10 in 9



  • porterbaby38
    i felt alittle bit better, so i did the 20 min. workout of turbo jam and alittle bit of billy blanks taebo fat burn accelerator. i hope everyone else is doing great on their weight lose. good luck everyone on their goals.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    WTG Dawna and porterbaby! keep the workouts coming! I am planning on diong the 20 minute workout today too, hopefully I don't get home too late from an event I have this evening.
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Love the challenge Nola- I did cross fit w/ my trainer for 30 min. this morning. Hope to get in 60 min on the elliptical tomorrow after my workout w/ my trainer, so hope you all see that post tomorrow!
    Great job ladies!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    with the holiday soon approaching (less time to workout and more food to eat) i decided to do an extra hard workout day today. i did a 60min bootcamp (combo of cardio and weights-legs today), 60 min kickboxing. got DH to swim with me after work for 12 laps, at 9pm ran 1 mile and did sprints after that. i always feel extra motivated while watching biggest loser. i think if these people can do 4-6 hours of exercise/day i can get up and run. happy thanksgiving to all, think healthy choices!!
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    kgrutch - I love the biggest loser too! It is so motivating.

    Well ladies I managed to stay on the elliptical for 47 Minutes, not the 60 I was hoping for, but with a crazy workout with my trainer before that I think 47 is great! So I officially got in 30 min w/ my trainer and 47 on the elliptical for a grand wednesday total of 77 minutes of exercise!

    Have a great Wednesday ladies!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Finally some exercise - yesterday I skipped and over ate but this morning I was up bright and early to do the 20minute workout of turbo jam. Wish I had more energy to do extra but I went to bed late last night so not much energy left after that. I'm glad I got it in tho cuz tonight we are going out for a drink and I really needed that extra boost. Plus my jacket felt a bit looser today so I'm definately excited about that. Now I can actually have the button closed while I sit down driving or at my desk. When I bought it, it could barely button up while standing. YEY!

    great work patty!
  • porterbaby38
    good morning everyone. i have to wait and do my exercises this evening, when my husband goes hunting or when goes to work, that's when i can do my exercise dvds on the tv. but last night i went upstairs and workout up there on the machines and the weights. i'll post more later to tell what i did.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Afternoon all! Wow, today has been SO busy at work today. I haven't even had time to do my "daily" things (check the news, MyFitnessPal, People, WebMD, AllRecipies). Last night was my rest night, not planned. But, oh well. I just had so many things to do and not enough time to do it all. The worst part is I didn't eat so well. Not like really bad, but I went over my calories by about 300. Ugh....I felt so sick to my stomach. Probably because I don't usually do that. But, have no fear--- today is a new day. I got up early and went for a little jog to help me feel better. It worked. I've been eating great today, and having salmon & veggies for dinner. My exercise is going to be super intense tonight to make up for last night!! And Thursday I'm planning on beating the holiday over-eating by working out in the morning and eating mostly veggies for the Thanksgiving dinner.

    Hope you are all having a great day! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm sure I'll post my workout tonight...I've gotta be accountable for it!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey again.. Here I am posting my workout from tonight. I totally kicked butt!! I'm starving and ready for my salmon...yummmmy

    Turbo Kick 60 minutes...it was INTENSE!!! Plus, 40 minutes of ChaLean Extreme. So, I got about 100 minutes in tonight!!! Feels great!!! I'm getting up early to get about the same amount of exercise in tomorrow so I can have a lil' slice of banana pie (healthy version) .....yummmmm!!!

    nolachick- you should come join us on the Turbo Jammers group now that you are enjoying those workouts... a few of the ladies do the ChaLean Extreme...but right now most of us are doing Turbo Jam/Turbo Sculpt too. Plus, they are SUPER helpful at any questions you have!!

    Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    I am off to bed and will be getting up in the morning to do Cardio Party and maybe some Ab Jam if I'm feeling up to it.

    Either way I'm getting atleast 40 mins in!

    Dawna, I dunno how u do all of that. Hehe. I guess when I get more used to the workouts I will be able to mix in a few at a time. For now I'm sore after each one. haha.

    Will definately check out that thread.! Thnx

    Good luck everyone.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

    I feel great today!! My husband got up early to go play football with the boys...so I did 60 minutes Turbo Kick, 40 minutes Turbo Sculpt, and only about 5 minutes of Extreme Abs... pretty sure my stomach muscles were twitching like crazy!! But, after I showered I was feeling on top of the world. I had a GREAT workout! I even got a little brave and got my big box of "skinny clothes"... the box with all my size 9s and 10s....basically pants I haven't been able to fit into for about 6 years. Well, I took down the box, and I fit into EVERY SINGLE pair of pants in the box!!! So, today for Thanksgiving dinner...I am wearing one of my "skinny" outfits. Its kind of like an incentive to not over-do it today!! I am SO excited today!!!

    Have a great day ladies!!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I'm in a size 10 or 12 (depending on the item of clothing) right now, and would like to drop a size by my birthday (New Year's Day).

    I'm with you!
  • porterbaby38
    good afternoon everybody, i did some exercises this morning, before going to my husband's family for dinner. i didn't eat much. but tonight i'll workout.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

    I feel great today!! My husband got up early to go play football with the boys...so I did 60 minutes Turbo Kick, 40 minutes Turbo Sculpt, and only about 5 minutes of Extreme Abs... pretty sure my stomach muscles were twitching like crazy!! But, after I showered I was feeling on top of the world. I had a GREAT workout! I even got a little brave and got my big box of "skinny clothes"... the box with all my size 9s and 10s....basically pants I haven't been able to fit into for about 6 years. Well, I took down the box, and I fit into EVERY SINGLE pair of pants in the box!!! So, today for Thanksgiving dinner...I am wearing one of my "skinny" outfits. Its kind of like an incentive to not over-do it today!! I am SO excited today!!!

    Have a great day ladies!!

    congrats on fitting into the skinny clothes, there is nothing better to fit into those clothes. i have been getting into drawers and finding clothes i havent seen for years. i even had a friend give me some clothes because she said my clothes were getting too big, i was thrilled. bring on the hand me downs, as long they are because i am skinnier.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Way to go dawna! I knew you could do it! Can't wait to break out my box of skinny clothes!!!
  • porterbaby38
    hi everyone. i worked out upstairs last night. i woke up this morning and weight myself. last saturdayi was 182lbs. so when i weight myself i started to cry. i weight 179.6lbs.:happy:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Way to go porterbaby! I did not get any workout in yesterday :grumble: , however, its not my normal workout day, so its ....ok...., however I did go running w/ my hard core exercise sister, so we were out for almost an hour! Hope to post again today and get some crunches in too!

    Hope you all got through Thanksgiving well, next up is Christmas!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Great job porterbaby! that's a big weight loss. every pound counts.

    I got up today and did Turbo Jam 20min workout & Turbo Sculpt for a total of 60 mins.

    Felt absolutely amazing after! I won't weigh in til next wkend cuz I'm still on my TOM. But I'm hoping for some good results next week.

    Hope everyone had an awesome thanksgiving!
  • porterbaby38
    thanks, i just finished my tom. today i'll be getting somemore of my turbo jams live. so if i'm here at home by myself i'm going to do my workout. yesterday i did turbo party jam, biggest loser cardio with kim. then last night , i work out on weights and try toning my arms. worked on my stomach. and did alot of stretching. i love it when my clothes start getting loose. good luck everyone on your goals.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    good morning!! I'm at my in-laws this weekend, and its been challenging, but I'm making it work! my mother-in-law noticed my weight loss last night, and it made me excited!! This morning I got up early and took their dog for a run, which we me & the dog liked! Then, I did 40 minutes of Turbo Kick. Felt great to get my Saturday morning started. hope you all have a great weekend!!! Way to go Nolachick & porterbaby on your awesome workouts!! keep it up!