Anyone else thrive on one meal a day?

Happy Saturday!

Out of curiosity, how many of you tend to only eat one meal per day? You can survive on one meal per day granted that you eat enough calories in the meal to get by. But does anyone prefer to eat this way? And if so, how many calories do you consume daily and what does your meal usually consist of?


  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    Dear lord..............
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    never tried one. two per day.My diary is open . Lunch of around 700. Dinner of about 1400. Today though I'm eating all my calories at a sushi bar for lunch. Although I had a pear at breakfast and I'll have a protein shake before bed. probably disqualify me:) happy Saturday to you too!
  • Oneironaut
    Oneironaut Posts: 43 Member
    Research Intermittent Fasting. Lots of people have gotten results with it.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Yes, there are people who do IF and eat that way. However, since you are currently in recovery for an eating disorder, I would not recommend it as being appropriate for your situation. Please consult your doctor or therapist for an eating style that is appropriate for your personal needs.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Really? You should be talking to your therapist, as you don't eat enough as it is.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    My stomach isn't that big. It would be uncomfortable if I shoved that much food in at once. More food throughout the day keeps me happier.

    If you're in recovery, you should totally follow that plan. Higher calorie food, eaten often throughout the day.

    Skipping meals is a bad idea. Too triggering. Too addictive. Skipping one leads to skipping another and another and pretty soon you're back where you started.

    Never, ever skip a meal. For like ten years, you should make a point of never skipping.

    It's a long, hard road, but you can do it. The hard work will pay off! Eventually, your brain will adjust to being healthy and it'll get so much easier and you'll be SO much happier.

    Work the plan. Stick with it.

    Good luck!!
  • Kinsey13borden
    Sumo wrestlers eat one time a day. When you do that you store your food as fat. Especially if your hungry
  • kib75
    Thrive? Therapy sounds like a good option for you. Good luck.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Sumo wrestlers eat one time a day. When you do that you store your food as fat. Especially if your hungry

    Utter rubbish.
    I got down to 12% bodyfat, as a female, eating that way.
    Sumo wrestlers eat a very high number of calories in their once a day feast. There lies the difference.
    Research Intermittent Fasting if you think one meal a day = fat storage.
  • Hymay
    Hymay Posts: 6 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Out of curiosity, how many of you tend to only eat one meal per day? You can survive on one meal per day granted that you eat enough calories in the meal to get by. But does anyone prefer to eat this way? And if so, how many calories do you consume daily and what does your meal usually consist of?

    No eating disorder mentioned, but, I'll agree with others about seeking a professional there.

    As to the quoted question.. I do tend to only eat once a day, cals in the 1600-2k range. (It can take an hour or 2 to actually complete the meal, as I tend to read & get distracted while drinking the coffee)I start with a BP coffee (3-4 tbsp butter/2tbsp MCT oil, and sometimes protein powder), Bacon, fried greens 3eggs, 1/2 avocado, sour cream maybe olives, sausage, bell pepper.. depends. The coffee being 5-700 cal makes the meal able to "fit". Heavy fat content is VERY satiating all day long. Its not always this heavy, and if I do have a 2 meal day, its likely b/c I made something smaller, saw the cals at 12-1500 & decide to eat just to make cals.. NOT because of hunger. Keto is an odd experience in that matter. Its certainly not for the fat phobic!