EllieHall Member


  • I have tried making my own and can never get the taste right. I really like Maple grove farms sugar free raspberry vinaigrette. And Paul Newmans light balsamic vinaigrette. Both of them can be found at Walmart. I live in a very small town and do not have many options for shopping so I always look for things that are…
  • I wear my HRM during my gym Zumba class and I burn about 800 to 850 calories in a 60 minute class. My class is a very high impact. I have a let a few others wear the monitor during class and everyone, no matter what their size is has about the same burn.
    in Zuma Comment by EllieHall June 2011
  • All I can say as a wife is you need to end this relationship. I am not judging or Bible pushing but if his relationship is not what he wants he needs to end it then start new with you if that is what he wants. He is setting both you and his wife up for nothing but pain and enjoying every minute of it. Secondly if he ever…
  • Good luck to you on your last stand. But let me also say that lap band is not a drastic move. I had my surgery about 18 months ago. It has really helped me keep my promises to myself and maintain my new healthier lifestyle. It is definitely not a quick fix, you still have to make the right choices but it helps to have the…
  • Was way below my calories yesterday! I AM STARVING TODAY!
  • He works at a toll booth.
  • I have some of them. They are okay but not a bunch of fun. I like Zumba much better!
  • I experienced weight gain with Lexapro and Wellbutrin. I have not had a problem with Zoloft.
  • Your right after reading your post I looked it up! I was going by what had been entered in the food section of MFP. 1 oz of Jager has 103 call and 4 oz of Bull has 55 cal. So you are right between 150 and 200 calories is a much better estimate! I feel better now. LOL
  • What surgery are you having? Is this the liquid pre op diet? I know it was hard but I lost like 18 pounds in two weeks! Way to Go!
  • I like the shots too but Jager is horrendous on calories!!!! I was shocked to find my Jager Bomb with 1 oz of Jager and 4 oz of Red Bull had 836 calories!!!! Definitely looking for something new!!!!
  • I have been doing Zumba about 9 weeks three times a week. I love it! My instructor got us some slip on sliders to put over our running shoes so instead of gripping our shoes slide better. It has helped me ALOT! SN: What do you think about the Zumba for Kinect? Thinking about asking for it for Mothers Day. :)
  • I had planned on starting yesterday but this cough is kicking my butt!!! But I will be starting shortly. Add me and I would love to know how it goes for you and I will keep you posted too!
  • What else do you eat during the detox?
  • I do the Shred in combination with Zumba and a Kickbutt Strenghtening Class! Not sure I could make it throught Jillian twice a day, LOL. Love the Shred but I think that it may be too much muscle fatigue. But this is just my personal opinion from someone that still has a long way to go! Good Luck! I guess you could try it…
  • Absolutely love it!!! Best thing I have ever done for myself in the way of fitness!!!
  • I have not found anyything like that. I am a lap band patient. I just posted a message about that today. I am having a hard time with balancing my exercise with calorie intake and the plan that my bariatric nutritionist recommends. It is no where near the calories that mfp recommends.
  • Jillian does her workout based on muscle fatigue. That when it hurts is when it is most important. She designed it to be 30 days straight with no recovery time. I am now on Day 4 of Level One. I am sore but I feel great. I do this in combination with Zumba and a Kickbutt Strenghtening Class. Good Luck!
  • I go to the gym and do Zumba! I absolutely love the entire workout. I enjoy doing it in a group because it just is so much fun. I really can tell the difference in my clothes especially my midsection since I started! Just remember if you do it at home, "KEEP THOSE TUMMIES TIGHT" LOL my instructor says this constantly! Good…