come for a workout. There's nothing more motivating to do an extra set than seeing someone on oxygen on an arm machine. When they say no judgment they mean no judgement.
  • I am a 53 year old who has found the pounds are creeping on and settling in places I don't like. My goal is to run a 5K and to start weight lifting to gain some muscle mass. I want to join so for some mutal support and advice.