Hymay Member


  • I would second the Stronglifts , or Starting Strength from Mark Rippetoe... Sadly, both those are barbell workouts. For starting fitness, I would really rec free weights.. machines are great for isolated problem areas, or working around injuries, but building a foundation, you want it all connected. Compound lifts work…
  • It sounds like a good possibility your electrolyte balance could be off. Perhaps look into some supplements you can take throughout the week, and try an electrolyte drink on your shifts.. perhaps coconut water. I had a day I was drinking constantly, thirsty constantly, a few drinks of coconut and the dry throat went away.…
  • If you are not intolerant of milk products, you could try GOMAD. (gallon of milk a day) I often see it used by folks trying to gain weight, but cannot give you any of my own experience with it. Full fat milk, organic or pastured grass fed if possible. Don't try it full on the first day.. .work into it, as you may find an…
  • Ditch the bread altogether, the best, and Healthiest tuna sammiches are served in a bell pepper (red, yel, orange).. just cut in half, remove seeds, and insert tuna mix. Next step to making it healthier would be to avoid store mayo & its industrial soy oil base (chemical solvent extracted, almost certainly gmo, and likely…
    in Bread? Comment by Hymay October 2014
  • No eating disorder mentioned, but, I'll agree with others about seeking a professional there. As to the quoted question.. I do tend to only eat once a day, cals in the 1600-2k range. (It can take an hour or 2 to actually complete the meal, as I tend to read & get distracted while drinking the coffee)I start with a BP…
  • Congrats on your weight loss and finding yourself with a very positive problem to have! It sounds like you have the right basic idea for building strength & bulking up to get that real form. Lift HEAVY.... you may alter your workouts a bit to go for heavier sets in the 3-5 rep range. Smaller sets should be higher…
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