taziarj Member


  • Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. Not the cups, but the eggs. The Peanut Butter Trees are great around the holidays too. I like the mini Peanut Butter Eggs too that come in a large bag. I can easily eat 10 in a span of a couple hours, which at 90 calories each for the minis is a problem. Those don't easily fit in to my calories…
  • I drink at least half a gallon during the day while at work and then also have a gallon jug in the fridge that I nearly empty after I get home around 5:00pm. Some days I will be a little under a gallon, some days a little over or if not nearly a gallon and a half. As long as you are eating throughout the day and taking in…
  • Won't any deficit get you to that MF% given enough time? I guess it is adding the muscle at the same time that is the challenge? Really the jumping rope and cardio is unnecessary as long as you maintain the deficit.
  • I don't bother logging most oils. If I put a tbsp of oil in the pan and split the contents with my wife at diner the number of added calories may only be 30 when you consider the oil that was left behind. It would also be rather difficult to deep fry and measure the oil before and after. I mean, how much oil is left in the…
  • I agree. I saw Chocolate Peanut Butter Twinkies. I thought they would be great. Well, it was a waste of 130 calories. They were not good and there was NO peanut butter flavor. They claimed to be made with real peanut butter, I just don't know how much, a 1/10th of a teaspoon? What a waste. I still have the rest of the box…
  • When you get to the last few pounds, you have to make sure your diary logging is super tight. When you have a big deficit, you can get away with going over by 100 or 200 calories. When you get close to goal, you have to have your logging as accurate as possible so your calorie entries are as accurate as possible. Buy a…
    in Run at push Comment by taziarj July 2017
  • Unfortunately tea is another no go for me. On par with raw celery. My wive drinks cold brew iced tea all the time, but I can't stand the stuff. I drink water and lots of it. I rarely drink any other type of beverage. I have up soda years ago and only have one every once and a while. I may even try some full fat yogurt…
  • Thanks for all the tips guys. I really do need to try to eat more vegetables as they are more filling with a lot less calories than my daily potato chips :smile: I do love potato chips though. My one issue is that I don't really like raw vegetables. I am odd. I can eat cooked veggies, but not raw. Raw celery is the worst…
  • I do weigh out my ice cream portions. I end up using a ramekin to put the ice cream in. Mentally, the paltry amount of ice cream in a "serving" looks like a lot more in the ramekin than it does in a big bowl.
  • I am exactly the same way. Though I am not a huge ice cream fan, but I do find I do better with novelty ice cream bars, sandwiches and cones than a whole tub. I really like the Twix and Snickers ice cream bars at 180 calories each. I am more smitten with potato chips. I can easily down a whole 10oz bag in an afternoon for…
  • Have you recalculated your TDEE since you lost the weight? As you lose weight, the amount of calories you can consume and continue to lose at the same pace also goes down.
  • It all depends. Some processors brine their frozen chicken breasts in a salt water solution, so it will have a lower calorie count per ounce since it has more water than fresh chicken breasts from the meat case.
  • Pizza Hut has a nutrition calculator where you can select individual crust types and toppings. I don't see two different types of pan crust. https://m.nutritionix.com/pizza-hut/nutrition-calculator/premium/ I like the calculator because you can put in for extra cheese where many of the entries in the database don't have it…
  • Did someone actually eat this? 22g of protien, it may be the new superfood!
  • Shouldn't your heels only be about shoulder width apart? They look to be much wider in the view from the front. This could be causing your knees to flare out at the bottom?
  • If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal, If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal, If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal, If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal. You clearly do not have 75+ lbs to lose, so…
  • I gained 17 lbs on a 17 night trip in May. I just this past week got back down to under the weight I was when the trip started. So it set me back about two months.
  • I agree on the two tbsp of dressing. That is hardly nothing. I also don't weigh out all my foods. I do some things, like peanut butter or when I am prepping my Greek yogurt for breakfast. But for the most part I eyeball it. I put ketchup and relish on a hamburger without weighing it. I usually weigh my cheese for a baked…
  • I stepped on my scale five times this morning. It went from 228.9, then to 229.0 then 229.1 then 229.3 then 229.0. All while it was sitting in the same place, not moved at all. The overall trend week to week or month to month are what matters most.
  • 100 calories isn't even a mistake. Heck, calorie counting is a guesstimate anyway. Statistically, 100 calories is nothing even if one's calorie goal is at maintenance.
  • I get the granola snack packs at Aldi and put about 7g of that on the yogurt along with some blueberries and a sliced up strawberry. Total is about 150 calories. I put it in a small container and take it to work and eat it when I get there. For some reason the yogurt tastes better and seems to get fuller once it is out of…
  • I am over by 1,670 calories today. The 1,300 Dairy Queen Blizzard didn't help. My daily calorie goal is set to only 750 under maintenance. That means I am about 1000 calories over maintenance. It may slow my progress a little, but is just a blip in the grans scheme of things. As long as it isn't an every day thing, I will…
  • Because you are eating the same amount of calories as you are burning every day. There are of course several reasons for this. Are you accurately counting your calories, weighing food using a food scale and using accurate entries from the database? Have you calculated your daily calorie goal correctly. When you post this…
  • They say the chances of long term success are less than 5%. I was in the same situation as the OP. Starting out in the 320lbs range back in January 2012. By April 2013 I was down to 190lbs. I fluctuated between that and 225 through 2014. From 2014 on I slowly gained making it back up to 264 by February 2017. When I only…
  • Calorie counting is just an estimate or prediction of how many calories you consumed in a given day. Nothing is exact. Even nutrition labels can be off by 10%. The amount of food in a prepackaged item can be more than the weight on the label.
  • The problem with new Lodge (and just about any) cast iron skillet is that they no longer mill the interior of the skillet. Since pre-seasoned skillets sell so much easier, they leave the iron as cast so the seasoning is easier to apply and sticks much more consistently. This is why new skillets are rough where old skillets…
  • That is a bath scale, the OP is looking for a food scale.
  • The problem is, if you did lose the weight, you would probably gain a bunch back (perhaps as much as a full stone) during your holiday. Unless you continued reasonable diet while on holiday. You are however much more likely to just go back to your usual eating ways, or even worse given that you are on holiday. I have gone…
  • Depending on what your daily goal is based off of (lose 1lb, 1.5lb, 2lb a week), you may still be in as much as a 700 calorie deficit each of those days you went over. Ultimately, the answer is as others pointed out, weight loss isn't linear. Though I find it much more linear when I only weigh in once a week vs every day.
  • 300 over maintenance or 300 over your daily goal? Your daily goal is already a deficit, so even if you are over your daily goal you may still be under maintenance and still in a deficit. You have discovered the "whoosh effect". You can read more about how it works at the link below. http://100down.org/the-whoosh-effect/