kellyhanratty Member


  • I was...but I guess this is me comin out the closet. I read that telling people really helps. I'm going to tell my work colleagues today. I feel they some times sabotage my weightless efforts. I ask for their support and to please not offer me junk, chocolate etc but they still do. And not only offer it but keep persisting…
  • Ok I'm not good with this guy stuff but I'm 99% sure there is definitely some spark there!! Is he shy? Play it cool type? He could be feeling exactly the same way and too scared to say some thing. Ok I'm 23 and this may sound ridiculous but would any of his friends know how he felt about you?
  • Aw good luck sweet. I hope it turns out for the best. :) I felt a bit meh myself yesterday. Seeing everyone get love and attention and just happy little silly stuff. I felt neglected and worthless and abandoned. I know how stupid and embarrassing that sounds - believe me. We all just want to feel loved deep down I think.…
  • Good on you!!!! Be proud! That's really great! I'm happy for you and look forward to sharing your success!
  • Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it. Good on you for your success and bravery to move overseas alone! My worst enemy is my self really. We can do any thing we set our minds to. I know this. But some days I fall off my health wagon, get down in the dumps and start self sabotaging. Mild depression comes…
  • Any news yet sweet? My thoughts are really and truelly with you at this time. Sending you all the positive energy and hoping this can be a milestone to your successful future with your family and for your partner recovering. It is hard to love some one and want to help them. You're doing the best any one could and I'm sure…
  • Wow you look stunning! I can appreciate how hard it is to lose the last few kgs so good for you! I think the confidence you feel on the inside is reflecting in your outside beauty too. Shine on gorgeous!