Bikini Babes - January 2010

sjmay Posts: 386 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Happy New Year Bikini Babes! With 2010 upon us, I was thinking that the best way to start the year would be to share any goals that you may have for the upcoming months.

For myself, I want to be a much happier and healthier person. I want to (and must!) achieve my weigh loss goal and I am going to do everything in my power to keep myself motivated and working hard to achieve it!

Anyone else have any goals they would like to achieve?

P.S. We're back on track this week ladies - so get ready for Saturday's weigh in!


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Short Term goal: Still fit into the size 6 brides maid dress I just bought by March.

    Long Term Goal: Run a 1/2 marathon this year. Really run the whole thing.

    Goal just completed: Going 1 whole year without being in the emergency room for my asthma. I have finally beat it into submission for the first time since I was a child.

    Happy New Year.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    My Goals:

    Daily - eat the best I can each day, but still allow room for treats (extra exercise required!)
    Weekly - workout 6 days a week and burn 500 calories each time (or a sum of 3000+ for the week)
    Monthly - lose about 5 pounds a month, more would be AWESOME, but 5 is great.
    - I'm also tracking my BF%, BMI, measurements, and taking a picture in the bikini I want to be able to wear this summer at the first of every month to better track my progress, along with weekly weigh ins.

    I'm also trying to eat less fast food, it's a BAD habit. While trying to go cold turkey sounds very appealing in the beginning, I've found I can't do it. I just get so discouraged and my cravings take over too soon and before I know it, I'm in the drive thru getting some greasy junk. So my plan of action for that is to cut back some each week until I only go once or twice a week or so. I can do it with baby steps!
    I can only imagine what eating less fast foods will do for me, as I've lost 45 pounds still eating it pretty regularly! (But it did take me a while...)

    I hope following through with these goals will get me to my goal weight. Losing 5 pounds a month til September will get me to 155 by my wedding! So I'm hopeful, and 5 pounds was my average weight loss per month before holiday season set in. So now that it's almost over, maybe I can get back on track and lose even more!

    I'm very motivated right now. I hope everyone else is too, and I hope we all reach our goals this year! 2010 is gonna be my year!

    Happy New Year to everyone!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    My Goals:

    Daily - eat the best I can each day, but still allow room for treats (extra exercise required!)
    Weekly - workout 6 days a week and burn 500 calories each time (or a sum of 3000+ for the week)
    Monthly - lose about 5 pounds a month, more would be AWESOME, but 5 is great.
    - I'm also tracking my BF%, BMI, measurements, and taking a picture in the bikini I want to be able to wear this summer at the first of every month to better track my progress, along with weekly weigh ins.

    I'm also trying to eat less fast food, it's a BAD habit. While trying to go cold turkey sounds very appealing in the beginning, I've found I can't do it. I just get so discouraged and my cravings take over too soon and before I know it, I'm in the drive thru getting some greasy junk. So my plan of action for that is to cut back some each week until I only go once or twice a week or so. I can do it with baby steps!
    I can only imagine what eating less fast foods will do for me, as I've lost 45 pounds still eating it pretty regularly! (But it did take me a while...)

    I hope following through with these goals will get me to my goal weight. Losing 5 pounds a month til September will get me to 155 by my wedding! So I'm hopeful, and 5 pounds was my average weight loss per month before holiday season set in. So now that it's almost over, maybe I can get back on track and lose even more!

    I'm very motivated right now. I hope everyone else is too, and I hope we all reach our goals this year! 2010 is gonna be my year!

    Happy New Year to everyone!

    Sounds like you have wonderful goals! With a mindset like yours, you will definitely achieve success in the new year! You must be getting very excited for your wedding! I found with mine, the last few months, it just flew by!!!

    And fast food - I am also a sucker for this. And, I have seemed to keep weight off while eating it, I just mostly try to stick to chicken. And, when I really want that burger, fries and pop that I know I can't have, I order a kids pack. Although it is no where as big as a regular meal, I feel that it satisfies my cravings, and is always enough food to fill by belly. (Plus, I get a toy to give o my hubby's niece when she visits :laugh: )

    Best of luck!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    My goals:

    1) Get rid of the negative thinking/behaviour-This above all, I feel is ruining my efforts. I can do so great for days/weeks and then give into all the sweets and junk and then I feel like crap afterwards. So I'm going to start being more conscious of the ''whys" when I feel like sabotaging my goals.

    2) Cut back on the sweets/junk food. weakness. Will have to really work on this one and I firmly believe it is directly proportionate to number 1 :)

    3) Getting fitter and stronger. I'm going to be doing the 10k sun run this year in May, so that will be my last "challenge" with my trainer. I've been working out with her for 4 months now, but my bad habits keep setting my progress back. So excercise has not been a problem for me as I've challenged myself and always put in 110% into it, but it's everything else that is difficult!

    4) Get down into the single digit size! I know that if I accomplish the first 3, I think I will reach this goal!

    Ladies, 2010 is going to be a fantastic year if you want it and believe it! So good luck everyone and don't lose sight of what you want. Just picture yourself in the end result, and you WILL be there.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    happy new year everyone. my goal is hopefully to stick to this weight loss. plus i need to for me, plus i need to stop being so insercure about myself, and get my mind back to what i have done so far and keep going. i need think of negative things and start thinking of positive things. i just have to work harder and harder.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    since i weight myself last time i had gained 8lbs. i was 176.4 to 184.2. will i weight myself today, i weight 180.2lbs. i'm so disappointed in myself, of not having enough will power over the holidays. i'm going to get my butt back in gear this year for sure. NO MORE.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Starting Weight: 245
    Bikini Babe Start: 203
    Last Weigh In: 199.8
    This Week: 199.6

    This week loss: -0.2
    Bikini Babe total loss: 3.4

    Actually, the last week I weighed about 206.8! I just didn't want to admit it since I didn't know how fast it would come off, but it came right off! lol So technically or not, I'm actually down about 6.2 pounds. But that was gained as fast as it was lost so... it doesn't count! Just thought I would share though. Just remember, even if you have a slip up, what counts is getting back on track as soon as you can. My experience with this is I can eat what I want one day with minimal/ no damage as long as I'm good most of the time. It even seems to help some! But the key is not to overindulge often, and get back on track as soon as you can.

    Good luck everyone!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    great job blondie925
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Awesome job Blondie925!

    My current weight is 163.8. Does anyone have a link to the chart? I recently reformatted my computer and lost all my bookmarked pages :(.
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Blondie925 - Great job!
    Isotope - the chart was full the week before last and I was having some slight problems with it. I will post the link tomorrow with the new chart when I make it. The link for weeks 1-5 is

    For weigh in this week I was 159 lbs. Up 6 pounds. I wasn't able to control myself over the holidays. I still am not doing that great of job. I really have to get my butt back in gear!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks everyone! :bigsmile: Hopefully I can make up for for the holidays and then some this year! Hopefully we all can.
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    As with most of you I too gained a lot! I went up to 175.8 from my 168. However, this year is my year! I lost 36 lbs this year (and I only really tried from March - Dec), I have 30 more to go so I am totally comitted to getting this weight off, hopefully by the end of this challenge in June I will be down to my 140 lb goal! I've always been heavy so I get doutful, but the plan I have set for myself will totally help.
    1. Get at least 4 workout days in at the gym, and 2 - 3 more at home through running or w/o videos.
    2. Log everything, I will eat to my plan 6/7 days a week, so I can "cheat" once a week, but after feeling crappy for so long eating unhealthy food, idk if I even want to cheat again!
    3. Weigh in daily, I know that is wrong, but back in the fall I saw a lower # daily and it was motivating, and if I saw a higher # then I worked at lowering it.
    4. Stop beating myself up, for not getting a workout in or adding a cheat own negative view of my body is the most crippling aspect of my progress. I will actually award myself when I reach my goals...when I reached 170 a mani/ pedi was my reward, however I wanted to wait till christmas and I was over 170 then so I didn't do it!

    This year I resolve that by 2011 I will NOT have a weight loss goal, but rather a maintance plan!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I was just noticing.. where did everybody go? It seems like we've lost quite a few people in the last few weeks!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    OMG you guys, I went over today by 900 cals! and over 80gs of fat! I feel so horrible.
    Tomorrow I will get back on track though, I have too! I feel gross. I havent been weighing either
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hey everyone - checking in to tag the thread. I haven't been able to weigh in since I am out of town / want to use my scale at home. I will be weighing in next Saturday though. :tongue:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Ok, so I know the holidays were hard on most of us for trying to lose weight. However, I want to congratulate two bikini babes who both lost weight during them. Great job Blondie925 and isotope!!! And dbl congrats to isotope for losing the most.

    Isotope - Can't wait to hear your challenge for this week. I think it wil be great for all of us to get back into the groove of things now that the holidays are behind us for another year.

    Good luck this week ladies! :flowerforyou: :smile: :drinker:
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    Im very proud and amazed at you guys! Congrats!
    You must be feeling a lot better than I am right about now! lol

    Cant ait for the new challenge, I desperately need one, lol
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Congrats Isotope and Lisa! Way to go! :smile:

    I am sure the pounds will come off now that I will shock my body with proper eating habits again. :laugh: I have been watching the scale at my mom's house, and I really only went up 1lb. Not too shabby for all of the parties and eating. Back on schedule today though with watching the calories.

    I ran about 3.5 miles today, so I am still in the exercise realm. I hope that everyone is doing well today!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Ok, so I know the holidays were hard on most of us for trying to lose weight. However, I want to congratulate two bikini babes who both lost weight during them. Great job Blondie925 and isotope!!! And dbl congrats to isotope for losing the most.

    Isotope - Can't wait to hear your challenge for this week. I think it wil be great for all of us to get back into the groove of things now that the holidays are behind us for another year.

    Good luck this week ladies! :flowerforyou: :smile: :drinker:

    Eeek, I thought I gained weight!

    Okay, hmmm, this week's about sticking to reasonable portion sizes with the sweets. I think 100-150 calories per day should be the maximum for ANY junk food. That's a little bit of chocolate, a small cookie, a little bit of cake, etc. I don't know about you guys, but we still have a bunch of chocolates at work and it's so tempting to dive in again, but I said no today.

    So this week, be conscious of your portion sizes with the sweets and junk. Good luck!!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Forgot to add ^^^ This also includes fast food ;). Basically, anything that isn't healthy and part of the major ''food groups'' :).
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