nastycivilian Member


  • Day 1: Thurs, 5/12: 161.8 Day 2: Fri, 5/13: 159.6 Day 3: Sat, 5/14: 158.6 1st Week Goal Weight: I joined the challenge a few days later and didn't have a goal in mind 1st Week Actual Weight: N/A Day 4: Sun, 5/15: 159.8 Day 5: Mon, 5/16: 159.8 Day 6: Tues, 5/17: 160 Day 7: Wed, 5/18: 160.6 Day 8: Thurs, 5/19: 160 Day 9:…
  • Day 1: Thurs, 5/12: 161.8 Day 2: Fri, 5/13: 159.6 Day 3: Sat, 5/14: 158.6 1st Week Goal Weight: I joined the challenge a few days later and didn't have a goal in mind 1st Week Actual Weight: N/A Day 4: Sun, 5/15: 159.8 Day 5: Mon, 5/16: 159.8 Day 6: Tues, 5/17: Day 7: Wed, 5/18: Day 8: Thurs, 5/19: Day 9: Fri, 5/20: Day…
  • Day 1: Thurs, 5/12: 161.8 Day 2: Fri, 5/13: 159.6 Day 3: Sat, 5/14: 1st Week Goal Weight: N/A 1st Week Actual Weight: N/A Day 4: Sun, 5/15: Day 5: Mon, 5/16: Day 6: Tues, 5/17: Day 7: Wed, 5/18: Day 8: Thurs, 5/19: Day 9: Fri, 5/20: Day 10: Sat, 5/21: 2nd Week Goal Weight: N/A 2ndWeek Actual Weight: N/A Day 11: Sun, 5/22:…
  • Hello, I DEFINITELY need this challenge. I have been struggling to lose the 30+ lbs I gained during the pandemic due to stress/depression. I am tired of feeling this way so I am going to commit to this 100 day challenge, I am glad I just found it! Day 1: Thurs, 5/12: 161.8 Day 2: Fri, 5/13: Day 3: Sat, 5/14: 1st Week Goal…
  • I am in the same boat as you! I did great for quite some time, years ago, and logged all my foods and worked out daily but a lot has changed in my life and with the pandemic I got seriously depressed and gained A LOT of weight. I also took an office job where all I do is sit ALL day long, it's very depressing at how…
  • Struggling to stay on track. I need to be held accountable. My food diary is public and I'm looking for MFP friends who also have public diaries so I can get tips, ideas, encouragement, etc from them. :smiley:
  • Feel free to add me. I am trying to get my act together. I used to use MFP religiously a few yrs ago but fell off the bandwagon, had a baby, gained weight and now I can barely keep a food journal because I'm not kept accountable. I'm going to start using it tomorrow again and try to get my act together again. I came to…
  • Yep! I gain a good 2-3 lbs. I also end up giving into my cravings & eat candy or sugary stuff..that's what I seem to crave. And..of course I just get hungrier in general as well, haha. I try my hardest to resist the cravings & the need to eat more but sometimes I can't & I just give in to calm that monster within, haha!! I…
  • If you're looking for a quick weight loss solution then I HIGHLY recommend this "diet". It truly does work. I only did one round of the accelerated phase because I didn't have much weight to lose & I lost what I wanted too lose. Had I continued the entire 3 phases I know I would have definitely lost more... I actually…
  • Mine is public..feel free to add away. :)
  • I no longer have boobs. It's sad, but, I'd rather be fit & thin with no boobs than be fat with boobs. The only way I could have boobs was when I was fat & then I had decent sized girls. Now.. I'm almost at my goal weight & the girls have left the building. Le Sigh.. ;)
  • I've had this problem in the past & realized that I'm just NOT going to be able to carry everything that I want. It's not like I need all those things while I'm out running anyways, haha. The pants/shorts I wear have a little pocket on the waist band specifically for a key so I use that if I need to bring my key with me &…
  • Hello & welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me because I am also looking for support. I HIGHLY agree with Mike (the first replier) who mentioned it ALL starts in the kitchen. He is *absolutely* right. Losing weight happens in the kitchen & toning, firming, developing aerobically happens at the gym! Good luck on your journey &…
  • Hawaii. ~*Alooooooooooooooha*~ :D
  • I hear you all.. I'm at 134 now & am trying to get to 120-125 lbs. It has been a struggle & I found out I have hypothyroidism so the struggle has been upped. However, I highly encourage strength training because the more muscle you have the more calories you burn all day. You can always use your own body for "weights".…
  • I was always a thin person (105-115 lbs) in my teens & early 20s. I had my son in '06 then had the Mirena put in 6 months later. I ended up gaining 20 lbs in 6 months!! I went back to the doctor & complained saying I wanted it out because I was always depressed plus now had 30 lbs added to my frame. I had lost all the baby…
  • I find going to the gym boring if I'm going into the main part with the treadmills, stepmills, ellipticals, etc. However, I LOVE taking classes that my gym offers because I find them very fun & I like being surrounded by like-minded upbeat people who are working out. I love zumba, muscle conditioning, cardio & tone, boot…
  • Hello! Feel free to add me.. I was just diagnosed with hypothryoidism almost two months ago. I am currently on Levothyroxine, on the lowest dose, because this is my first time being on medication for it. I have to go have more blood work done in two weeks to see if they gave me the right dosage or not. I am definitely…
  • I am in the same boat as you. After MONTHS of not losing & sometimes gaining last night I discovered how important your BMR numbers are. I never figured mine out before & when I calculated it I realized I am supposed to be eating 2159 calories a day just to maintain my weight. I've been eating 1200-1300 calories a day for…
  • MFP gave me a 1,200 goal as well. I found it too hard to do because I was always hungry, haha, so I had to adjust some "goals" & now they gave me a 1,240 goal. Doh.. wishing it was more like a 1,800 goal! I am new to the forums & had no idea there were haters about 1200 calorie women. MFP told me 1200..heck, I wish I…
  • Hello! Feel free to add me as I also need the support & accountability. I *normally* do okay but some days I just fall off my healthy eating bandwagon & binge like crazy. I feel like definitely having friends on MFP definitely helps keep those little binges away. We're all here for you on your healthy eating journey!…