Bikini Babes - December

sjmay Posts: 386 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Welcome to our thread for December! Good Luck this month everyone! :drinker:


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Congrats pa_treusch for losing so much this week! Can't wait to hear your challenge!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Ok, well I missed the weigh in, so I am going to catch up next Saturday. :smile: Good luck everyone!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just wanted to save the new thread..

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday!
  • Also saving thread. Good luck this week everyone! New challenge?
  • Congrats pa_treusch! Can't wait for the new challenge!
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi ladies, sorry to keep you waiting :embarassed: ...Well I was thinking of a crunch challenge, however, I think another might help too.
    Idk if any of you have heard that eating slowly helps to lose weight, b/c you let your stomach tell your brain that you are full. Anyway, my challenge is to count your bites of food (this helps me slow down). My normal goal is 25 - 30 "chews" per mouthful.

    This really helps me, hope you all enjoy!
  • Luke93
    Luke93 Posts: 35
    Hi ladies, sorry to keep you waiting :embarassed: ...Well I was thinking of a crunch challenge, however, I think another might help too.
    Idk if any of you have heard that eating slowly helps to lose weight, b/c you let your stomach tell your brain that you are full. Anyway, my challenge is to count your bites of food (this helps me slow down). My normal goal is 25 - 30 "chews" per mouthful.

    This really helps me, hope you all enjoy!

    So for each bite you take, you chew it 30 times before you swallow it? Now this is a challenge.:laugh:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    luke- thats the did this hard core back in April/ May when I started & I though it helped :wink:
  • Luke93
    Luke93 Posts: 35
    luke- thats the did this hard core back in April/ May when I started & I though it helped :wink:

    Ok...I might totally start laughing at each of my bites I take.:laugh: I can't wait until I go to lunch with friends tomorrow and count. I think this is a great challenge. :bigsmile:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hi ladies, sorry to keep you waiting :embarassed: ...Well I was thinking of a crunch challenge, however, I think another might help too.
    Idk if any of you have heard that eating slowly helps to lose weight, b/c you let your stomach tell your brain that you are full. Anyway, my challenge is to count your bites of food (this helps me slow down). My normal goal is 25 - 30 "chews" per mouthful.

    This really helps me, hope you all enjoy!

    Okay, I am going to have to remind myself every time I eat about this. :tongue:
  • Ooo! Great challenge, Patty. I have heard the same thing. This will really help me when I get home late and am starving. I normally eat way too much but don't realize it because I eat so fast!
  • sounds like a good challege to me. plus the extra chewing will burn more calories haha
  • Interesting challenge! ;]
  • great challenge.
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    sounds like a good challege to me. plus the extra chewing will burn more calories haha

    I havent heard of counting your chews before! I hope it helps me and that I remember to do it.
    Today I inhaled supper. Great challenge!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    great challenge - sometimes when I eat too fast, my brain hasn't caught up and I think I'm still hungry and go for seconds and when I'm done I feel over full and stuffed. I t hink slowing down ur chewing will let ur brain catch up and let u know that u are full or satisfied when it is the right time.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Good challange! I am horrible about eating too quickly. :blushing:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Congrats, pa_treusch, on such a great loss!!
    I forgot to weigh-in SAT as well... I usually weigh-in on Wednesday... Does that totally mess things up if I weigh-in on Wednesday or do I need to do it on Saturday?

    I did lose 2lbs this week, even with the Thanksgiving holiday...which I ate way too much at! ... BUT I weighed in today (a day early because tomorrow is going to be so crazy I'm not going to get the chance to weigh and post)... and I was down 2 lbs!
    So, I will wait and see how I do and post this Saturday...hopefully I will remember to jump on here and post it in Bikini Babes :smile:

    Way to go girls, on your losses!!! :drinker:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Congrats, pa_treusch, on such a great loss!!
    I forgot to weigh-in SAT as well... I usually weigh-in on Wednesday... Does that totally mess things up if I weigh-in on Wednesday or do I need to do it on Saturday?

    I did lose 2lbs this week, even with the Thanksgiving holiday...which I ate way too much at! ... BUT I weighed in today (a day early because tomorrow is going to be so crazy I'm not going to get the chance to weigh and post)... and I was down 2 lbs!
    So, I will wait and see how I do and post this Saturday...hopefully I will remember to jump on here and post it in Bikini Babes :smile:

    Way to go girls, on your losses!!! :drinker:

    If you want to post on Wednesday, feel free to. I will include it in the upcoming week's weigh in. For example, you post tomorrow, and I will use it for this Saturday coming up. If that's alright... To me, it doesn't matter what day you weigh in, just to make sure that it is in by Saturday, that way we can all do our results together:smile:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Good challenge! It's something that I am going to really have to pay attention. Like others, when I am really hungry I tend to inhale my food, so this will be a good one for me.

    Good luck everyone!
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