DawnieB1977 Member


  • I always loved languages at school. At first I wanted to be a lawyer and I applied to study Law and French Law at uni. Then I changed my mind when I was there and switched to a French degree. I did an MA in Translation, then worked for an international bank for a bit. Then I trained to be a teacher, which I've been doing…
  • Places I've been: France (loads of times), Italy, Germany, Rhodes, Switzerland, Holland, Cuba, California and Nevada. I'd love to go to the Seychelles and Mauritius.
  • I'll be 40 in Oct and I'm looking to lose around 15lbs. I do a lot already exercise wise (circuits, gym, spin, PT sessions), so I have to be super strict with food. I work full time as a teacher (secondary school French and Spanish) so I'm on my feet all day at work, and I have 3 kids (7, 5 and 2), plus my husband does…
  • In England schools have 'healthy schools' policies and snacks like that aren't allowed. In secondary school kids bring in snacks they like, but they can't buy chocolate, sweets etc at school. I sent a brunch bar (basically peanuts, oats etc with a bit of chocolate on top) in my son's (he's 7) bag for a break snack and we…
  • I'm a mum of 3 - ages 7, 5 and 2. I work full time as a teacher, in England. I'd like to lose another 15lbs or so. OP, where in China are you? My sister spent 4 years in China, firstly in Hainan, then Guangzhou.
  • P.S My kids are incredibly active! We live by the sea and I expect I'll spend the next 6 weeks chasing them on their scooters! Even on days we stay at home (very rare!) I do at least 5000 steps just chasing them about inside lol.
  • I'm a teacher and I have 3 young kids (age 7, 5 and 2) and my husband does shift work. It's definitely difficult, but it is do-able! When my husband is on early shift (he leaves at 5am and gets home about 2:30) I can go to the gym in the evening, so I like this week! When he's on late shift (he leaves around 1pm and gets…
  • Hi, I'm 38 and a mum of 3 (age 7, 5 and 2) and I work as a teacher. Busy, busy, busy! I've been on MFP for about 4 years now and I don't log my food anymore, but I still check in every day. I'd like to lose another 10lbs or so.
  • They do it at school here in the UK. Obviously parents can opt out for their child, but I think the majority of girls get it. My daughters are only 5 and 2, but if they were older they'd definitely have it.
  • I drink a big glass of water in the morning. I use the loo before lessons start, then at break, if I have a free lesson, and at lunch. Our school day ends at 2:55pm, so I just drink lots after that. I also drinks lots of coffee throughout the day... I have 3 young kids of my own. Caffeine is essential :)
  • Absolutely. I find when I'm slimmer I have so much more confidence and probably get noticed more. I lost a lot of weight when I was at university and got loads of male attention! Then when I started working and discovered the gym I always had someone interested in me. I'm 38 now and married with 3 kids, so I'm kind of…
  • Feel free to add me! I have 3 children, and each time I've gained weight and had to lose it. I was 220lbs after my 2nd and got down to 154lbs, then I got pregnant again lol. My third will be 2 on May 1st and I'm about 164lbs now. It's definitely harder this time round.
  • I workout loads! I was back in the gym when each of mine were 6 weeks old! I aim for 4/5 times a week and more in school holidays (I'm a teacher). I do spinning, circuits, PT sessions, HIIT classes and gym sessions. Oh and I run sometimes. I gained weight in pregnancy, and I've lost most of it, but I lost faster after my…
  • I think I look older when I'm thinner, but I do have a slim face anyway, even when I weigh too much, and when I lose weight I lose from my face first. I I go below a certain weight my face looks terrible. I'm 38 now and I'm convinced I look my age due to bags under my eyes from a nearly 2 year old who has never slept all…
  • Snap! I'll be 39 in October. I've got about 10lbs to go to goal weight, but I'll probably decide I need to lose a bit more when I reach that.
  • Congrats on the baby! I have 3, they're nearly 7, 5 and 2 now. So I've had to do the post baby weight loss thing 3 times lol. I'm still not as thin after no.3 as I got after no.2. Not sure how as some days I don't think I sit down ever!
  • You get up at 2am and do 2 hours in the gym? What do you do in the gym? If you're sticking to the same routine you will get bored. And why do you need 2 hours? As a mum of 3 kids who is permanently sleep deprived, I have no idea why you'd purposefully deprive yourself of sleep! Surely you could wake up at a reasonable…
  • It's called your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and it's his much you burn just doing normal things- walking around, work, housework, even sleeping! And then you can add exercise to it. I've got a Fitbit charge hr which tells me my TDEE. Some days it's 3000! So if I were to eat 1200 calories, I'd have a deficit of…
  • I do a lot of circuits classes, they're all different exercises, for example Sunday is endurance, Wed is HIIT, Mon is core, Fri is boxercise etc. I also do PT sessions, gym sessions (treadmill, stepper etc), spinning, sometimes go for a run... I aim to do 4 sessions a week. In the school holidays (I'm a teacher) I do about…
  • My third will be 2 on May 1st and I still have the last 10lbs to lose! It definitely is harder third time round. I lost about 70lbs after my 2nd in 2 years, before getting pregnant again.
  • I'm in! I'm a mum of 3 (6, 4 and 22 months) and I work 4 days a week as a secondary school teacher. Anyone who's a teacher will tell you that's not really part time! I work on my day off and at the weekend too. My husband does shift work, just to make it all harder. I'm only 10lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I'm…
  • I totally agree with this, and I am similar. After my 2nd child it took me 2 years to lose around 5 stone, then I got pregnant again lol and she will be 2 on May 1st and I am not quite at pre pregnancy weight yet. I exercised and ate at a deficit for the majority of my pregnancy but gained anyway. I lose slowly, but I have…
  • I'm from York! Are you enjoying it? I don't live there now but miss it.
  • I'm in East Sussex. I'm 11 stone 10 right now and would be happy at my pre pregnancy weight of 11 stone as I was a size 10/12 then. I'm 5'6.
  • My youngest is 22 months and luckily she eats pretty much anything. I think it's a girl thing. My son is 6 and he was a poor eater until he was at least 3. Not so much that he ate junk, he just hardly ate at all. My 4 year old daughter used to be great but she's going through a fussy stage at the moment, so we resort to a…
  • I googled how many calories I should eat. Your baby will be fine if you eat at a deficit - you're not going to be starving! Women in third world countries manage to give birth to healthy babies. I'd say eat what you're comfortable eating, and eat more if you're hungry. I was nauseous until week 14 so I ate more carbs…
  • I carried on in a deficit when I was pregnant, just a smaller deficit. I carried on exercising until I was 38 weeks too. I still gained too much weight anyway, so wish I'd just relaxed more and eaten cake lol.
  • Welcome, and congrats! My baby boy is now nearly 7. I also have 2 girls who will be 2 and 5 in May. (I planned that well lol). I am still losing that last bit of baby weight after my third.
  • You look great! I've got about 10-15lbs to lose after my third baby.
  • I've had 3 children and luckily have never torn with any of them. I also had fast labours. I arrived at hospital at 2pm with my first and he was born at 3:34pm. I only pushed for 5 minutes with my 2nd! My third was a little longer, and back to back. One of my friends who tore said she sat in a rubber ring, like you'd use…