

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Sunday morning.

    Upon considering my personal weight-loss journey and how I've often experienced frustration over not losing a pound every week, I've been doing a little research about goals. I forget about my goals some days, just going about my business and not paying attention to the long-term. "Looking back in sorrow" is mentioned in the first quote, which it seems I've done a hundred times over the past 15 months....sorrow over the scale not going down or being upset with myself for overeating. And sure enough, when that sorrow comes, I trip, becoming disgruntled and disenchanted. I know I'm not alone in this. Picking ourselves up every single day and reaching towards our goals takes a lot of willpower and focus. Exercise is a must. And proper nutrition! Our emotional status plays a huge part in our eating habits. If we eat right and include enough healthy fats, Omega-3s and potassium, our minds and bodies stay on a more even keel. I've read so many articles about Omega-3's preventing depression and other emotional disorders. Since depression runs in my family, I've tried like heck to keep myself from falling into it. I feel a million times better these days! :smile: Anyway, here are a few quotes.

    "Be sure to take the most direct route to your dreams. Never take your eyes off your goal, or you will lose course. Never look back in sorrow, or you will trip."

    "You must have long term goals to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures."

    And this one is my motto for today as I sit here contemplating how to reach my goal:

    "Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps."

    I took a big step yesterday and had a big Salad Sista salad for lunch, on a Saturday no less! :noway: Unheard of, lol. Happy scale this morning. Yay. Making progress.

    Wishing everyone a most wonderful day. :flowerforyou:

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Howdy, all. It's Sunday and I am having a day of rest. Did do some laundry; when it's folded I plan to pamper myself with a manicure and pedicure. My nails look not-so-good right now. I tap away on the computer a lot at work and a manicure just doesn't seem to hold up. I'm told I'm supposed to use the pads of my fingers, but for the most part that never works out for me.

    mimi7grands: I have an absolute rule, "no eating while reading or watching TV". That has been one of my worst food habits. Snacking, or eating meals without even noticing how much is going in. I can have a nice relaxing reading day and stay on track as long as I don't allow food even in my vicinity while I'm reading. But even one nibble and the monster awakes!

    RebelRenny: sending up prayers for your sister. Hope she's better soon.

    kckramp: almost a pound, hooray! Keep it up.

    msho530: LOL at your haircut weight loss. A friend about a decade ago had really long hair - like to the top of her thighs. She had been having chronic neck pain and decided to try cutting her hair fairly short (it worked, btw). Just for fun she weighed herself before going out and when she came back...she lost over 4 pounds from just HAIR! I was so fuzzy this weekend I WAS tempted to weigh myself before and after shaving my legs.

    jam0525: I'm so sorry to hear what your family is going through, especially in caring for your elders. Sending hugs and prayers for all concerned.

    My Mom is becoming forgetful and couldn't live alone any more. Doesn't drive since 2009, now is not allowed to use the stove/oven since she left it on one weekend last year when Sis was away (microwave meals are her friends when no-one is home, can't burn the house down with a microwave). She's lived with Sis for years, even when she could have lived by herself, as they split expenses. But now I'm starting to be concerned about the care burden on Sis - they're so far away, it's hard for me to help. And it's so sad to see someone who was so smart and vital slowly deteriorate.

    Has anyone seen/heard from Barbiecat? I'm concerned she hasn't posted, usually she's here most every day.

  • eyern
    eyern Posts: 9
    Hello ladies, It has been a couple of weeks since checking in. The addition of a new dog in the house has upset all my good intentions of checking in. I have barely made it to logging food and exericse. The new little girl does have her upside. It is now nearly impossible to ignore two dogs who want to walk, so logging in much more 2.0 mile an hour doggie walks.
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Happy Sunday.
    I enjoyed reading all the posts. I am unable to reply today as I am going to help move boxes again today. My friend leaves for Connecticut on Tuesday. I will have a new place to vacation sometime in the future. Have a great week everyone!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :cry: Cindy, my tears flow with yours for the loss of your mama.

    I am a worried sister today and have been the last couple of days. My older sister has been in hospital since Wednesday. Hopefully will know on Tuesday what is wrong. I struggle with her being so far away, across the ocean. Just hoping nothing serious.


    renny ...hope you hear good news about sis...
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes for my sister. An MRI will be done Monday or Tuesday. Will know more after that. Cardio-vascular disease is in our family. Her heart has been ruled in good condition. Something in her head though, and that is what worries me.

    ((Hugs)) back to all of you.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Sunday, time to read and respond to my MFP friends:

    I’m sitting on couch, looking through my big front window to the south, watching the wind blow and seeing the grass that’s emerged from under the snow. I am enjoying the moment, yes, and looking forward to the day a few weeks from now when I’ll be on the other side of the window enjoying the spring sunshine. :smile:

    JB – I had a similar problem with my recipe collection, so I bought a bunch of those plastic “sleeves” (you know, the kind you put into ring binders?) and slipped the recipes into those. I didn’t bother to re-write anything. The plastic keeps the kitchen splashes off the paper. Really small cards and notes I glued into a “little black book”. I love :heart: the handwritten recipes I have from my grandmother, aunt, MIL and Mum. No way I’m every going to replace those with soul-less computer printouts!

    Hi Eileen, looking at your picture always gives me a flashback to Rome! I have a little blue jug that holds exactly one cup (250 ml), and a glass decanter that holds two. That’s how I’ve been measuring wine. The trouble is, once I’ve had a “splash” my self-control is compromised and it’s tooooo easy to refill the jug.:blushing: I’m working on it.

    Robin, your pictures of the babies are the image of love. :heart:

    Kackie, I am sorry to report that there is no substitute for a glass of wine after skiing! Tea might be an alternative, though. Congratulations on the arrival of Rita Kate. :flowerforyou:

    Laura, I hope you had fun with your sons on the weekend, congrats to #2 on his promotion.

    Amanda, The Happiness Project is an interesting read, and I did not always agree with her approach to life. My current book on those lines is Alain de Botton’s “The Happiness of Architecture”. It’s about the ways that our physical surroundings – buildings and “stuff” influence and affect us. I really enjoy his writing and his book “The Consolations of Philosophy” is one of my all-time favorites. He could explain why your insulated lunch bag gives you such a happiness boost, if you need to explain it at all. It’s not a small thing, it’s a thing of beauty! :love:

    Blissfuldrake, your dog walk story had me in stitches.:laugh: My walking companion is a miniature poodle named Buster. I think he and Scooter are soul-mates.

    Michelle, I am going to try spinach brownies on my J’boy. It’s just too irresistible. :wink: Hope the Newcomers dinner was not too much of an ordeal.

    Virginia, sorry to hear about your tax bill. DH says we owe this year too,:grumble: because he cashed in some investments to pay for our camper. Sigh.

    Mimi7, enjoy every moment of your trip and your Dad’s celebration. What a delight to have everyone in the same place at the same time.

    Msh350, I got my hair cut yesterday too. I know it wasn’t enough to move the scale, but it sure moved my happiness meter in the right direction. I felt quite glamorous.

    Meg – it’s not the squats that kill me, it’s the lunges. :explode: My workout today includes two sets of 12, with weights. I am going to have to p-u-s-h myself.

    Suzie, The vision of your grandson kicking in the door to get away from a rampaging rooster is pretty funny.:happy: I hope the child was not too traumatized!

    Sarah, thanks for the pat on the shoulder re strike action. It all kicks of on Monday with a union meeting at 10:00. At least they’re letting us sleep in! I will go straight from the meeting to the gym (it’s in the same building) to burn off the stress. :explode: Do you have a two week March break? We do, and I’m looking forward to visiting my family too. I don’t think we’ll make it out to Vancouver to see our daughter, though. Doesn’t doing things like matching up the socks give you a satisfied feeling?

    Well, DH is doing laundry and pacing around the kitchen. I think he's ready to go to the gym. I am too. Last night was our dinner club - the theme was "Computer Geek Goes Californian" because the host is a computer programmer who commutes to California. Lots of fun, great food, conversation, music and wine.

    This morning I downloaded the instructions for our WW scale, will soon be able to track my BMI, body fat, etc using all the fancy features I'd forgotten about. Go gadget girl, go!

    Hasta pronto,

  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    happy sunday everyone...
    trail ride was cancelled b/c of illness and wind :grumble: ...so went to church and took my son out for lunch (AGAIN) at mimi's so that just wrecked ALL my good intentions. :tongue: over my calories already and have a huge headache. i think i would have been ok if i hadnt eaten the spinach artichoke dip!!!! :ohwell: missed my exercise class at 3 b/c hubby wanted to run a few errands on the way home from lunch. so here i sit. fat, sleepy and totally unmotivated. :indifferent: see ya tomorrow!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Barbiecat hasn't logged in for a few days. Hope she is not under the weather.

    Michele - I post all of the birthdays every month so that everyone can see if they are on the list or not. Do you think it is too much?

    I have to o make a menu and a grocery list, then go to the store. Definitely not my favorite thing to do! Mary
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Has anyone seen/heard from Barbiecat? I'm concerned she hasn't posted, usually she's here most every day.


    I believe she posted at the end of the February thread that she was going away for a long weekend. So I bet she'll be back on the thread Monday or Tuesday.

    Also to clarify, I don't have any grandchildren, The 9 year old kicking in his great-grandmothers back door to get away from the rooster is my great nephew. We still get tickled every time we think about it although I am SURE it wasn't the least bit funny to him... :laugh:

    Our water well problems have not been resolved yet. Been driving across town to shower at my MiL's. Hopefully it will be serviced tomorrow!

    :glasses: Its a gorgeous sunny afternoon and hubby is napping so I think I'll go biking for a bit...
  • Golfgirl2150
    Hi Everyone....It's great to find a group which suits my age group, I am 53 and am trying to lose another 10kgs, have lost 7 kgs so far. My goals for March is to not miss a day going for a vigorous walk. I play golf 2 days a week which I love but the other days I seem to struggle as I have plenty of excuses for not hitting the pavement to walk. MFP has helped greatly has made me very keen about getting my weight down. Looking forward to being a lot healthier me.
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Just got back from a week in Mexico. Had a wonderful, relaxing time. Hard to come back to winter again. There were so many good food choices at the resort we stayed at--fresh fruit, veggies, fish and chicken, but it was so hard not to overindulge. I did take the advice some of you gave to just take a couple bites of those extra goodies. Today I'm drinking a ton of water, and I'm off to the grocery store to restock my frig with good things to get myself back on track!
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Ladies...

    Today was a pretty laid-back southern day in SC. Wind is howling & cold, but hubby, Abby & I got in our evening walk. Hubby & I cleaned the grout on our tile floors this morning...I'm totally embarassed at how bad they were...so that was an hour of scrubbing on hands & knees...which BTW....my knees ain't what they used to be. Floors look like new and happy with the end result.

    The squats I did yesterday seemed to have remedied the pain from my Friday squats...I could move today, and will increase my squats .... and add lunges this week. My squats are more like ugly ballet plies (pronounced ple-a's...since I really have no idea how to spell it), but obviously they are working muscles that need work.

    Did a home visit for a doggie adoption for the shelter I volunteer for today, so another homeless pet will go off to a wonderful fur-ever home. That's a good feeling.

    Just a quick post in...have a healthy start to the week ladies..

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Went to eat lunch with the family at a Mexican food place and resisted the chips! That's a major win for me! :)

    Came home and ran for 40 minutes and walked another 25. I'm a tad bit tired now but feel good. A good day.

    How's everyone's weekend been?
  • obifatkanobi
    Bump - - - No, not a troll, my wife may be interested and I wanted to hold the page so she can look it over later. Happy March!
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    I'll try and catch up on all of you ladies, but there seems to be lots of great work going on. It was a good day for me. Ate clean, well and was under goal!!! Went for a 40 minute run, but I really miss my HRM. Can't wait to get it back from Garmin. Have my meals planned and packed for tomorrow. And am going to attempt to get up for a 6AM spinning class. Been dying to try it... And I miss riding...Keep up the good work and see everyone tomorrow!!!!
  • laurawilliams51
    laurawilliams51 Posts: 16 Member
    I think it's awesome that you were able to take the stand you did by not helping with the application, it's hard to take a tough stand with our kids sometimes, we have spent our lives taking care of them and then to have to make a decision to do something is really hard so good for you for not feeling compelled to help just because he is your son.
    They are adults so there isn't anything that you could or should do, just love him and help him to be the best man he can be.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Sorry I am just marking my place. I have been MIA again! This selling a house is a pain! I will be back soon to update and catch up on all the posts!!! Hope you are all well.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I love the recipe of the spinach brownies.Would love to hear if it worked out.
    Cathy,good luck on the house.
    welcome to the new people.This is an awesome group!!
    Spent the afternoon with Violet at Mc donalds.Had an ice tea and a small parfait.Hubby hasd the shamrock shake,a mere 500+ calories.It was fun watching her play with her new friends.
    Therapy is going ok.Painful when done,dr cut back on some of the ex.Back to taking pain medicine a couple times a day.It will get better with time.Can`t wait to the day I can walk and exercise with no pain.With spring coming,I`m looking forward to the warm weather.
    Have a good night.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Good Sunday evening, all --

    I am slowly getting to know people, going back and reading through all the posts, and amazed at how many there are already in a new month! It is an impressive group, and I have enjoyed reading about rampaging Cadbury eggs, roosters terrifying small children, gadget madness, new grandchildren, challenges, and triumphs. it's a lot to take in!

    So far, I am sticking to my March goals -- even worked extra hard with one of my horses today so that we were both puffing and panting after a strong session at the canter, working on figure 8s and making sure he got over his reluctance to approach a particular corner of the arena. No idea why suddenly it's the scary place -- didn't see any roosters or Cadbury eggs. In any case, he WENT there with no more arguments by the time we finished! An 8-year-old girl rides him and he apparently pulled this stunt on her a couple of days ago, so it's tune-up and no-nonsense time.

    I have had a good weekend with my son, as well. It's so funny that I'm older than quite a few of you at 58, and still have a 15-year-old at home!!! He's adopted, mind, but my biological daughter is 19 -- very late starter, I was... I enjoy reading about grandchildren, but hope it doesn't happen any time soon!

    Have a great Monday tomorrow -- hope your strike meeting doesn't interfere too much with March break, Nancy.
