

  • It depends on the type of night out I'm having, if I decide to go for a soft drink it's usually soda water and lime (preferably fresh lime rather than cordial). If I'm going out for a few drinks, I either drink vodka, soda and liime or gin and slim line tonic.
  • I've been using kettlebells for a few months now and highly recommend them. It's exactly the kind of workout that you suggest. I'm definitely not an expert on kettlebells and can only give you some tips based on my experience of using them, when I started out and didn't have particularly good form, I had some discomfort in…
  • Welcome to MFP, you'll find lots of good advice (and varied) that can help you to lose weight and get fit. In relation to your question about increasing protein and reducing carbs, this is the route that I have taken, I get most of my protein intake from chicken, turkey and fish and a small amount of it from red meat. The…
  • You've taken the first step by coming back on to MFP. Good luck with your goals, oh I'm from Glasgow.
  • Walking and cycling are great ways to exercise and don't cost a lot of money. It's difficult to convince yourself to start exercising, start out doing something 2\3 times a week and then build it up, you will be amazed how quickly it just becomes part of what you do. I've been really surprise, 6 months ago I found it…
  • Hi, another UK'er here, I live in Glasgow. The sun is out today and I'm feeling pretty motivated at the moment. I've sent you a friend request so hopefully we can help to keep each other motivated. Anyone else looking for more UK friends, please feel free to add me. Mandy
  • I've got to say the thing that I really like about MFP is the support that you get from everyone on here. Thanks to for the words of encouragement, definitely happy to help motivate anyone who needs a little helping hand, it really is easier to see the small wins for someone else than yourself sometimes. :happy:
  • Welcome to MFP, happy for you to add me. Mandy
  • Starting with your end weight goal in mind is great, but it can make it really frustrating when you don't see big weight loses every week. I found it easier to break my total down into smaller, easier to achieve sizes. Pick a date a few months in the future (your birthday, a big night out you are attending, a holiday) and…
  • I find this much better than Facebook, it provides motivation and information about something that is really important to me. The people on here are happy to give you the benefit of their experience and try to keep each other motivated.
  • Well done, you look amazing. Thanks for posting, I've been struggling a little over the last few weeks, seeing your success has given me motivation to get back on track. :wink:
  • I've been in the exact same position, you think that if I just exercise and don't use the calories then I'll be able to kick start myself. Not true, all that happens is you don't take in enough calories and then don't have any energy to exercise. It's really important to eat your exercise calories and maintain your net…