

  • I just realized this week that being over the 1200 isn't a bad thing. (although MFP notes it on your main page like it's a good thing) I didn't eat back my exercise calories on Sunday or Monday (not that I was trying, I really just wasn't hungry). But Monday and Tuesday I was just exhausted and had headaches, Wednesday…
  • That's fantastic! Keep up the awesome work. :)
  • That's great! Well done!
  • I agree with those that say you got a lot of unnecessary negtive feedback from your original post which was undeserved. You are just trying to help when he's mentioned he's not happy with how he looks. So you have to walk that fine line between being supportive and nagging. My suggestion is to leave it alone until the next…
  • I'm only recently getting back into it, but yes. Then again, part of my wanting to lose weight is the dreaded double chin in pictures. :wink: I need new headshots and don't want to worry about that. But as was said just before me, the idea about costumes that may already be on hand, probably won't be in a size that I can…
  • I've tried the Mat DVD a few times and it's good. I have a hard time making it through all the reps without pausing, but I'm guessing that's the point,. :wink: to work up to doing all of it without needing to relax for a minute. I like that I feel like I got a full body workout and my heart rate up without it being a high…
  • It depends what I 'm doing. I started doing a workout DVD which is low impact and found that my shoes were making it difficult to pivot and move so I do that one barefoot. When I do cardio based, I wear shoes.
  • Thanks! I've been using it and so far I like it as well. I just needed it to average my calorie burn for specific workouts and it seems to do just that. :)
    in Mio HRM? Comment by bookdeity July 2013
  • My husband is in the military and does PT daily. He also likes to go to the mountain nearby and run. Me on the other hand, I despise running! So pretty much we do our own thing, though I'm the one who actually tries to be concious about what we eat. He's the one who would eat pasta, burgers, cupcakes, and potato chips…
  • Like some others here, if I workout in the mornings I'm tired for the rest of the day. So evenings work best for me.
  • I can't stand the typical workout like going to the gym to do the elliptical, using the machines, etc. I've tried it before and just get bored. I have to do things that are dance based. I used to do musical theatre and danced a lot. I alos bellydanced for about a year and a half, which I ended up getting burnt out on since…
  • Awesome! Thanks!
  • I recently decided that I needed to lose the weight I've put on slowly since I stopped bellydancing (for fun, I taught and did troupe shows but I wasn't a restaurant dancer or anything). This kind of coincided with my realized I needed to get back into performing. I used to to musical theatre, sing, etc. So a couple weeks…
  • I like others here, get mixed signals from my hubby. When we met, I was about 15 pounds lighter than I am now. In fact I pointed this out to him a week or so ago when I was telling him that I wanted to lose weight. He apparently didn't notice it was that much. He told me that he's fully behind me, whatever I want to do. At…
  • I just got Tracy Anderson's Mat workout to try it out since I couldn't decide between Metamorphosis or Brazil Body Now. Good to hear that you've tried both!
  • Thanks DJ! That's fantastic that you've done so well! :happy:
  • bump
    in Mio HRM? Comment by bookdeity July 2013
  • I'm not body shaming by saying that SOME (sorry not sure how to bold, so don't mistake that for yelling) DVD before/after pictures show that they have bulked up. I was making an observation and comparing it to the before/after pictures for this program. That is the goal for some people which I have no problem with. I'm…
  • I can't speak for the others, but for me I really don't care about the "Brazil" body type. Since the workout we are talking about has nothing to do with Beachbody's "Brazil Butt Lift". My interest is more in finding a full body workout that I enjoy, whether it is based on Brazilian Samba, dance cardio, Egyptian bellydance,…
  • Let us know what you think!
  • Well I'll try it and doesn't do what I want it to do, then I'll return it. *shrug* Just wanted feedback from someone who has/had one and what they thought.
    in Mio HRM? Comment by bookdeity July 2013
  • Well, I'm really hoping to get calories burned, which if you can get heart rate pretty accurately, doesn't it calculate from there? Unfortunately most of the activity trackers that are worn all day are not useful for higher impact or strenous workouts so I was lead towards a HRM. But trying to find an affordable one since…
    in Mio HRM? Comment by bookdeity July 2013
  • I agree, by not having it available on other sites, you also don't have the benefit of having reviews, then again I don't know how new this program is and if people have had a chance to try it. I love detailed reviews so you know what to expect with say DVD 1 or how often you have to do it or even if there is a hassle if…
  • The 90 day guarantee is what attracted me to it as well. :smile:
  • I had always heard that i fyou are going to track weight, just make sure to be consistent with when you weigh in. If you are going to weigh when you get up after going to the bathroom or weigh yourself after going to bed, just make sure to do that everytime (whether it's every day or once a week, etc). I think that is more…
  • Anyone?
    in Mio HRM? Comment by bookdeity July 2013
  • Jesicali: I'm not sure if you've checked it out, but Katia Luna who does the Brazil Body Now videos has a couple of Youtube videos if you want to check those out to at least see her style. At least with those she's really good about breaking down a beginner vs advanced version of her exercises.
  • I'm just now starting my weightloss journey and I'm in the same boat, I didn't want to spend a lot on a HRM. I ended up finding the Mio Petite Special Edition Heart Rate Monitor on Amazon used for just over $20. It has a lot of good reviews and I think one of the previous posters mentioned she has one as well. Mine hasn't…