Feeling guilty after small slip ups

Does anyone else feel so guilty after going over there calories? Yesterday I went over by 100 calories and felt extremely guilty when laying in bed last night. Couldn't stop worrying that I had ruined my progress and would fall back into old habits. How do other people deal with this kind of thing?


  • LindaCan2
    LindaCan2 Posts: 22 Member
    None of us are perfect, and we all experience life. Don't beat yourself up; start afresh with your next meal. You can do it.
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes! I feel like I've fallen off the wagon these past 3 days due to celebrations that I attended. We are human and our own worst critic. We just need to stop feeling the guilt and keep moving forward. ...with maybe one less glass of wine! Haha. Wine calories are killing me!
  • imanibelle
    imanibelle Posts: 130 Member
    I've found fretting about small slipups just makes things worse. It's a lifestyle, not a race or marathon. :) We won't be perfect all through life, so we can't expect to be perfect now. Just calmly take mistakes in stride and if you're like me, forgiving yourself will make you better, not worse, at this.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    No. I struggle in different ways. Not over 100 calories. Maybe over 1000 calories I might get a bit...fidgety.
  • nlovewb
    nlovewb Posts: 5 Member
    We are human... we will make mistakes, weather it's done deliberately or not... as long as you got back on track... pay yourself on the back!!!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    One hundred calories is not going to cause any harm. Obsessing about it will cause harm. Always being over is not good, but it's perfectly reasonable to go over by small amounts (like 100 calories) every once in awhile, and to go under by small amounts occasionally too. It's what you do over and over again that causes problems.
  • taziarj
    taziarj Posts: 243 Member
    nlovewb wrote: »
    We are human... we will make mistakes, weather it's done deliberately or not... as long as you got back on track... pay yourself on the back!!!

    100 calories isn't even a mistake. Heck, calorie counting is a guesstimate anyway. Statistically, 100 calories is nothing even if one's calorie goal is at maintenance.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    Here's what I tell my kid and what my Mom used to say to me. "Don't waste time being sorry. Fix it, get over it or start over."
    (Only applies to normal mistakes. Being a dick you should feel sorry about first. THEN fix it, and move on. You can't start over with other prople, just yourself.)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    If you normally run a 500 deficit and go 100 over your goal one day, that means you have a 400 cal deficit. This is not a disaster. Focus on the facts!


    Understanding the weight loss arithmetic is hugely empowering.

    If you've been losing a pound a week, then eat a thousand calories over goal, you've delayed reaching your final weight goal by two whole days. As long as it doesn't happen often, big whoop-tee-doo. ;)
  • tdavis1994
    tdavis1994 Posts: 18 Member
    I know a hundred calories isn't a big deal. It's more about the huge amount of guilt and how upset I get at myself when I have a slightly off day. I am trying to learn how to not be so hard on myself. And I have so much fear I will fail because I need to change so badly.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    kevrcook wrote: »
    I feel for you but you do need to be hard on yourself 100 can soon be 200 !and then 300. You need to get a grip and not make such basic mistakes. There is no progress without pain and commitment

    Going 100 calories over for one day would barely cause any damage. It's less than half an ounce for the entire week, and it can easily be averaged out by someone who follows a weekly goal.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    kevrcook wrote: »
    I feel for you but you do need to be hard on yourself 100 can soon be 200 !and then 300. You need to get a grip and not make such basic mistakes. There is no progress without pain and commitment

    I don't see this as being helpful or productive in any way shape or form. I'm all for tough love when it's appropriate, and will dole it out, but kicking someone who is down and already kicking themselves is unnecessary. 100 calories over the deficit, still leaves a deficit. She's still in an overall negative net, so doing just fine.