

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies. Barbie thanks for the much needed fresh start.

    February didn't see me moving enough AND I skipped matwork too many days.
    Will try to scan posts EVERY day, but (after today) won't post until and unless the matwork is done.

    Lisa I have no kids, but am sure you did rightly. You can't in good conscience stand by and allow someone to physically abuse anyone, much less your own child. Period. If that makes her uncomfortable, it should. The only olive branch you might consider extending is to see if there is any free mental health or couples counseling available nearby. She needs help neither you nor your son are qualified to provide.

    To all who are struggling with plateux, I am so there with you! and the one who lost 75 lbs but it was the same 5 lbs 15+ times, thanks for the laugh and the new perspective.

    Amanda that profile pic is beyond inspiring! WOW!

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    March: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member

    Love, Kackie:heart:
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Hello March, and hello friends. Hugs and pats on the back to you, Lisa. I agree that you did right to set a boundary. There's a difference between unconditional love and unconditional support.

    Barbie, you continue to be an inspiration!

    February was a month of barely running in place for me. We took ten days of vacation, and when we got back home, I couldn't remember how I ever managed to juggle all the balls in my life, with the result that I started dropping some of them. Obviously my job/work takes priority, and most of the balls I dropped were aspects of my exercise routine. It would indeed be good to set some goals, so here goes.

    First, I need take better care to get my foot to heal. In January, I pulled something in the right side of my right foot walking up a steep hill on a sloping road. Every time it gets better, I walk too long or too fast and hurt it again. Yesterday I taped my instep with sports tape before walking the dogs and that helped a lot.

    Second, for two decades I've done a set of exercises daily to keep my core muscles strong, because I have multilevel disk degeneration in my spine. One of the balls I dropped in February was doing those exercises every morning. I must put that routine back in my life before I injure my back again. Since I'm having trouble fitting everything in every day, I'll say at least three days a week in March.

    Third, I need to do my Qi Gong routine at least three times a week. That's another ball I dropped after vacation.

    Fourth, I will walk the dogs at least sixty minutes per day (more when my foot is better). Before I hurt my foot, I walked them an hour a day before work, and a hour a day after work.

    Fifth, I will ride some kind of cycle at least an hour each day. Chris and I have registered to be a team in the Livestrong bicycle event in Davis CA in late June. We're dedicating the ride and our fundraising to his cousin Bruce, who died from metastacized prostrate cancer last year. I have a stationary bike, a street bike, and an adult tricycle for cycling with the dogs. I have no excuse for failing to peddle something each day, and the dogs love to trot alongside the tricycle on the bike paths.

    Last but not least I will continue to stay on my diet, which is to follow the program in The Insulin Resistance Diet Book and also stay within 1400 net calories per day. I seem to be losing only about 1/2 pound a month now on this program, but at least I'm actually within the healthy range for my height now.

    Chris and I have another conference to attend March 7-11, so I will need to play, plan, plan and focus, focus, focus to reestablish my exercise routines while traveling again.
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    happy march everyone! just started this week. today is my son's 35th birthday! so that tells you i am at LEAST 50+, heehee! taking him out today for lunch...have a feeling i won't meet my goals for today...but tomorrow is another day! so happy there is a place for us older ladies!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Ah, welcome March. Goodbye February.

    Run a minimum of 50 miles this month
    Cut 5 minutes off my 5k time in my race on the 26th
    Cook real dinners at least three times a week. This is actually a hard one for me. First I hate cooking but the real obstacle is my husband doesn't get home until late, around 8 PM, and he wants to eat with me. I really hate cooking so late at night and we tend to eat out a lot. Eating so late is not good for weight loss so finding things that satisfy him and keep me losing is tough.
    See the 140 s on the scale.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @suz....great pic

    @nancy...congrats on your weight loss.....

    @kackie ....how exciting for you and your family,,,,happy baby sis isnt sharing lyla bday

    @barbie...lovely photo
    @marcelynh...wow how great to have your family so close

    @virginia.... feel better soon...i have been sick for most of february so i feel your pain

    @lisa...i am so sorry for what you and your family is going through, as a mom(and a mom to 3 boys, actually men)i too would not feel i could support their request...and i agree with auntiebk, maybe couples therapy.....hope things resolves

    @auntiebk......happy to hear you.....hope you get your mat time in

    sorry that i wasnt able to comment on more post...
    we moved out of our home yesterday, everything was put in storage, until the 9 of march when we are moving into a smaller home....meanwhile my youngest son and i are staying with my #2son....i have to say that it has been fun(we have been here for 5 days now)and its nice to see how nice my son keeps his home....well i have recommitted to my journey,today i WILL log all i eat and stay within my calorie range, wont be able to workout, meeting realtor and new tenants, and lots of other errands, but tomorrow WORKOUTS here i come.....have a lovely day all

    i had posted or so i thought, but my post was lost in cyber space...luckily i had kept my notes:laugh:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    - Towards losing another 4 or 5 lbs.
    - Towards not going overboard on weekends
    - Towards 30 min daily aerobics and/or racewalking plus 60 min walking dogs
    - Towards 30 min daily upper boby workouts, abdominal crunches, squats and stretches
    - Towards 1200 calories per day

    - Lost 5 lbs in Jan., 2 lbs in Feb. But it was a short month. :tongue:
    - Need to kick this thing into gear a bit in order to be down another 8 by May 1.
    - Have to work on eating less. Weekends kill me.
    - Salads have been delicious every day and I'm feeling grreat!
    - Definitely doing MUCH better with exercising.
    - Upped water intake from 8 to 10 glasses.
    - Started tracking sugar, makes a big difference in how I look at food.
    - Enjoyed reading and posting here.

    Good day, everyone! :wink:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    February was not a good month for me on many levels....sick a couple of times, moving and lots of stress....so my goals were not meet.....:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble:

    new month:love: ....march goals....:flowerforyou:

    1) back to logging
    2) eating healthy
    3) back to my monthly exercise routine(8 weight training sessions, 20 cardio sessions(spinning and biking) and 4 yoga classes)

    thanks barbie for keeping the thread going
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Happy March!

    Enjoyed reading all the posts. Wishing you all well.

    This month's goals: Exercise 3+ times a week, Start using a pedometer (thanks for the suggestion Barbie),
    Break out of the 170's (pounds).

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :love: Thank you Barbie for posting the link to the new thread on last months. Some would say finding you was a piece of cake :wink: But since most of us no longer eat cake, I can't think of a proper idiom...
    I'm having a bit of a hard time of things at home at the moment....my older son (21) went over seas for 18months as an 18 y/o (never had a girlfriend before, never drank) and came back with a girlfriend 9 months ago.... we have tried to be really supportive and welcomed her into our home....but in fact we have found her quite challenging... not culturally (she is from Iceland)...but she has some fairly major self esteem issues, eating issues, she hit my son and broke his nose one time in a jealous rage after drinking, etc, etc...you get the picture..she is basically very manipulative of him and he doesn't seem at all happy although he says he is...and I really don't think he is using his brain to think these days but rather another part of his anatomy. Anyway she is going home in 4 weeks as she was only able to come here on a tourist visa....but they are going to apply for a defacto visa...and yesterday he asked if we would help with the application (she didn't ask mind you she was in hiding and made him come and talk on his own)....but I had to tell him that we couldn't support the application...that I would be lying to say i thought he was happy and it would be long term, etc etc...I tried to be gentle and not say everything I feel about her...also said i wouldn't do anything to stop them and that if they are able to work things out then that is great (not that I mean that)...but I did say that we wouldn't offer to have her stay in the house again.....

    So as you can imagine things are a bit frosty here now.... not sure how we are going to get through the next 4 weeks...I don't know if he has told her...she spends most of her time upstairs in the bedroom and rarely comes and sits with us. My other son feels uncomfortable around them as well and is in fact going out a lot to his girlfriend's rather than be around here....and they were previously very close.

    Sorry to have a big rant...particularly as I don't contribute much any more....but just thought all you wonderful 50+ ladies might have some words of advice.... I am feeling a bit miserable...part of me is just trying to not think about it as I really don't think they have much hope of getting the visa even if we did agree to help but certainly not without our help....and i also wonder if it will all just fizzle out when she leaves and he can get back to reality and his friends here (which she doesn't like so they don't see them much)...but in the back of my mind is just this horrible thought that what if he really does try and stick by her....it has just driven such a wedge in our family.

    I'm trying not to resort to comfort eating....going to hit the gym instead!

    So here's to a great March....happy losing everyone.

    :heart: Lisa:flowerforyou:

    Been there done that, sorta... Our son turned his back on a chance to go the Air Force Academy for a Russian foreign exchange student. Long story short, she was in town going to school on an education visa. They got engaged the summer before he went to basic training in San Antonio. She would have nothing to do with us and he thought he was madly in love. Our heart was broken. We never felt good about the relationship and got callouses on our knees from praying for them both.

    While he was in tech school and trying to qualify for top secret level security clearance so he could do the job he was traiing for, she disappeared from his life without a trace - didn't even tell her host family where she went! It took him about a year to locate her and another year to get over her. Lets just say the situation he found her in was NOT good.

    Happy ending: he now has a very high security clearance, a job he loves, and has been married for a little over 3 years. His wife was raised with very different outlook on life than we have religiously, politically and culturally. It took me 2 years and lots of heartache to build a relationship with her, but things are getting better all the time.

    My advice is to keep the lines of communication open with your son, pray and hang in there. Do what you have peace about! Its really the only way to handle these sort of things. And remember exercise is a great stress reliever! Hugs :flowerforyou:

    :drinker: PROGRESS REPORT:
    February I didn't meet my weight loss goal; the scale did not budge, but the tape measure did.
    I have managed to firmly establish a clean eating lifestyle.
    (Avoid sugar, white flour, artificial colors and additives and closely monitor starches, sodium and dairy.)
    My clothes are fitting looser and looser, and my energy level is at an all time high.
    My mind is clear, instead of foggy, and my skin and hair are healthier than they've been in years.
    After 5 decades I am finally comfortable in my own skin. :love:

    :flowerforyou: MARCH GOALS:
    Eat as cleanly as possible while traveling.
    Walk or workout for at least 45 minutes everyday, especially on driving days.
    STOP worrying about what the scale says and measure my success my how I look and FEEL.

    :drinker: I'm gonna stay active, choose REAL foods, find something to smile about every day and be the best me I can be... period.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Glad to find our March thread. I am still battling being sick. The stomach bug, morphed into a sore throat and cold. Hopefully, I will be finally on the mend! It has been tough for the past week and a half.

    I will be back with goals!
    Happy March!!
  • Boonster001
    This sounds like a great place to be - I will be 50 soon, and am finding it hard to just drop the weight. I am the mother of four children - ages 28-14. Having just recently joined myfitnesspal I am looking for any advice - I've got to drop over 50lbs. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • JanuaryJan
    Good morning all~

    One of the things I love most about this group is how much we can relate to each other and each others' circumstances because of where we are in life.

    I have 3 sons, all grown now, and the youngest (21) is getting married this summer, and the oldest (34) is getting married in September. The middle son is married with a daughter (13) from a previous relationship, and now has a 2 yo son with his wife and just found out they are expecting again come October. Each one is very different from the other although all were raised in the same house with the same values. There have been plenty of "issues* with them all at one time or another, and at times there still are although I must say it is easier to let them work it out when they are not under your roof. Heartache is part of being a mom I think. :brokenheart: I've been through the mill with my 2 oldest sons and had so many issues and concerns for their situtations in the past that I'm sure they were the cause of my psoriasis flare ups! (not to mention sleepless nights and many tears) But - having said that, now they are in a much better place in life because they have had to live through those times and can look back at them now and realize the mistakes they made. Just keep the communications open and love your kids through whatever it is they are going through. They have to make their own mistakes in life unfortunately. BUT - that doesn't mean that you have to agree with their choices or pretend that you do. There are ways to tell them that you believe they are totally wrong in whatever choice they're making, all the while letting them know that you DO love them and will always be there for them. I found out that you can love THEM without having to love what they're doing or the choices they're making. My heart goes out to all moms who have found themselves in these places with their kids. It's so hard to stand by and allow them to do what they're going to do no matter what you say to them. But that shouldn't stop you from telling them that you think their decision is not a good one for them. They will just have to find that out for themselves.

    Anyway, that's my tiny little $.02. :ohwell:

    My goals for February were met in that I lost 10 lbs from Feb 1 to Feb 29.!

    My goals for March: Lose 10 more lbs
    walk up the 5 flights of steps in my building without feeling like I'm going to pass out before I reach the top
    Work up to 10,000 steps everyday (I have a desk job and for Feb. averaged about 6,500 steps a day)

    I realize that being older now (I'm 56) it is so much more difficult to achieve the goals that I want then it was even 10 years ago. My body just doesn't respond as readily to the things that used to work for me. Now that I've gone through menopause my weight has shifted around and I carry a lot more in my belly and around my waist than I ever did before - even when I was this weight in the past. :frown:

    I've lost 10 lbs so far, but it really hasn't made a huge difference yet. (Although instead of having a spare tire around the middle the size of a Mack truck tire, it resembles one more of a mini-van. ) :tongue: :laugh:

    I need to get back to work. I can't even begin to respond to everyone - but I DO read all the posts and enjoy everyone's contributions and successes and struggles, as it is easy to relate to so many of you.

    I hope you all have a great Thursday and MARCH 1st! Drink your wicked wattah!! :wink: :drinker:

    Janice :heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thursday and it's a new month!

    Let's see I didn't do too good last month on my goals, did okay logging and drinking the water but that pesky exercise and I didn't get together as often as we needed to:grumble: sooo for March....

    Keep logging
    Keep drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water
    Get going on a regular basis ~ 5 days a week 30 min each of physical exercise
    Start doing my kettleball exercises 2-3 days a week

    I only lost 2.6 in February so I will strive to see a better return from my March goals...hoping for #4 at least.


    So sad to hear that Davy Jones of the Monkeys died:cry: ...only 66...so young. Hubby and I went to a Monkey's concert (Micky, Peter & Davy) last spring. I took some pictures and some short videos and on our way home Hubby put a Monkey's CD in and we sang all the way home. The interesting thing about the concert was that we felt that of the three Davy was the one that was in the best of shape...and it was a pretty high energy concert...we are both glad we got to see them...sure does bring back those teenage memories:love:

    As I said yesterday Hubby was taking Peanut to the Vet, it turns out that he has a small tear on his cornea, so he gets eye drops three times a day and a return to the vet on Saturday to be checked and make sure it's healing.

    Last night I made a Chicken, Brocolli, Tortilla Cassarole that is low in fat and calories and hubby really liked it. Of course I let him know before hand it was another experiment in eating and if it didn't taste good we'd throw it away and I'd figure out something else for us to eat...thank goodness he liked it:drinker: I do so hate to throw away food...such a waste.

    Recipe name Chicken, Brocolli, Tortilla Cassarole

    Number of servings 3

    Serves 3 people
    Ingredients Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sugar Sodium
    Generic - Sautéed Chicken Breast In Olive Oil, 6 oz 320 0 11 53 0 126
    Mission - Yellow Corn Tortillas (Small), 3 tortilla 120 24 2 3 3 15
    Kroger - Traditional Salsa - Medium, 6 Tbsp 30 9 0 0 3 690
    Farmer's Market - Raw Yellow Onion 1/2, 1/2 onion raw 30 8 0 1 4 2
    Great Value - Cream of Chicken Soup 98% Fat Free, 1 1/4 cup 175 25 6 5 3 1,475
    Albertson's - Fat Free Half-and-Half, 6 Tbsp 60 9 0 3 6 75
    Kraft - Mexican Four Cheese, 1/4 cup (28 g) 100 1 8 6 0 180
    Great Value - Brocolli Florets, 1 cup 30 4 0 1 2 20
    Add Ingredient

    Per Serving: 288 27 9 24 7 861
    First I saute' the chicken in a pan sprayed with Pam, Chicken is cut into bite size pieces
    I cooked the Brocolli in the microwave for 2 min on high (also in bite size pieces)
    Keep tortillas on the side.
    Mix the rest of the ingredients together in a bowl, except the cheese (will put that on top at the end)
    Put the chicken in the bottom of an 8 x 8" Pam sprayed pan
    Place the brocolli on top of the chicken
    Tear up the tortillas into bite size pieces and put on top of the brocolli.
    Pour the liquid mix over the top and sprinkle the cheese on top.
    Bake at 350 for about 30 min or when bubbling.

    It can be made ahead of time and placed in the frig over night, baking will need to be increased about 10 min.
    Of course you can make the servings smaller which will lower the calories but for a one dish meal and a salad on the side it was great for this working woman.:wink:

    Have a good day, drink your water:drinker: and we will all get up and get moving .

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I have only been a member of MFP for a week now and have been looking for a group for support. It has taken a while for me to fine a group that I feel will fit my needs and this one seems to fit! I have had a struggle with weight all my life. I am a pro at weight loss but since I turned 53 things seem a lot different. Seems like my body just doesn't respond to the effort any more. I feel much better when a follow a healthy eating plan, my energy level is much better, but the scale is not moving. I really need support. Looking forward to being a part of this group and welcome any freind request!
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I have only been a member of MFP for a week now and have been looking for a group for support. It has taken a while for me to fine a group that I feel will fit my needs and this one seems to fit! I have had a struggle with weight all my life. I am a pro at weight loss but since I turned 53 things seem a lot different. Seems like my body just doesn't respond to the effort any more. I feel much better when a follow a healthy eating plan, my energy level is much better, but the scale is not moving. I really need support. Looking forward to being a part of this group and welcome any freind request!

    Sorry, I posted a reply without replying! ;-) I just wanted to say "I KNOW THE FEELING" The 50's hit me with weight gain and I'm really trying to get back into the routine of journaling and exercise. This is a great group. I was involved in it 2 years ago and gained a lot of support and encouragement. You have come to the right place.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Happy March! It's hard to believe Spring will be here in a few weeks.
    Goals for March:
    Finish picking up all the branches (from winter storms) in the yard (we are on 6 acres) so I can mow soon.
    Get out for some trail walks--DD likes to do wths with me.
    Keep eating lots of veggies.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    March has come in like a (small) lion here in southern Ontario and I'm looking forward to the lamb-like weather a month from now. It's great to read about all of the success here, and to offer support, too.Thanks to all of you and the tools here, I'm finding success with MFP. I'm still looking for some more friends to support this journey (and give me a kick when I don't log in).
    March goals: -To increase the cardio and build some core strength
    - To see another -5lb on the scale
    Since joining in January I'm down 8 lb and managed to keep control on a two week holiday including a cruise. That makes me happy!
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you Barbie for kick starting us every month.

    Nancy thanks for the offer of the book. Library had one.

    Lisa I understand your pain. My oldest son married someone whom
    didn't fit in. I told him if she makes you happy I'm happy for you. Long story short
    She was very controlling . After 2 kids and a divorce. He realized she wasn't for him.
    Kids have to make their own mistakes. We have to be there to pick up the pieces.

    Goals for march- 10000 steps on pedometer per day.
    Lose some weight. Lost 2 lbs in Feb.
    Weight train 3 days a week.
    Move 4 days for week for 30 to 60 minutes
    Log everyday and drink my 8 glasses water.

    Everyone have a great month
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Opps forgot to put goals/ reveiw goals. Thank you Barbie for keeping us going.

    I'm keeping the same goals as February. I lost 3 pounds and logged in every day. I am adding a 4th goal of moving a minium of 30 minutes a day.

    1. Drink all my water every day.
    2. Eat a large green salad for lunch every day.
    3. Log on daily and plan what I eat, eat what I plan

    4. Move, lift exercise daily 30 minutes.

    Best of luck to everyone here. Getting healthy is so addictive.