Lonely - support please

Hi I have been reading the posts and it's great to notice how supportive MFP users are of one another. Thought I could use a hand.
My best friend is workin away for 5 weeks and my other best friend has fallen off the face of the earth/head over heels in love.

We always worked out together and are very active, cycling, running, gym just getting out and having adventures. Now I'm alone I'm finding it hard to stay motivated as I'm a bit lonely.

After a trip to Europe I gained 15k. Had an amazing time and I don't regret indulging in the food and beverage's just feeling a little low after not fitting into my clothes! I've worked hard and lost over 10kg. Just 5kg to go before I'm back to my comfortable and happy size (so my jeans fit again!). It's those last few kgs that are the hardest because I become complacent telling myself "I look ok I guess"...the trouble with that is I don't feel 100% happy in myself how I was before.

It would be nice to hear from any one with encouragement with losing the last few kgs and doing it alone with out support.

Thanks for your time to read this post.


  • miamime
    Hey, I can relate quite a bit!

    I moved away from home to a different country by myself a few months ago, needless to say I felt very lonely for a while. I had also gained a few kilos over the past few years and that just added to my overall negative feelings! However, because it wasn't THAT much weight, as you said, it was easy to be complacent ( or pretend my jeans had shrunk :laugh:)

    Then I had a bit of a realisation that it would be such an achievement (for me anyway) to do this completely by myself without a support system. I slowly started to eat healthier which kicked started my weight lost and encouraged me to start exercising. As a result I started to feel more positive about myself and therefore less lonely.

    So basically what I am trying to say is think how great it would feel to find your inner strength and do something you didn't think you could do? Not only would you get back to your 'happy size' but you would also gain a sense of pride that Im sure would benefit you in many other ways.

    Hope that made sense and or helps at all! Good luck :smile:
  • kellyhanratty
    kellyhanratty Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it. Good on you for your success and bravery to move overseas alone! My worst enemy is my self really. We can do any thing we set our minds to. I know this. But some days I fall off my health wagon, get down in the dumps and start self sabotaging. Mild depression comes and goes but I do my best to keep it at bay. Hopefully in a few days it will have passed.

    I will keep in mind what you have said. Although support is amazing a self of self pride would definitely be achieved if I could fulfil my goals alone. I hope you are doing really great and are settled with life now :)

    Kind Regards

  • florinap
    Hi, Kelly! You can add me as a friend! I can totally relate to you... not to much weight to lose, finding it hard to motivate myself... looking in the mirror and thinking I don't look that bad, altough my jeans won't fit.... working hard a week and since I don't see a difference, I'll eat to make up for the "lost" days! Will motivate each other, Florina