Bikini Babes - January 2010



  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122
    awesome! Well Im in so I will give you my starting weight on Saturday!! Thanks!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I'm going to have to do my weigh in today, because we are going to be out all day tomorrow for a family day!! So, here it is:

    SW 230
    LW 210
    TW 208
    GW 135 ish

    2 lbs!! YAY!!!!! I'm excited about this loss.... I have been only knocking off a pound a week! GEEZ!!!!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I'm going to have to do my weigh in today, because we are going to be out all day tomorrow for a family day!! So, here it is:

    SW 230
    LW 210
    TW 208
    GW 135 ish

    2 lbs!! YAY!!!!! I'm excited about this loss.... I have been only knocking off a pound a week! GEEZ!!!!

    Great job kandyjo - and love your new pic!!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    LW: 157
    CW: 155

    So, I am down 2 lbs this morning, which makes me very happy :happy:

    Have a great day :drinker:
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Great job ladies!!!!


    Phew, didn't gain which I thought I did. Been a crazy week.

    Good luck everyone!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    starting weight: 226
    last week:181.4
    this week:180.8
    good luck everyone else.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I'm going to have to do my weigh in today, because we are going to be out all day tomorrow for a family day!! So, here it is:

    SW 230
    LW 210
    TW 208
    GW 135 ish

    2 lbs!! YAY!!!!! I'm excited about this loss.... I have been only knocking off a pound a week! GEEZ!!!!

    Great job kandyjo - and love your new pic!!

    :happy: Thanks!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    oops.. I forgot to weigh in last week...

    LW: 198.2
    CW: 197.8

    It's comin on down, slowly but surely. Congrats to the losers!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    oops.. I forgot to weigh in last week...

    LW: 198.2
    CW: 197.8

    It's comin on down, slowly but surely. Congrats to the losers!

    Way to go girl!!! I bet it feels soooo great to not put a 2 in front of your number!!! I"m getting there!!!
  • summerwalls
    Happy New Year Bikini Babes! With 2010 upon us, I was thinking that the best way to start the year would be to share any goals that you may have for the upcoming months.

    For myself, I want to be a much happier and healthier person. I want to (and must!) achieve my weigh loss goal and I am going to do everything in my power to keep myself motivated and working hard to achieve it!

    Anyone else have any goals they would like to achieve?

    P.S. We're back on track this week ladies - so get ready for Saturday's weigh in!

    Hello everyone. I am 200lbs, 5'5, and 15 yrsold! I know that some of u might say that this site is not healthy for me and that im still growing but plz i need to lose weight. I am very scared of the health cosequences of being unhealthy for too long. I would appreciate if any of u have any tips. I am committed to doing anything as long as it works. Btw in my school we have to run a mile in gym class and that is such a prob for me. So i do a 1/4 of a mile everyday and my goal is to get to a point where i can do it w/o feeling like im too tired or extremely out of breath. Then when i have fnally achieved his i will keep on going up by a quarter until can do a mile in aorund 10 mins or lower. Plz help. Thank u
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Happy New Year Bikini Babes! With 2010 upon us, I was thinking that the best way to start the year would be to share any goals that you may have for the upcoming months.

    For myself, I want to be a much happier and healthier person. I want to (and must!) achieve my weigh loss goal and I am going to do everything in my power to keep myself motivated and working hard to achieve it!

    Anyone else have any goals they would like to achieve?

    P.S. We're back on track this week ladies - so get ready for Saturday's weigh in!

    Hello everyone. I am 200lbs, 5'5, and 15 yrsold! I know that some of u might say that this site is not healthy for me and that im still growing but plz i need to lose weight. I am very scared of the health cosequences of being unhealthy for too long. I would appreciate if any of u have any tips. I am committed to doing anything as long as it works. Btw in my school we have to run a mile in gym class and that is such a prob for me. So i do a 1/4 of a mile everyday and my goal is to get to a point where i can do it w/o feeling like im too tired or extremely out of breath. Then when i have fnally achieved his i will keep on going up by a quarter until can do a mile in aorund 10 mins or lower. Plz help. Thank u

    I think it is wonderful that you are getting serious about getting healthy now!!! I have a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old and I teach them about eating right and exercising.... That is what is wonderful about this website... YOu will get encouragement and it will help you figure out how many calories you need to be consuming at your age and activity level... BE SURE TO EAT YOUR CALORIES!! Do NOT starve yourself. That will actually cause your metabolism to slow down... YOu can do it!!! Hang in there!!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    BikiniBabesweightloss-10.8 lbs

    Lost .7 lbs this week.
    Well I havent been working out at all!

    And almost in the 150s! And hopefully I dont get back into the 160s!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Saturday, January 23rd Weigh In

    Starting Weight: 193
    Bikini Babe Start: 179
    Last Weigh in: 167
    This Week: 169

    This week: +2
    Bikini Babe total: -12

    Due to the TOM and having a couple days off of calorie counting. I am going to say high sodium diet the last couple days too. So, I am back on track today. Next week should be better.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Happy New Year Bikini Babes! With 2010 upon us, I was thinking that the best way to start the year would be to share any goals that you may have for the upcoming months.

    For myself, I want to be a much happier and healthier person. I want to (and must!) achieve my weigh loss goal and I am going to do everything in my power to keep myself motivated and working hard to achieve it!

    Anyone else have any goals they would like to achieve?

    P.S. We're back on track this week ladies - so get ready for Saturday's weigh in!

    Hello everyone. I am 200lbs, 5'5, and 15 yrsold! I know that some of u might say that this site is not healthy for me and that im still growing but plz i need to lose weight. I am very scared of the health cosequences of being unhealthy for too long. I would appreciate if any of u have any tips. I am committed to doing anything as long as it works. Btw in my school we have to run a mile in gym class and that is such a prob for me. So i do a 1/4 of a mile everyday and my goal is to get to a point where i can do it w/o feeling like im too tired or extremely out of breath. Then when i have fnally achieved his i will keep on going up by a quarter until can do a mile in aorund 10 mins or lower. Plz help. Thank u

    I think it is wonderful that you are getting serious about getting healthy now!!! I have a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old and I teach them about eating right and exercising.... That is what is wonderful about this website... YOu will get encouragement and it will help you figure out how many calories you need to be consuming at your age and activity level... BE SURE TO EAT YOUR CALORIES!! Do NOT starve yourself. That will actually cause your metabolism to slow down... YOu can do it!!! Hang in there!!

    I agree with Kandy! So long as you are healthy about it and eat your calories, then by all means try to lose the weight now while you're young. :smile:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Happy New Year Bikini Babes! With 2010 upon us, I was thinking that the best way to start the year would be to share any goals that you may have for the upcoming months.

    For myself, I want to be a much happier and healthier person. I want to (and must!) achieve my weigh loss goal and I am going to do everything in my power to keep myself motivated and working hard to achieve it!

    Anyone else have any goals they would like to achieve?

    P.S. We're back on track this week ladies - so get ready for Saturday's weigh in!

    Hello everyone. I am 200lbs, 5'5, and 15 yrsold! I know that some of u might say that this site is not healthy for me and that im still growing but plz i need to lose weight. I am very scared of the health cosequences of being unhealthy for too long. I would appreciate if any of u have any tips. I am committed to doing anything as long as it works. Btw in my school we have to run a mile in gym class and that is such a prob for me. So i do a 1/4 of a mile everyday and my goal is to get to a point where i can do it w/o feeling like im too tired or extremely out of breath. Then when i have fnally achieved his i will keep on going up by a quarter until can do a mile in aorund 10 mins or lower. Plz help. Thank u

    I weighed 215 when I was 15 and lost about 30 pounds the wrong way (Atkins diet, it worked but just temporarily).. and gained it back. But it's great that you're trying to lose weight while you're younger! Just make sure you eat healthy and exercise to lose weight. You can do it! We're all here to help. :smile:
  • summerwalls
    thank u blondie925 for all the support. I have midterms this week so am going to still count y calories but i think i will probably have a slip up here and ther b/c of the pressure. But nyways im still commited to excercising everyday cause i know if i skip i will lose my momentum. Thanks once again though <3
  • summerwalls
    @ Stephanie: Wow this i soo cool that u have lost this much weight. I just get excited thinking bout how much better i would look with 26lb less fat oon my body. I know its not all about looking better but hey if u can get healthy AND look better; why not? :)
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Welcome summerwalls! Good luck on your journey!

    The results for this week:

    Blondie925 - 0.20%
    Hailey - 0.44%
    kandyjo - 0.95%
    porterbaby38 - 0.33,%
    sjmay - 1.27%

    Congratulations, another great job this week everyone! I guess I lost the most this week. So, I am going to go back to the beginning and copy an old challenge. WATER - drink at least 8 glasses a day. I know that this is something that can easily be forgotten, so hopefully everyone will get back into it as it is so important.

    Good luck this week ladies! :drinker:
  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122
    Hey! Im sorry I didnt weigh in yesterday! I was thinking it was on Sunday and not Saturday. I hope I can still hop in.
    SW- 188 for my fitness pal
    CW-179 for Bikini Babes
    GW- 150 by May!!!
    Good luck to everyone this week. I weigh in at work tomorrow, so hopefully I will be down. I did not do very well this week tho... It was avery stressful week and I resorted to eating but it wasnt as bad as it could of been. This week I plan to do much better!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Welcome summerwalls! Good luck on your journey!

    The results for this week:

    Blondie925 - 0.20%
    Hailey - 0.44%
    kandyjo - 0.95%
    porterbaby38 - 0.33,%
    sjmay - 1.27%

    Congratulations, another great job this week everyone! I guess I lost the most this week. So, I am going to go back to the beginning and copy an old challenge. WATER - drink at least 8 glasses a day. I know that this is something that can easily be forgotten, so hopefully everyone will get back into it as it is so important.

    Good luck this week ladies! :drinker:

    Congrats!!! You are rockin' and rollin'!!!! Great challenge... Its good to "revisit" our old challenges!!! GReat one!