Diyan Member


  • I'm looking for friends too. I will add you.
  • Are you eating any vegetables? How about carrots, celery, peppers, etc with hummus? Speaking of hummus, how about beans? I love beans & rice with salsa, but that would involve cooking the rice.
  • Yes, you can manually change it. Under the "MY HOME" tab, select "Goals," "Change Goals," and select "Custom."
  • When I was eating very low carb, I had breakfast: sauteed veggies with eggs lunch: meat (larger portion than I was used to), green veggie, white or yellow veggie (mashed cauliflower, rutabaga...) afternoon: coffee with almond milk dinner: meat (larger portion again), green veggie, white or yellow veggie (large portions)…
  • Eat your exercise calories if you're hungry. I don't remember target heart rates - I haven't been willing to invest in a good monitor - but I shoot for exercising hard enough that I could talk but not sing.
  • I was completely dairy free for a year while I nursed my first son. I used mostly rice milk to supplement what I got from vegetables. Now I mostly drink almond milk. But the calcium in almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, etc are from the same source as many calcium supplement pills - do you know why your doc wants you to…
  • "Coffee" with "milk" - brewed chicory with almond milk. I started drinking chicory when I did the candida diet and not even decaf coffee is allowed, and I surprised myself by really liking it. And it's supposed to be good for you, though I admit I haven't read about how. I also drink various herbal teas, and I love black…
  • You could use a bean or nut flour - soy flour would be easiest to find, or almond meal, or coconut flour. Of course, they'll work differently than the oat flour, so it depends on what the recipe is which will work best.
  • I agree that you should eat your exercise calories. Also, could you make enough meat and veggies for dinner to have leftovers for breakfast? Having vegetables and eggs for breakfast helps me get through to lunch without being hungry.
  • No, it's not bad to be over on your protein. It is possible to get too much, but your carb/protein/fat ratio doesn't have to be exactly what they recommend. In fact, if you go to the "My Home" tab and select "goals," at the bottom choose "change goals" and select "custom," you can change the ratios. I have mine at 45%…