kelseyt17 Posts: 110 Member
So I have NEVER cared to have a valentine before I always thought it was more of a kids holiday. You know going to school with the exact amount of cards as there is kids in your class. Or when you're a teenager and dating someone you both go out to eat and buy each other stuff or whatever. I have never been single on valentines day except for when I was young and didn't care for boys. Well I broke up with my ex about 4 months ago and haven't really wanted to be in another relationship .This year I was asked by a few, but declined them cause I felt obligated to like them or something... But... I can't help feeling like crap cause I wanted one certain person to ask... Ugh I hate love... and holidays -.-

Nothing really to this post... just wanted to vent :/


  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    so sorry that the person you like doesnt like you back. but you cant exactly control who you are attracted to. that should help to know that it really is nothing personal. all about hormones and such. and does this person know how you feel about them?
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Celebrate St. Skeletor day instead.
  • kelseyt17
    kelseyt17 Posts: 110 Member
    @Anna I know, and I wouldn't really let it get to me if I didn't care for him as much as I do. & no I haven't told him at all he's my bestfriend and I'm afraid if he doesn't have those feelings for me it will be awkward between us if I tell him. And I don't want to lose our friendship.

    @ Chairless I'm so going to from now on lol.
  • emmieloopy
    Celebrate St. Skeletor day instead.

    Yes!!! St Skeletor Day! I support this day wholeheartedly!
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Yeah.. I just started dating in, like, the last 9 months, since I've lost 60 or so lbs after joining MFP. Hadn't gotten asked out in years before that. It's all very new to me and I'm still getting used to it. Right now I've been regularly seeing 2 guys, and part of me feels guilty or something. though I'm not committed to either. One I am rather creeped out by.. he's waay too aggressive physically, sexually, and I've distanced myself from him. The other one I really dig/click with as a person, but he's the opposite: very very square, mild-mannered, very unsexual, and I'm not really physically attracted to him. There's just no chemistry.
    I met someone by chance a month ago and I haven't been able to get him out of my head. I never got his name or anything.. he just helped me with my computer at uni, and I just didn't want to leave his office. I've seen him around on campus a few times since, and I definitely noticed him looking at me.. I think he may be interested to, but there's no way in hell I'd make any kind of a move unless I knew he wasn't taken, and I don't know how to approach him in a friendly way unless I needed IT help or something. All the other guys I've dated I met at my job when they were customers, and one guy approached me in a parking lot.. totally random.
    I didn't go on a date or have any kind of experience with a guy until I was 20, and then I really didn't date after that for the last 5 years.. I can only attribute that to the weight gain.
    I feel like I was SO alone and so desperate just to be asked out for so many years, but now that it's happening it's so depressing that I don't feel an attraction or connection with any of the men that are interested in me. I have these old feelings of guilt/worthlessness that I should pursue it just because I should be grateful that anyone's even interested in me, but I know that's horrible and not true. It's really hard to hold out though.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    wow kelsey that is so tough. any hints about how he feels? does he have a girlfriend? has he said hey you look hot today, or something. you are adorable, why he wouldnt want you is beyond me, guys are clueless sometimes. wouldnt it be worth taking the chance to see if he feels the same way? i would rather take the risk than live with not knowing even if it meant risking losing his friendship. better to know than be tortured daily with not knowing. you know? lol
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.

    It's what we were meant for. Just focus on your goals: health, intellectual, professional, educational, financial, recreational and social, and guess what? Like attracts like.

    You'll meet the right guy and sit side by side in the morning light and looked out at your future together. :bigsmile:
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    I am sorry you had a bad Valentines day.....I broke up with mine Sunday and it felt like a horrible death but it is something I needed to do for me.....I made it through yesterday and I am very proud at how strong I was...I am suprising myself everyday! Best of luck to you in the future....I know it is bright for both of us!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    Yeah.. I just started dating in, like, the last 9 months, since I've lost 60 or so lbs after joining MFP. Hadn't gotten asked out in years before that. It's all very new to me and I'm still getting used to it. Right now I've been regularly seeing 2 guys, and part of me feels guilty or something. though I'm not committed to either. One I am rather creeped out by.. he's waay too aggressive physically, sexually, and I've distanced myself from him. The other one I really dig/click with as a person, but he's the opposite: very very square, mild-mannered, very unsexual, and I'm not really physically attracted to him. There's just no chemistry.
    I met someone by chance a month ago and I haven't been able to get him out of my head. I never got his name or anything.. he just helped me with my computer at uni, and I just didn't want to leave his office. I've seen him around on campus a few times since, and I definitely noticed him looking at me.. I think he may be interested to, but there's no way in hell I'd make any kind of a move unless I knew he wasn't taken, and I don't know how to approach him in a friendly way unless I needed IT help or something. All the other guys I've dated I met at my job when they were customers, and one guy approached me in a parking lot.. totally random.
    I didn't go on a date or have any kind of experience with a guy until I was 20, and then I really didn't date after that for the last 5 years.. I can only attribute that to the weight gain.
    I feel like I was SO alone and so desperate just to be asked out for so many years, but now that it's happening it's so depressing that I don't feel an attraction or connection with any of the men that are interested in me. I have these old feelings of guilt/worthlessness that I should pursue it just because I should be grateful that anyone's even interested in me, but I know that's horrible and not true. It's really hard to hold out though.
    and again you are adorable, be proud of the work you have done so far and how great you look! rock it girlfriend, you got this! tell yourself every day how fabulous you are, hell I have trouble not telling myself that every hour now! lol I got this! and so do you!
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    and again you are adorable, be proud of the work you have done so far and how great you look! rock it girlfriend, you got this! tell yourself every day how fabulous you are, hell I have trouble not telling myself that every hour now! lol I got this! and so do you!

    Thank you!! That made me smile. Have a great day and good luck on this never-ending journey we call MFP!
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    V day just sucks. If you feel that way about your friend though just go for it. You'll seriously regret it for the rest of your life if you don't..

    I'm in this exact situation at the moment and I've just sorted it. We were always friends, we begun "seeing" each other which obviously progressed my feelings for her, she just wasn't on the same page and didn't want anything more. Now we've talked about it and ironed it out last night, I feel so much better about it, much more positive in general AND I've still got an amazing friend that I now feel closer to than I ever have. We've stopped all the fun we were having but I wouldn't have swapped any of it for the world and I never ever will want to. If you get hurt a little it's worth it just to know..otherwise you'll always wonder what if :) Good luck anyway and message me if you do it! :)
  • kelseyt17
    kelseyt17 Posts: 110 Member
    @Anna Well I feel like he kinda likes me. He doesn't have a girlfriend We hang out nearly every single day and even stay up all night talking to each other sometimes. He makes flirty comments to me when we joke around and compliments me too. But I'm not sure if its just cause were so good of friends or if its something more. & I didn't even really realize I liked him till recently when a girl flirted with him and I instantly got extremely jealous and then it was just like "Hey I really like this guy." I just wish he would say something, its killing me.
  • kellyhanratty
    kellyhanratty Posts: 8 Member
    Aw good luck sweet. I hope it turns out for the best. :) I felt a bit meh myself yesterday. Seeing everyone get love and attention and just happy little silly stuff. I felt neglected and worthless and abandoned. I know how stupid and embarrassing that sounds - believe me. We all just want to feel loved deep down I think. But isn't it typical, the ones we like never like us and the ones that like us as much as we try or wish we did we don't feel the same. *sigh* oh life.
  • kellyhanratty
    kellyhanratty Posts: 8 Member
    Ok I'm not good with this guy stuff but I'm 99% sure there is definitely some spark there!! Is he shy? Play it cool type? He could be feeling exactly the same way and too scared to say some thing. Ok I'm 23 and this may sound ridiculous but would any of his friends know how he felt about you?
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    @Anna Well I feel like he kinda likes me. He doesn't have a girlfriend We hang out nearly every single day and even stay up all night talking to each other sometimes. He makes flirty comments to me when we joke around and compliments me too. But I'm not sure if its just cause were so good of friends or if its something more. & I didn't even really realize I liked him till recently when a girl flirted with him and I instantly got extremely jealous and then it was just like "Hey I really like this guy." I just wish he would say something, its killing me.

    Boys suck, and they're really bad about taking hints...sometimes they need to just be beaten over the head. And Yeah...waiting for HIM to say something...worst kind of torture...
  • kelseyt17
    kelseyt17 Posts: 110 Member
    @Kelly Well we hang out with same group of friends consisting of all guys and only two girls, me being one of them Were all real close. But he's the play it cool kind of type I don't really think he would say if he did or not to any of them

    @Cgrout78 LOL thanks for the laugh! I know sometimes I just wanna strangle him and be like "Hey DUMBASS I like you!" :]
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    hm, maybe you need to get all dressed up and hot **** looking and hang out with the rest of the group and get the nads up to hit on a nother guy while you are out with him. that will wake him up. just ask him if not! he is totally into you sweetie. he is scared also. hell if I wouldnt have asked my husband twenty yrs ago if he was every gonna kiss me on our first date i would still be single lol
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member

    I met someone by chance a month ago and I haven't been able to get him out of my head. I never got his name or anything.. he just helped me with my computer at uni, and I just didn't want to leave his office. I've seen him around on campus a few times since, and I definitely noticed him looking at me.. I think he may be interested to, but there's no way in hell I'd make any kind of a move unless I knew he wasn't taken, and I don't know how to approach him in a friendly way unless I needed IT help or something.

    1. Take can of drink or other liquid.
    2. Pour liberally over computer
    3. Take to IT guy

    What have you got to lose? oh, well, except a computer.... but seriously MAKE UP an IT issue and bat your eyelashes!

    I have gone through two many too-shy/embarrassed-to-flirt-properly in my time. Like I saw my SO 5 days a week for two years before we got drunk and hooked up (ok it was a little more romantic than that sounds...)
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    And Kelsey... in a totally straight way - you're HOTTTTT

    Can't hurt to explore the chemistry!
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    Yeah, I prefer St Skeletor's Day - love is for girls.