Losing the last ten pounds!(150-120 weight range?)

So, I've been told a ton of times how it's more difficult the closer you get to your goal, well the entire journey has been hell, so for the second half I would love to be a part of a support group, some other people just as miserable as I am. (: Anyone?

5.7'' 37-27-38, 138lbs. GW: 126lbs


Only 13 more miserable pounds! Taking off the weight has been like pulling teeth, I need people who are going through the same so we can figure this all out together. Trade tips, and what not.


  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi Feel free to friend me I'm trying to budge the last 9 pounds for my wedding in March, (trying to get as close to goal as poss by crimbo, when I'll be having my dress fitted) :D

    CW 134 GW 125
    36.5 - 28.5 - 37

    I hope it all comes off my tummy (31 inch at the belly button) it'd be great not to have to wear granny style control pants up to my boobs lol :P

    Edit I'm 5'5"
  • Feel free to add me!! I'm 5'6, 142 pounds. My measurements are about the same as yours. I lost 10 pounds earlier this year for my wedding, got nice & tone & fit & sported that bikini in Jamaica!! & I've just realized I gained it all back & I'm mad as hell. Yes, those last 10 are hell & I have to start all over. Now the holidays are upon us & I refuse to gain any more. I need to do something!!! I haven't quite settled on an exact plan, but I have made some basic improvements in my diet & have been adding alot more physical activities to my days. Haven't seen any weight loss (it's only been one week of consistancy) I'm ready to commit myself to getting serious!!!
  • Hihi

    you need to mix it up your work out dramaticaly ( body get use to the same workout very quick)
    if you do 60 min of cardio only - start lifting hevy weights 30 min and same cardio 30 min or mix it up by week days do this 2-3 weeks then mix it up again. Or do only joga for a week, week after that do your usual work out and so on.
    NEED TO SHOCK your body now and then.

    It worked for me like a magic. was stuck on the same platoe for 5 weeks not a gramm came down. Was doing Insanity work out though 5 days a week. Started lifting for 35 min with one of the insanity core cardio and balance videos 40 min. by the forth day droped 2 lbs.
  • I wish I had weights! But unfortunately... too poor to buy any right now, or buy a gym membership. All I have is a yoga mat, zumba Wii, and a rainy town. That's all I have. I have a fairly active job though, and a pretty good metabolism. Can't afford to buy anything at all right now. I HATE BILLS!! But yeah... any more ideas? I just started to add more intense things to my circuit training.

    Hello girls! What's the plan?
  • There is LOTS of free work outs you can get on internet. I know there is Jillians 30 day shred is on youtube in the complit and you dont need anything with it.
    try to have maybe a fasting one day a week. one day that you will only drink juses, shakes, milk and so on.
  • r0se125
    r0se125 Posts: 228 Member
    I got a little more then you but I hear ya on the pulling teeth. I am 147 and wanna get to 130. and it seems to be taking its sweet *kitten* time.
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    I wish I had weights! But unfortunately... too poor to buy any right now, or buy a gym membership. All I have is a yoga mat, zumba Wii, and a rainy town. That's all I have. I have a fairly active job though, and a pretty good metabolism. Can't afford to buy anything at all right now. I HATE BILLS!! But yeah... any more ideas? I just started to add more intense things to my circuit training.

    Hello girls! What's the plan?

    You dont need to buy weights. If your doing exercises in the house then get a couple of bags of sugar or fill up a couple of water bottles of water. Both will give you just as good a workout :)
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I wish I had weights! But unfortunately... too poor to buy any right now, or buy a gym membership. All I have is a yoga mat, zumba Wii, and a rainy town. That's all I have. I have a fairly active job though, and a pretty good metabolism. Can't afford to buy anything at all right now. I HATE BILLS!! But yeah... any more ideas? I just started to add more intense things to my circuit training.

    Hello girls! What's the plan?

    You dont need to buy weights. If your doing exercises in the house then get a couple of bags of sugar or fill up a couple of water bottles of water. Both will give you just as good a workout :)

    I was about to mention this the thing about weights are they are just something heavy, so whether it's a can of beans, or a bottle of water or a couple of shopping bags filled with cans just to give you a bit of resistance that'll do. :) Also press ups, squats, sit ups, planks etc are all free, it's just using your own body mass as weight resistance! I love zumba I go to classes, would you recommend the wii version? I've spotted zumba 2 with the strap on amazon for £15 and very tempted. :)
  • bump! I'm going away this weekend but definately going to respond later :-)

    Im 5'6.5 144 lbs and would like to get down to 130lbs
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I'm 5'6" (almost ) and I'm 140 but want to get to 130....125 if I still feel I have extra fat and it's not tooooooooo much harder to sustain. My biggest problem is sustaining the weight loss. :-/ I'm bottom heavy and all my extra weight is in my legs. In the shins, calves, knees(on top and sides) and thighs and saddle bag area...Arggg! I hate the way my legs look. But- I'm trying to change my bad eating (sweets addicted and too big of portions) and to exercise more. It's a HUGE struggle! I'm hanging with ya!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I'm on my last few pounds. I haven't found it to be any harder, exactly, it just goes a lot slower. As long as you're patient, it's not too bad!
  • nastycivilian
    nastycivilian Posts: 22 Member
    I hear you all.. I'm at 134 now & am trying to get to 120-125 lbs. It has been a struggle & I found out I have hypothyroidism so the struggle has been upped.

    However, I highly encourage strength training because the more muscle you have the more calories you burn all day. You can always use your own body for "weights".

    Planks, push ups, jump squats, walking or jumping lunges, side lunge curtsies, etc. (sorry if these are all repeats because I didn't read everyone's responses)

    Feel free to add me..anyone, for that matter, feel free to add me because I am also looking for any support I can get. :)
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    So, I've been told a ton of times how it's more difficult the closer you get to your goal, well the entire journey has been hell, so for the second half I would love to be a part of a support group, some other people just as miserable as I am. (: Anyone?

    5.7'' 37-27-38, 138lbs. GW: 126lbs


    Only 13 more miserable pounds! Taking off the weight has been like pulling teeth, I need people who are going through the same so we can figure this all out together. Trade tips, and what not.

    I would love to be apart of a support group! I have about 20ish pounds remaining that have just been so stubborn to lose! I'd be happy to join in the support!:smile: