

  • This actually depends on your goal, if your looking to lose weight try to get a low calorie protein supplement, I recommend Iso 100 by dymatize (tastes really good) 106 calories per serving or ON Gold Standard Whey 120 calories per serving. But remember to lose weight you have to eat at a caloric deficit. But at the end of…
  • Don't worry about the Macronutrients (carbs, protein and fat), just keep track of your calories, a calorie is a calorie, it doesn't matter where it comes from, your diet can be made up of 100% carbs and you can still lose weight if you are under your maintenance.
  • Why the hell do you take expensive pills with severe side effects when you can lose weight by simply eating less?! The only thing you need to lose weight is simply eat less calories than what your body needs, it's really that simpl! those supplements will help in losing fat but only in a very small percentage, so simply…
  • I second what Becky has said, what's difficult in counting fruit calories?
  • Two words .... REDUCE CALORIES!! you should start counting calories and eat 500 calories under your maintenance, if your weight doesn't go down in 2-3 weeks, reduce the calories further until your start losing again, that's the only way to lose weight. trust me! and it doesnt matter where your calories come from, you can…
  • You didn't say what you are eating! how many calories per day? this is what matters most, exercise is only 20% of the weigh loss equation. Count the calories and eat at a 500 calorie deficit from your maintenance, that's the only way to lose weight. Lifting is very important as it help keeping your muscle mass, cardio is…
  • You don't have to give up anything to lose weight!!! if you like ice cream, burgers and pizza eat them but COUNT THE CALORIES!!!! that's the main thing! I managed to lose weight eating burgers and ice cream almost every day!
  • That's great, keep up the good work! imagine what your body would look like after another 100 days!