Pattyisgr8 Member


  • 1/2 - 188.6 1/9 - 186.6 1/16 - 184.6 I love the two lbs a week, but can I move past the .6 each time!!!
  • 1/2 - 188.6 1/9 - 186.6 Sorry for my lateness, Wednesdays and Thurdsays are crazy in my schedule! Hope everyone is doing well :smile:
  • My family and I are happy and healthy!!! I am proud that I have consistently got my cardio in for 30minx6days since just after Christmas too!
  • Starting Weight 188.6 Chest Measurement 45 in (along chest) Waist Measurement 42 in. Hip measurement 48 in. Right Bicep Measurement 14.5 in. Left Bicep Measurement 15 in. Right Thigh 28.5 in. Left Thigh 28.5 in. End of Challenge Weight 168.6
  • Got my 80oz in!! Still working on my final water bottle, we'll c how far I get :)
  • If spots are left, I'd love to join!
  • I'll be your friend too!:flowerforyou: Just came back last night, after years of being off and will need constant support and motivation too!
  • I am here for constant motivation! I would like to loose 2lbs a week, so in 50 days I'll loose 15lbs. I am starting my cardio back in now, just because my body is begging for it, but I want to maintain it for the 50 days. Also, I want to plan and shop for my meals weekly so I don't find excuses to order take out!
  • My resoultion is to stay comitted, that said there are a few steps to get me there. (1) Enter my food daily, (2) get my cardio in daily, and (3) add some strength training weekly. *I'd also love to add running as my cardio once the weather clears up, even if it's just once a week!
  • I'm back again too! I need to lose weight for pregnancy plans this spring, good luck!
  • When I started last March I lost 6lbs the first week too! It slowed down after that, but your body is adjusting to the good food you are fueling it with. As for the lower number of calories, I would stick with what MFP tells you to eat, I think that as you loose, the number of cals will go down and that might hurt you in…
  • Thanks guys, my doctor on call will be calling me back, what is this "hot spot", I don't think I have that?
  • As with most of you I too gained a lot! I went up to 175.8 from my 168. However, this year is my year! I lost 36 lbs this year (and I only really tried from March - Dec), I have 30 more to go so I am totally comitted to getting this weight off, hopefully by the end of this challenge in June I will be down to my 140 lb…
  • January 1st 2010 weigh in: 175.8 (about 7 lbs gained since the 22nd!)...but thats the end of that!
  • I'd like to join, my resolution is to not have a weight loss resolution next year. This year I lost 36 lbs, so I have 30 more to go!
  • Hi ladies, its been awhile! Hope everyone had a great Christmas, I know I did, however, I've been eating crappy since around the 17th...but I have started on more workouts (burned an estimated 1200 plus cals today)!....I also joined the Belt is Looser program at my gym today, its starts on the 4th and goes for 8 weeks so…
  • Ok I am allergic to smoke, so being around smokers is not for working out w/ my trainer a guy walks over and reeks of was 6 am, really how many cigs did you have...normally if I were working out on my own I would have moved I mean its not his falt that I can't breath, but w/ my trainer I always push…
  • Hi ladies!...sorry I've been off all week I am super sick, and haven't really eaten or worked out so I haven't been posting or even online. Great to hear so many of you are doing well...welcome back Jocelyn! I first picked 130 as my goal weight, when I started really loosing I changed it to 125 (I'm 5'2 and its something…
  • Thanks savvystephy!'ll get to the 160's soon!
  • Patty (pa_treusch) SW: 206 BB Start: 177 Last week: 170.6 This week: 168.8 I'm excited to be in the 160's (finally!), however, I've been sick since Monday and haven't done any exercise all week, so I guess I failed the challenge. I'm afraid to push myself too much and not get better. Hope to get better sooon! Great job for…
  • Patty (pa_treusch) SW: 206 BB Start: 177 Last week: 172.2 This week: 170.6 This week loss: 1.8 ? *This was my weight as of fri. 12/5 (visiting family so no scale today), I can't wait to be out of the 170's forever!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks Nola, I think bananas, but my applesauce is unsweetened organic, so its not sooooo bad... Dawna, I completely know how you feel, people at work keep complementing me and I'm like "thanks but I hate that my pants are too big". Hello didn't I want my pants to be too big!?@!
  • Great Job bikini babes! If its too hard to count chews, try to chew until you basically have mush left. This helps with digestion and helps tell your brain that you are full sooner b/c you have to eat slower! Glad you guys are enjoying it...but its kinda hard w soup &
  • Breakfast: Applesauce (I go to work from the gym, it's hard!) Lunch: Tomatoes & Apple Snack: Pineapple Dinner: Green Beans These are my fruits & veggies from today!
  • I have seen a trainer for over a year now, I had one from Sept '08 - March '09 and I loved him, much more vocal, but still personable. Then he moved and now I work with "the hardest one they have" (I asked for it like that), and I see much more results and I put more in. Personally I liked my 1st trainer more, but I was…
  • luke- thats the did this hard core back in April/ May when I started & I though it helped :wink:
  • Great challenge Nola- I had applesauce w/ breakfast, an applw w/ lunch, & idk w dinner, probably broccoli. I'd love veg/fruit recipes too! Jocelyn had disappeared : (
  • Hi ladies, sorry to keep you waiting :embarassed: ...Well I was thinking of a crunch challenge, however, I think another might help too. Idk if any of you have heard that eating slowly helps to lose weight, b/c you let your stomach tell your brain that you are full. Anyway, my challenge is to count your bites of food (this…
  • I didn't workout on Thanksgiving, but ran yesterday and weighed in at .8 less today!