Bikini Babes - January 2010



  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great challenge! I really need to work on not eating so much junk, and this sounds like a great plan to do it! Thanks isotope!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Great challenge isotope. I have been trying to stay away from the sweets - but I still have so many around. But, I think this will be great, I will just have a little each day :smile: Last night I had a couple of chocolate mint patties that totaled to 100 calories. So, I will have to make sure that I behave tonight as well.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hey, Bikini Babes!!
    I have been MIA for the past three weeks...sorry :) The holidays were CRAZY...great fun, but CRAZY... So, I will weigh tomorrow to see what kind of damage there is LOL
    This is actually a good week for me. I have started back on 30 Day Shred, back at the gym, straightening out my eating habits and back to drinking my water like I'm supposed to do... So, a good week...probably won't see the effects of my work until next week, but that's ok.
    So good to see so many of you guys doing great! Always encouraging to me to check in with you guys and read your posts!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi everyone. i'm going to be away for about three months, but i'm going still do my workouts and give you guys my results. i brought my cale with me so i can keep track on my weight. i'm in texas for three or four months. good luck and grad. on you isotope.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great challenge isotope! Especially with some cookies and candies still lurking from the holidays. :tongue:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok, I usually weigh in on Wednesday, but this morning, my weight was really funky... actually up 4 lbs... So, I'm going to weigh again Saturday and use that weight as my BB weigh in... I think my body is in shock LOL...... Three weeks of no exercise and eating badly and then all of a sudden, I start exercising again and eating right :) Here's to expecting a better weigh-in Saturday! :drinker:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    kandyjo - I know exactly how you feel.... I am scared to death to get on the scale this weekend. But, it will have to be done, Usually I check every couple of days to make sure I am on track, but I haven't been this week as I've been too nervous!

    How's everyone doing with the challenge this week? I thought I did quite well today. I had one small chocolate. However, I ate a foot long sub from Subway (in two sittings), I know that I only needed the 6", but I thought I was starving because I did not eat a whole lot all day. As my dad would always say, guess my eyes are bigger than my belly :laugh:

    Hope everyone's having a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    So far, so good on the challenge! I am allowing myself a couple pieces of chocolate in a little while as a treat for the day, but that's it! I have stuck to fruit and protein! :tongue:
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    So far, so good on the challenge! I am allowing myself a couple pieces of chocolate in a little while as a treat for the day, but that's it! I have stuck to fruit and protein! :tongue:

    Me too! I had a nibble of dark chocolate last night and that was it.
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    kandyjo - I know exactly how you feel.... I am scared to death to get on the scale this weekend. But, it will have to be done, Usually I check every couple of days to make sure I am on track, but I haven't been this week as I've been too nervous!

    How's everyone doing with the challenge this week? I thought I did quite well today. I had one small chocolate. However, I ate a foot long sub from Subway (in two sittings), I know that I only needed the 6", but I thought I was starving because I did not eat a whole lot all day. As my dad would always say, guess my eyes are bigger than my belly :laugh:

    Hope everyone's having a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Subway is not too bad! :)

    I have not touched the chocolates at work once this week or gone to the Starbucks. Just hoping I don't give into them because work has just been crazy.
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Okies, I spoke too soon!

    Just had a caramel macchiato from starbucks and a rocky road bar a co-worker had given over the holidays. It has been in the fridge all this time and for some reason, just wanted to try it!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone!

    Sorry I've basically been MIA for all of December. This Saturday I will weigh in for the BB thread and it will be my first weigh in a month. I'm really scared. My clothes are tighter and I'm afraid I will be very depressed when I face the scale.

    My goals for this month are to get back on track! This week I started a sort of "reset" plan I saw online - basically no added sugar or salt, lots of water, lots of veggies and fruit, little carbs - to get my body off the sugar/fat craving cycle I started over the holidays. The January play:

    *start logging food again (starting today)
    *getting back to exercise plan and figuring out how to run in the snow
    *cut out alcohol for the rest of the month to detox from the holidays
    *not getting too down on myself for the month long excess that was December
    *drinking my water
    *once again posting on MFP!!

    I did have a great holiday month and really enjoyed my new Christmas cookbook and making lots of yummy food. I totally went overboard - but I'm hoping to keep it in perspective as part of my new healthy lifestyle. I just made 4 quarts of vegetable stock and this week will have lots of veg soups and veg stock sauces and fish! I actually have been dying for healthy, simple food after the richness of the holidays.

    Okay everyone - glad to be back and let's have a great new year.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    My goals for this month are a lot like jlbay....
    I have started logging my food again on MFP... I quit doing that for awhile and my weight loss slowed down... So, its related for me...
    I started back in an exercise routine... ROUTINE is the key word for me...

    Anyway, I have done really well on the challenge... I haven't had ANY sweets! Yes, you read that right..ANY!!! AND I'm a chocoholic, so that's a big deal! I have just not put my self in the position to be tempted...and its worked!

    Anyway, I'm actually thinking about getting a Bikini in the next couple of the size i want to be by this summer....YIKES!! I'm nervous!! :bigsmile:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hey everyone. i've haven't had no candy, but i had a bite of a yellow cake with chocolate icing. i'm going to kick my butt into gear once i get what i have to do and once it gets warm here i can actually start walking. but our little dog, sure is giving me a good run though. good luck on your goals.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    That is right - bathing suits are starting to appear in stores. I saw that the other day in target and it was like "WHAT?!?". It's too early in my opinion. :laugh: I can't even anticipate what size I will be when summer comes.

    I did Jillian Michaels' Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD today. It was fun. Tonight I am going to be trying Boot Camp with my aunt. It is once a week at our gym, so we may make it a weekly thing if we enjoy it. :smile:

    So far, so good on the challenge today. No sweets - just fruit, yogurt, whole grains, and protein. Once again, I may allow myself two pieces of Cadbury Chocolate Fingers as a treat after dinner - but that's it. :big smile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    That is right - bathing suits are starting to appear in stores. I saw that the other day in target and it was like "WHAT?!?". It's too early in my opinion. :laugh: I can't even anticipate what size I will be when summer comes.

    I did Jillian Michaels' Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD today. It was fun. Tonight I am going to be trying Boot Camp with my aunt. It is once a week at our gym, so we may make it a weekly thing if we enjoy it. :smile:

    So far, so good on the challenge today. No sweets - just fruit, yogurt, whole grains, and protein. Once again, I may allow myself two pieces of Cadbury Chocolate Fingers as a treat after dinner - but that's it. :big smile:

    They do a bootcamp at our gym also.... I haven't been brave enough to try it :) I have had a couple of friends do it and they said it was HARD!!!! So, maybe I will work up to it LOL
    I did my 30 Day shred already today and tonight I am putting in 2 hours at the gym, so I should definitely burn LOTS of calories today :)
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    That is right - bathing suits are starting to appear in stores. I saw that the other day in target and it was like "WHAT?!?". It's too early in my opinion. :laugh: I can't even anticipate what size I will be when summer comes.

    I did Jillian Michaels' Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD today. It was fun. Tonight I am going to be trying Boot Camp with my aunt. It is once a week at our gym, so we may make it a weekly thing if we enjoy it. :smile:

    So far, so good on the challenge today. No sweets - just fruit, yogurt, whole grains, and protein. Once again, I may allow myself two pieces of Cadbury Chocolate Fingers as a treat after dinner - but that's it. :bigsmile:

    They do a bootcamp at our gym also.... I haven't been brave enough to try it :) I have had a couple of friends do it and they said it was HARD!!!! So, maybe I will work up to it LOL
    I did my 30 Day shred already today and tonight I am putting in 2 hours at the gym, so I should definitely burn LOTS of calories today :)

    Yeah, I am imagining that it will have a lot of burpies (a fun boot camp type move that is tough), and other things.. we'll see. I am just waiting for my aunt to come home. The class is at 7pm EST - about 1 hour and 15 minutes from now. :tongue:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Sounds like you all have such a great mind set for this year. I think that we are all going to achieve our goals that we set!

    I am having such a hard day today. One of my best friends, my dog, Bear, passed away today.:cry: He was a wonderful companion and I loved him very much. I can't believe how hard it is.

    I am pleased that I did not binge over this tho. Normally I would have. But I didn't. I did, however, have a couple of glasses of wine after work.

    Sorry to be a downer in posting tonight, I just felt that I had to share

    You are all doing such a wonderful job, keep up the great work!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Didn't make it to boot camp tonight since my aunt was running late. She visited my grandfather in the nursing home (he has Alz) and he's been pretty bad since his seizure a few weeks ago - so she wanted to stay longer. That's more important anyway.

    Sjmay - I am sorry about Bear. Animals are a part of the family and it is always hard when they pass.
  • scru10izer
    I have the same problem with the 'treats' at work. I have found that I don't really want a whole 'treat', I just want to taste it. So, I have been cutting off just a bite of what I want. It's still a high calorie bite, but not a whole portion. And, it has rubbed off on my coworkers. Instead of taking a whole piece of something, a few of us share one. Only problem is that the stuff stays around a lot longer!