10 in 9



  • i did a terrible thing, my husband wanted chocolate fudge with walnuts and of course i made them. i'm doing so good too and what do i do but eat 5 pieces and now i feel terrible, because i'm having craving for chocolate so bad, because i'm getting ready to start that TOM. i know i have to work this off, but man i sure do feel terrible. i want actually fit in those jeans better too. i'm mad at myself for eating, when i'm trying not eat the worse food for me. i will once in awhile eat a 3 muskateer, but i then feel terrible for eating that. HELP. what i eat when i have craving something sweet like that, when i know it's making me feel terrible?
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    yay, i bought a pair of size 6 jeans today, first ones ever. i was so excited. my boot camp challenge is over tomorrow and i will do my final weighin at 730am. i was having nightmares last night about the weighin, in my dreams they made me weigh in with a plate of food and a big glass of water and i was over 200lbs. i hope i can sleep tonight with no dreams like that. my challenge will be to keep up this level of intensity of exercise and diet after this challenge is over. i will keep going to the gym 1-2 hours every morning and will try to keep running at night, i am planning on altering my diet a little bit, i will be drinking some alcohol again, i dont drink much but when i havent been drinking for 8 weeks i am losing my sanity. i will also use a little sweetener again, it is hard to eliminate all sugars and sweeteners,eg i am dying for a yogurt ( all i have been having is plain greek yogurt, gets a little boring). i will also add back a little sodium, eg a really would like some deli turkey (i stopped all processed foods, including deli meat). a few changes hopefully still can lose a little or at least maintain.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Porterbaby- don’t worry too much about indulging. Just don’t give up! Yesterday on one of the boards someone compared it to having a bunch of eggs in a basket. If you make a mistake and one egg falls on the floor, you wouldn’t dump out the rest of the eggs just because you made one mistake and broke one! So, keep your chin up and go forward from here! You can do it!

    Kgrutch- way to go on the SIZE 6! That is awesome! Hopefully you were able to sleep last night. Haha! And keep us updated on how your challenge ends up!

    Yesterday I did 60 minutes of my Turbo Kick routine and 30 minutes of ChaLean Extreme Push, and 10 minutes of Extreme Abs. It felt good afterwards! I stepped on the scale today and it felt great to no longer be in the 160s! Yesterday I went to American Eagle and tried on two size 10 jeans and they fit perfect! And for me…American Eagle jeans run kind of small…so that made me feel awesome! I knew if I could fit into AE jeans, it was official! Yahoooo!!! I feel so great to have met my goal to be in a size 10 and under 160 pounds by Dec 31st. What a great feeling of accomplishment! Now…onto my next BIG goal of 150 pounds by April 1st (about 9 pounds in 16 weeks). I’m not going to be as aggressive because I know it will be a little more work/discipline getting these next 9 pounds off.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    way to go dawna for getting into that size 10, right beofre the holidays. not easy, everywhere i look are snacks and food and candy and cookies and chocolates. it takes willpower but we can do it. i find it easier to not even have one because one turns into two, three, four, etc for me. stay strong and then when the new year come, everyone else will be trying to watch as well so it gets easier.

    well i had my bodpod weighin, i lost 25 lbs of fat in the 8 weeks, gained 1 lb of muscle (which the goal is to stay the same or gain a little so i was happy with that). went from 33% body fat to 21% body fat. it really is unbelievable the body can change so much in 8 short weeks. i know that i didnt win the contest (my friend lost over 40%, my total lost % was 36%) but i won my personal contest of getting this weight/fat off. my goal was to get below 22% body fat and i did so it was a great accomplishment for me. i also could barely run 1 km before this challenge and i ran a 5km race this past weekend under 30 minutes! i went from a size 12 to size 6 jeans and feel great.

    we have a celebration tomorrow night which will be a lot fun. there were about 100 people involved in the challenge so it will interesting to see where i placed out of the 100.

    thanks to everyone for the support and encouragement.
  • way to go on everybodys accomplishments. i'm proud for everyone of you gals. i haven't given up, i'm still doing great if it wasn't for that TOM.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Despite all the plans I had to accomplish my weekend tasks unraveling and me feeling like the TOM is rapidly approaching (cramping, tired, irritable) I can officially announce that day 30 of the challenge (burn at least 500 calories for 30 consecutive days) is COMPLETE. Since I missed my Saturday kickboxing class thank to Jiffy Lube being awfully slow this morning servicing my car I decided to take out some of my old kickboxing dvds and rock it out. 70 minutes later I was done and over 500 calories burned. I am sooooo proud of myself for not giving up on this challenge along time ago BUT it is now over and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you gals have a very Merry Christmas!! I am doing my Turbo kick workouts in the morning which is great! Other than that just spending time with the family. Have a great week ladies! I'll probably catch back with you next week!!
  • how is everyone doing? i'm doing ok, i took yesterday off. i'm going to workout after while.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Kgrutch- thats an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to u!
    Dawna - WTG on those size 10 jeans lady! Looks like you are the official winner of this thread. hahaha
    Choco - Congrats to you too on completing your challenge - I have always admired u for that.

    I have not been able to workout like I would want because my house is super packed - no space to workout and the weather has been really rainy and gloomy so can't run out doors. Very frustrating cuz I feel like I'm losing this battle and I'm going back in time. I have given in a few times in eating out but I try hard to watch my portions and with the exception of Saturday have been sticking to water. Oh well. I think I will be back on track next monday when I go back to my house (I'm at my parent's home right now) and I can be back in control. Sigh.

    Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Kgrutch- thats an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to u!
    Dawna - WTG on those size 10 jeans lady! Looks like you are the official winner of this thread. hahaha
    Choco - Congrats to you too on completing your challenge - I have always admired u for that.

    I have not been able to workout like I would want because my house is super packed - no space to workout and the weather has been really rainy and gloomy so can't run out doors. Very frustrating cuz I feel like I'm losing this battle and I'm going back in time. I have given in a few times in eating out but I try hard to watch my portions and with the exception of Saturday have been sticking to water. Oh well. I think I will be back on track next monday when I go back to my house (I'm at my parent's home right now) and I can be back in control. Sigh.

    Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Hey ms lady, hope you're enjoying the time home with family. You're on vacation and should enjoy yourself, so as long as you watch your portions and don't eat crap on a regular basis you should be fine. You will have to get in the groove of things when you return home especially since you've not been able to exercise but I don't think you'll have a problem getting back on track.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Merry Christmas MFP friends. I hope you enjoy your day.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    ok, few days of eating junk, i felt horrible. i was nauseated for the last few days. my body is not used to eating junk anymore. it showed me how much i needed to get back on track. i gained 3 pounds through the holidays ( i was scared to get on the scale) so now to get them off. i am up early to get to the gym. i am glad i have 2 teenagers to eat up any of the "bad" food left in this house (they will polish it off in 1-2 days). no more bites and nibbles even because that leads to more and more. back on the straight and narrow. i have a baby shower today which i would like to eat but i have decided there are too many holidays, special occasions, etc so no more, just this day, that day, etc, everyday will be the day that i being watchful.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!

    Kgrutch- I am totally with you on the feeling sick after only a few days of eating junk!

    I was at my parent's home for an entire week, and I tried SO hard to be good, and I exercised every morning. But, my mother doesn't cook as clean as what I'm used to eating...and of course I indulged in a few Christmas goodies (which I don't feel too guilty about)....but now I feel sick! Today I am back on track with the healthy food and going to get in some extreme exercise tonight! I am going to be SUPER good and strict this week because the first week in January I am leaving for vacation with my husband and his family. I'm going to do what I did for my Christmas vacation...and pack some good snacks (whole grain cereals, natural almonds, light cheese) that way I can limit the amounts of bad foods I eat. I'm SUPER pumped for my intense workout tonight!! I'm planning a grueling run at the gym, followed by an intense ChaLean Extreme weight lifting session! yahoo!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm back to work so I will be able to log on and post much more frequently. I haven't done my weigh in yet so I won't know til Saturday if I gained. but boy I hope not. I didnt get as much exercise as I had hoped for and I had quite a few cheat days.

    Well I hope to hear from ya'll soon. I got the polar f6 for xmas so I can't wait to start using it!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello Ladies hope you all had a merry x-mas . Well Im trying to get back on track . I have been MIA for a while just to much stuff going on . So Gonna try to get my butt back in gear . Happy to see you all are doing awesome and sticking to your workouts . Congrats girls keep up the good work :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • hi everyone. i been doing ok.
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi ladies, its been awhile! Hope everyone had a great Christmas, I know I did, however, I've been eating crappy since around the 17th...but I have started on more workouts (burned an estimated 1200 plus cals today)!....I also joined the Belt is Looser program at my gym today, its starts on the 4th and goes for 8 weeks so I'm trying to get my workouts back up to do it and maybe win! So in the long run, I fell off the wagon, but I am trying hard to find my way back on!
    I can totally agree w/ you guys about eating crap, I am still out of sink (if you know what I mean), due to the bad food...so trying to get back to healthy food!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    thnx for posting ladies! glad to have u back. I think everyone was bracing themselves for the holidays but if u got a new plan just do it! I haven't figured out my next move yet but when I do - watch out!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My workout is complete for today. Since I was unable to make it to the gym I decided to complete another dvd. This one is called "Melt it Off" and it's a combination of cardio and strength training and if you complete all 4 cardio sessions it totals about 60 minutes. I decided to give it all I had and according to MFP I burned approximately 429 calories. I have a hrm but can't seem to get it to output calories burned....I guess I have to take another look. Whatever the actual calories I'm satisfied that I gave it my all, so, I'm happy.

    I decided I would enter 2010 not only with a new body, mind and spirit but w/a clean house so after I ate breakfast I hit the ground running. Cleaned both bathrooms, washed and folded laundry, swept and mopped the kitchen and dusted the entire house. Once I'm done posting here on MFP I will complete my last task of vacuuming. I won't count the calories burned doing these activities. This is just the cherry on top. I can't wait to bring in the new year with all aspects of my life heading in the right direction.
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