Bikini Babes - January 2010



  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks for the comments everyone.

    I've been reading weight loss tips on-line and I've decided to make a big batch of veggie soup to eat before dinner. I made my own veggie broth and have a couple of week's worth in the freezer. I'm just going to add a combo of frozen and fresh veggies to the broth and try eating a big bowl before dinner. I make my broth with almost no salt - so I can season it when I use it. I think I may just keep it fairly bland as I'm all bloated up from the holidays. I'm craving so much food - perhaps a "starter" of veggie soup will help satisfy me. Worth a shot.
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks for all your kind words with the passing of Bear. It meant a lot.

    My weigh in yesterday was 157.5 so I was down 1.5 lbs. I am doing the results now, so they should be posted in the next few minutes
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    And the results:

    Blondie925 - 0.70%
    isotope - 0.54%
    savvystephy - 0.59%
    sjmay - 0.94%

    Congrats everyone, another great job this week. I'm pretty excited, this is my first time to win. So, I was thinking for the challenge this week, make sure to track everything that you eat/drink and also to do the exercise that mfp has recommended for you for the week.

    Good luck ladies:drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    And the results:

    Blondie925 - 0.70%
    isotope - 0.54%
    savvystephy - 0.59%
    sjmay - 0.94%

    Congrats everyone, another great job this week. I'm pretty excited, this is my first time to win. So, I was thinking for the challenge this week, make sure to track everything that you eat/drink and also to do the exercise that mfp has recommended for you for the week.

    Good luck ladies:drinker:

    Thank you for this challenge.... I have learned that I do WAY better when I'm tracking my food.... It is a major key for success in my opinion!!
    Congrats on the big loss!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    And the results:

    Blondie925 - 0.70%
    isotope - 0.54%
    savvystephy - 0.59%
    sjmay - 0.94%

    Congrats everyone, another great job this week. I'm pretty excited, this is my first time to win. So, I was thinking for the challenge this week, make sure to track everything that you eat/drink and also to do the exercise that mfp has recommended for you for the week.

    Good luck ladies:drinker:

    Nice Challenge! I definitely need to track EVERYTHING or I may accidentally go over. :tongue: However, so far this week I haven't lost any weight - in fact I have gained (even though I am sticking to my calorie goals), so I am hoping that it is muscle.. lol

    Congrats on winning Sjmay!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    And the results:

    Blondie925 - 0.70%
    isotope - 0.54%
    savvystephy - 0.59%
    sjmay - 0.94%

    Congrats everyone, another great job this week. I'm pretty excited, this is my first time to win. So, I was thinking for the challenge this week, make sure to track everything that you eat/drink and also to do the exercise that mfp has recommended for you for the week.

    Good luck ladies:drinker:

    Nice Challenge! I definitely need to track EVERYTHING or I may accidentally go over. :tongue: However, so far this week I haven't lost any weight - in fact I have gained (even though I am sticking to my calorie goals), so I am hoping that it is muscle.. lol

    Congrats on winning Sjmay!

    That is when measuring would really benefit us :laugh: I really, really need to be measuring, but I just won't take the time to get my husband to do it :tongue: I'm sure that you are gaining muscle... One good why to measure (without the tape) is how your clothes are fitting! Keep up the good work!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    And the results:

    Blondie925 - 0.70%
    isotope - 0.54%
    savvystephy - 0.59%
    sjmay - 0.94%

    Congrats everyone, another great job this week. I'm pretty excited, this is my first time to win. So, I was thinking for the challenge this week, make sure to track everything that you eat/drink and also to do the exercise that mfp has recommended for you for the week.

    Good luck ladies:drinker:

    Nice Challenge! I definitely need to track EVERYTHING or I may accidentally go over. :tongue: However, so far this week I haven't lost any weight - in fact I have gained (even though I am sticking to my calorie goals), so I am hoping that it is muscle.. lol

    Congrats on winning Sjmay!

    That is when measuring would really benefit us :laugh: I really, really need to be measuring, but I just won't take the time to get my husband to do it :tongue: I'm sure that you are gaining muscle... One good why to measure (without the tape) is how your clothes are fitting! Keep up the good work!!

    Thanks Kandy! I measure at the end of every month, so I am trying to not get too hyped up about it right now. :tongue: I am sure that's all it is, if it lasts for more than two weeks (weight gain), then I will reassess what I am doing and try to flip flop some things around to push it back down. :tongue:
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    And the results:

    Blondie925 - 0.70%
    isotope - 0.54%
    savvystephy - 0.59%
    sjmay - 0.94%

    Congrats everyone, another great job this week. I'm pretty excited, this is my first time to win. So, I was thinking for the challenge this week, make sure to track everything that you eat/drink and also to do the exercise that mfp has recommended for you for the week.

    Good luck ladies:drinker:

    Awesome job everyone! And congrats sjmay! Great challenge too!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Congrats sjmay! Great challenge - I definitely need it to get myself back on track.
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Good morning!

    How's everyone doing with the challenge? I am not doing so great. I have been making sure to log all my food - except yesterday I ate way too much and didn't get it all logged. And I haven't done any exercise :sad: I'm so angry with myself. To think that I was frusterated when I got on the scale this morning and it was back up! I just really need to get my butt back in gear. It's like I think I'm still on holidays :explode:

    So, I was hoping that everyone else is doing much better than me????

    Have a great day :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I'm doing well!!! I HAVE to log my food, so I will be faithfully doing that :laugh: I do sooooo much better when I log... I have been feeling fabulous!!! Seriously; more energy, good mood... I attribute it to eating right and exercising so religiously lately... So, it is encouraging... The scale is not moving like I want it to right now... but I'm hoping it will give me fruits from my labor soon :wink:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I'm doing well!!! I HAVE to log my food, so I will be faithfully doing that :laugh: I do sooooo much better when I log... I have been feeling fabulous!!! Seriously; more energy, good mood... I attribute it to eating right and exercising so religiously lately... So, it is encouraging... The scale is not moving like I want it to right now... but I'm hoping it will give me fruits from my labor soon :wink:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am doing well - logging food religiously and exercising every day so far this week. :smile: I have been so hungry today, so I have been trying to stick to healthy snacks (like green beans and carrots..). I only have 250 calories left and still haven't had dinner (it's 5:10pm here). BUT, I haven't exercised yet and will be doing boot camp conditioning tonight, so that should burn a ton of calories. I won't be too upset if I go over today though because my body has just been hungry hungry hungry - so I am just listening to what it needs. :tongue:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    yes, i've been loggng my food and exercise. i've haven't weight myself for almost a week. i've decided to wait and weight myself saturday. i went jean shopping today. my 10's are to big. so i'm into a size 8's and i also bought a pair of 6's too.i can get the sixes on, but need alittle more work. i can zip it up and button it, with no problem, but it's a stomach thing.
  • gummibaehr
    Chinoachem said:
    Short Term goal: Still fit into the size 6 brides maid dress I just bought by March.

    Long Term Goal: Run a 1/2 marathon this year. Really run the whole thing.

    Goal just completed: Going 1 whole year without being in the emergency room for my asthma. I have finally beat it into submission for the first time since I was a child.

    Happy New Year.

    I just have to butt in and say that this post made me tear up! I have had chronic asthma since I was a kid, too, and I got it under control a couple of years ago. Going to the emergency room for asthma is awful. There were times where I would be suffering in the waiting room for HOURS because it wasn't "serious enough" to get me in before other people. I would hold myself back all the time because I was afraid of going to the hospital. It's WONDERFUL that you completed this goal. May you breathe easy for many years to come!! And good luck completing you other goals!

  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Good morning!

    How's everyone doing with the challenge? I am not doing so great. I have been making sure to log all my food - except yesterday I ate way too much and didn't get it all logged. And I haven't done any exercise :sad: I'm so angry with myself. To think that I was frusterated when I got on the scale this morning and it was back up! I just really need to get my butt back in gear. It's like I think I'm still on holidays :explode:

    So, I was hoping that everyone else is doing much better than me????

    Have a great day :drinker:

    I've been logging everything and I certainly don't like some of things I'm seeing! A couple of days there with all the work stress and I was eating crap. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day :)
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Saturday, January 16th Weigh In

    Starting Weight: 193
    Bikini Babe Start: 179
    Last Weigh in: 168
    This Week: 167

    This week loss: -1
    Bikini Babe total loss: -12
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Back on track!!

    SW - 190
    LW - 161
    CW - 159.5 (-1.5)
    GW - 135

    Hope everyone has a great weigh-in!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Great Job Savvystephy & jlbay!!!

    LW: 162.6
    CW: 161.8

    Good luck everyone!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    starting weight: 226lbs.
    last week: 182.2
    this week:181.4lbs.
    bb: 185.6lbs.
    goal 126.0lbs.
    i didn't get what i was hoping.:frown: