10 in 9



  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    one thing that i think really helped me is i always go the gym in the mornings and then for the rest of the day really not too much exercise

    I wish I could get up in the morning to exercise!!!!... I think I hit the snooze button a few times. I am just not a morning person! :noway: And since I have to leave for work at 7am, and get ready at 6am...I just don't think I can get up any earlier!! Someday maybe I'll be a morning person. My mom says once I have kids I'll get used to getting up early....as for now...I am zonked out!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    i used to dread getting up to work out in the morning but now I actually like it cuz I'm wide awake when I get to work, the afternoon I have to be careful cuz if I'm not busy right around 3pm I get sooo sleepy. but I just get up and walk around, stretch etc. The best part about it is after work I can just go home and relax, or start cooking dinner, or doing chores. When I workout in the evening I'm not getting home til atleast 7 which mean sunless I have dinner ready I won't eat til 8 which sucks cuz by 9 or 10 I'm ready for bed.
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Recently, my trainer asked to switch to morning workouts, and I was happy at first since I would get them out of the way, but I am so tired later on. I have to be up by 5:20 at the latest & leave by 5:40 for my 6am workout!! It sucks, but having my trainer there makes me have to get up then. I thought I was a morning person when I work up at 8:00 to workout in college :smile: , but this 5:20 thing sucks! However, I am usually more awake for work as Nola said, and I can come home & relax or do a workout video if I want. So it has its ups & downs.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    little bummed that yesterday my workouts weren't so great. I did Turbo Sculpt in the am but all I had was 2lbs so didn't really feel much. plus she was moving so fast I could barely catch up.
    In the evening I wanted to do some more cardio so we signed up for a gym trial at a new gym. It was all new and all high tech and really nice. No one was there so we had the place to ourselves...but I couldnt get used to the new treadmill, the buttons were hard to pick up when I was trying to change speed, channel on the tv, etc (oh did I mention each machine had its own tv?). And the cardio room was kinda tiny and closed off with one miniature window. I felt claustrophobic (sp.)...my bf on the other had had the weight room to himself which was lined with nice french windows. sigh.
    I don't think I got a good work out in :S

    oh well, just gotta try again tonight!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member

    oh well, just gotta try again tonight!

    Nola-I am LOVING your attitude girl!! Even though last night was a let down...you are going to "keep on, keepin on" :happy: Love it! Also, with Turbo Sculpt...she does go pretty fast, but you'll get the hang of it. In fact, when I combined Turbo Sculpt with a cardio workout...I usually don't even use weights because doing all those lunges and squats make me tired. I want TVs on the treadmills at my gym!! Haha..maybe I'd workout a little longer if I could watch my favorite show! :laugh:

    I've been meaning to come to my FAVORITE thread all day long, but I've been secretly obsessed with helping Mike (founder of MFP) figure out glitches with the new site design. Haha! I just love MFP SO MUCH! haha! Where has this been all my life!?!?! I love receiving motivation & advice from others, and I love giving it too!

    You girls are great, and I really enjoy hearing from you all...so keep in touch!! :bigsmile:

    Have a great Thursday night!! I am SO excited its Friday tomorrow...probably because my boss won't be here and then its the weekend! Any of you "Twilight" fans? I'm not obsessed...but I do enjoy them! I'm going to New Moon tomorrow! yippie!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    haha I've never seen or read twilight or any of that stuff but I would go just to see taylor. lol. have fun.

    Well I'm glad I didn't give up cuz tonight I got home and decided to pop in those Dvds and give em another try. I did the learn and burn and the 20 minute workout and I enjoyed it so much. I feel so accomplished!

    Hope everyone has a great week! I'm crossing my fingers for a good weigh in this wkend. Or maybe I'll stay away from the scale, haven't decided yet.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    one thing i have picked up from some very lean, inshape people at the gym is to go for heavier weights. i do 30 mins/day of weights in the boot camp class, we focus on a different muscle group each day and do one minute of reps and then 1 min break (3 sets per activity). i never really used to push myself with the amount of weight i used but now i am and i notice such a difference with my tone and shape. they say the more muscle you have the more you burn throughout the day as well, that is speeds up your metabolism. i am going to keep trying to push myself with the weights and continue my cardio. with my cardio i have decided i am not there to break a light sweat, if i am not soaked, i am not working hard enough. my new focus is pushing myself beyond what i think i can do.
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    one thing i have picked up from some very lean, inshape people at the gym is to go for heavier weights. i do 30 mins/day of weights in the boot camp class, we focus on a different muscle group each day and do one minute of reps and then 1 min break (3 sets per activity). i never really used to push myself with the amount of weight i used but now i am and i notice such a difference with my tone and shape. they say the more muscle you have the more you burn throughout the day as well, that is speeds up your metabolism. i am going to keep trying to push myself with the weights and continue my cardio. with my cardio i have decided i am not there to break a light sweat, if i am not soaked, i am not working hard enough. my new focus is pushing myself beyond what i think i can do.

    This is great! Last week, a friend and I went to a personal training session at our gym. The trainer pushed us big time with the weight! I am starting to do at least two weight lifting sessions per week. I can barely walk today! But I know I am building muscle and will begin to burn more calories. The personal trainer said that I should be able to get in a good work out in an hour-no longer than that. 30 min.'s cardio, 30 min.'s weights. I could do cardio all day, but still have floppy,flabby arms! I want to be toned. And like Kgrutch, I want to push myself to drip sweat with each work out....beyond what I think I can do.

    Also, I know you ladies might be wondering where I have been. Just want to let you know that I do read this thread regularly and it has really motivated me. Thank you for your dedication to yourselves. It's so inspiring.

    Oh yeah, yesterday at work someone noticed my weight loss. Felt really good:bigsmile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    great to hear from ya linz! I'm glad u have been making progress and am excited when we all get to where we wanna be and start showing progress pics and all.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    So excited!! I'm down 2 lbs!!! My husband thought I was crazy jumping around by the scale with my arms in the air. He even asked..."well is that a good thing or not?" HAHAH I would think the yelling out excited and saying YES would have been a clue but I guess not LOL :tongue: :laugh:

    Next stop.....5 more LBS . I can't wait to get out of the 160's!!!

    I was sure after my speghetti mishap last night I would not have budged thinking water retention and all that. I don't even like speghetti that much and I had 3 bowls!!! I know, i'm seriously in need of help LOL

    I have tried on a few pairs of pants almost a week ago and everything is getting better. Some 10's fit but not for the public yet LOL. All my 12's fit but some 11's I can't even get up my butt. I really want to yell at some clothing designers to get their head out of the gutter and just make all 10's the same darn size....Seriously screws with people's heads.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Make good choices!

    and I forgot to mention, I had changed my goal from losing 2lbs a week down to 1 1/2!! so i'm eating more and I lost weigh!!! SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    WAY TO GO SHERA!!! Its funny because I read your post and got really excited for you, and I thought maybe I should step on the scale. But, I was avoiding it because I took two rest days during the week and I wasn't eating AS healthy as usual.

    I had the same reaction you did!! I was in the buff and dancing around the in the bathroom because I lost 2 pounds this week too! I made my husband come in and see for himself..haha! He's funny...he hears I'm all excited so he gives me a high five..haha. I totally wasn't expecting to lose any this week, I actually thought I might have gained a pound.

    WAY TO GO!!! Everyone is doing so GREAT on their workouts this week that it is really motivating. Its almost like I have to do my workouts for the group. haha!

    keep it up ladies!! we can do this!!
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    I am happy to report that I too lost 2 lbs and yelled to my sleeping hubby the good news! I messed up yesterday by eating a wopper - still 770 cals w/o mayo! Any way I am back into running on the weekends so that helped and two hours out w/ the girls dancin' last nigh didn't hurt either and I only had one drink, the rest was water!

    Since my goal was to get from a solid 16 to a solid 14 by Christmas I am finally thinking this can happen. I went shopping yesterday and in my fav store almost all of the 14's were too big!!!!! I just got into a 14 last weekend, I couldn't believe it! The only 14's that didn't fit were the petites (spelling) and thats what I need being sooooooo short..lol

    Great posts ladies, keep up the great work!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Congratulations to Patty, Dawna, and Shera! Way to go ladies! I am very proud of you, especially since some of you were going through some rough patches, glad you didnt give up!

    I am staying away from the scale until after my TOM passes by so I don't get any unnecessary disappointments. Also will work hard this week and next week before my weigh in.

    I have an idea for a challenge, I know Thanksgiving is coming up and not only are we going to be tempted to eat, we will be tempted to skip working out. I don't know about u ladies, but my challenge for this week is to stick to my workouts ( I have Turbo Jam) on DVD so I can take it wherever I go. So there should be no excuses not to do them. My challenge to you ladies is to try to stick to ur workouts during this holiday weekend, perhaps we can post our workouts on the thread as we go along (Thurs,Fri,Sat). Don't put up what you are planning, try to log in each day/night and tell us what you did, that way we hold each other accountable. Sounds good?

    Good luck everyone, try to make some good choices this week! It will be ridiculously hard but we gotta stick to it.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Sounds great! I always need the extra accountability!!! My husband has the whole week off from school, and I don't have work off...so he's anxious for our workout tonight. Pretty sure he has called me 3 times (its only 11am) and he is bored and wants to go to the gym. But, I told him he has to wait until I get home otherwise he won't go with me later!! haha! I am pretty excited because the gym at the college is going to be SO EMPTY! I won't have to fight 18 year olds for the treadmill. Love it!

    Have a great day! I'll report my exercise to ya probably tomorrow!! yippie!!
  • porterbaby38
    i've been reading this post for awhile and i love, when you don't have to weigh yourself like the other two sites i'm on. i weigh myself on mondays and saturdays. i was weighing with my sister on thrusdays, but now we weighing ourselves on saturdays. i started to lose weight around october,2008, really started to lose weight january 2009. i was 226lbs. 16-18 size. now i'm a size 8-10. my 10's are getting lose and i can fit into a size 8. i've lost alot of inches . i'm was 180lbs. 3 weeks ago, i was going up and down, like a yo-yo.my goal is hopefully to be in the 160's on christmas day and i have goal to be 126lbs., next year for spring. i hope it's not to late to join this group?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Welcome porterbaby! Let me start off by saying congratulations on your weight loss so far. That's an amazing job well done from size 16/18 down to 8/10. Wow! And I thought it was impossible for me to go from 14 to 10. But I just have to start being more realistic ( I started in late September and wanted to get to my goal in December).

    Any questions, comments, suggestions welcome. We are a more laid back thread, just trying to support each other, give each other that extra motivation when we need it and just here to talk about anything.

    Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • porterbaby38
    thanks nolachick, i appreciate it. i haven't exercise though for the last two days, i've been sick. i hope i feel better tomorrow, so i can get back to reaching my first goal for christmas.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    yay, i was down 3 pounds this week. i am actually still paying for my ww membership just so i can go weigh in. i like being forced to weigh the same time, same scale, no cheating possible. it is such a great feeling to see the numbers going down. it gives me such motivation to keep going, doing the right things, eating right. tonight i made grilled chicken, grilled shrimp and grilled veggies (combo of cut up mushrooms, onion, zucchini, eggplant, green pepper). i told my husband that i love shrimp so much i am to include this meal into one my weekly regulars (he loves it oo so no problem there). i cant wait for the little one to get to sleep so we can go and run, trying for another 2-3 pounds for next week.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    darn I messed up last night - didn't do my workout I wanted to and ate after 8pm. Food was delicious -- my friend brought middle eastern so I ate hummus, pita and some kibbi's. not too bad I hope. The good part is that I haven't seen him since summer and he definately noticed my weight loss so far. He said I looked trim and he could totally see it in my face! Ah I loved that feeling! :drinker:

    Finally starting to feel like the real me and I love it! Today - have work all day then an event at night but I'm getting in that workout no matter what!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning!! I am SO hungry this morning!! It always happens to me the day after I do strength training...and last night I was sweating profusely during my strength training workout. I increased my weights to get to "failure" on my ChaLean Extreme. It felt great. I brought lots of healthy snacks to work today to combat my metabolism that has kicked into overdrive! Haha (hummus/carrots, almonds, banana, apple w/ peanut butter, light cheese stick)....I usually spread those throughout my morning and save some for after my lunch. It feels great though!

    Last night's exercise included the following: Turbo Kick for 45 minutes with weighted gloves (about 2 pounds) AND 40 minutes ChaLean Extreme. So, about 85 minutes total. It felt great afterwards, I absolutely loved it! My husband started dinner while I did my cardio, and then he joined me for C.E. We have been eating super healthy, and my husband is excited about it because he is starting to see his 6 pack again and his arms are getting really buff. So its fun because we get to keep eachother in check.

    Hope you all have a great night!! Get those workouts in!!! :happy: My goal is to get into the 150s by Christmas...so I need to drop at least 3 pounds in the next 4 weeks!!! Determination!!!