6+ month plataeu, help!

So, after falling off and on the bandwagon since Christmas time and being back here for a few days and then away again, I'vefinally decided it's time to get back on track like I was this time last year.

The only thing that's keeping me from being the dedicated healthy person I was last year is my plataeu. I've been stuck anywhere between 140odd lbs and 143lbs for the last 6+ months and cannot shift anything to save myself. The number varies depending on exercise, how much water I drink, salt in take that day etc. Since I can't break this plataeu I've been letting it get to myself and I just feel desperate now.

It doesn't matter what I do, the weight won't shift anywhere - either more or less. Exercise, no exercise; eating too much, eating too little; eating healthy, eating what I want - NOTHING is budging those scales and I am at a total loss.

I'm planning on starting Slimming World next week (I'm away this week for a few days, staying in a B and B with no kitchen so I can't really control what I eat to, althouigh I will try) and I hope this will help, and I plan on taking a clean eating approach. However, I don't know what else to do.

I'm am no more than 14lbs away from the GW I set myself over a year ago, and being so near yet so far is soul destroying. Can anyone shed some light, tips, advice, anything my way?

Thanks lovelies x


  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Hey there

    Sounds like me! I only have a few pounds to lose (KG's for me) and they just won't go - same thing...

    You sound like you are doing everything well - I also do Eat Stop Eat one day a week which is a 24 hour fast - still waiting to see some results from that

    I decided today I must just look for a different focus, so I am going to fitness and strength and will see what happens

    Feel free to add me - maybe can break the cycle together!

    My pic is my motivation - was this before my 2 kids...I just want my muscle back :)
  • kmillar1224
    kmillar1224 Posts: 91 Member
    I've been the same way. Ever since starting MFP I've been stuck at 159. I've been wondering if it's truly a plateau OR if I've just been maintaining. I've tried upping my calories because I was told I was starving myself, but that didn't help at all.
  • loufranks
    loufranks Posts: 45
    Hang on, hang on...you said the only thing stopping you is your plateau, but then you say you've been on and off the wagon. So doesn't that explain your plateau?

    If you've plateau'd by hopping on and off the wagon then I'd say there's hope because you've clearly learnt something. You must have done something right otherwise you'd have gained. So, score one point to you!

    When I've done this before, i've found the best way of getting over a plateau is to shake things up - vary your calories each day, vary the foods you eat, switch your meals about and vary your exercise regime. keeping your body guessing can help you get off that plateau :)
  • zmarzouka
    zmarzouka Posts: 9
    Two words .... REDUCE CALORIES!! you should start counting calories and eat 500 calories under your maintenance, if your weight doesn't go down in 2-3 weeks, reduce the calories further until your start losing again, that's the only way to lose weight. trust me! and it doesnt matter where your calories come from, you can eat whatever you want (yes ice cream, burgers, candy included) as long as you don't go over your allowed calorie intake

    Good luck!
  • cvance3
    cvance3 Posts: 64
    I've plateaued as well! I'm trying to not let it frustrate or disappoint me when the scale or my body measurements haven't moved in the last month. I'm doing marathon training or circuit training 6 days a week, so my cardio/calorie burn is varied each day. My weekends and weeknights are my downfall! I *try* to make good choices, but it doesn't always work.

    Feel free to add me, so we can keep motivated as we break this cycle!
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    Don't forget that there are other victories besides the numbers on the scale!!! Have you checked your measurements? Are those clothes fitting easier? Etc.

    Get back in the saddle and don't give up!

    You can do it!!
  • jenec803
    jenec803 Posts: 5
    I just this morning had a meeting with a Wellness nurse provided by my work and she said that hitting a plateau is normal about every 5-6 weeks. She advised increasing protein intake for 3 days then going back to normal levels. I have never heard that before and she didn't say how much to increase but i guess it's worth a try if nothing else helps.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    I just this morning had a meeting with a Wellness nurse provided by my work and she said that hitting a plateau is normal about every 5-6 weeks.

    looking back over my last 18 months loosing i can see this is true. good luck you can do this.