hookandy Member


  • Try a week or two at .5 a week and see? Does it work? If you lose half a pound, then do it again. If not cut a bit more off, and try another couple of weeks. There is no rush, if you go down, then great, if not adjust and go again. You could cut and aim for more, but go too far and you make your life too hard. It is about…
  • I’m lucky in that I have a high daily goal, so I eye ball lots of things, but as I get a smaller daily allowance then I will need to tighten up on my measuring. If I am off by 100 calories it does not matter at the moment. It also helps hugely with portion creep. Amazing how you cut a block of cheese, thinking that’s about…
  • It’s a pain, life changing. Finding ways to make choices that you can keep doing. I like a beer, I like cake (about to have a slice of Christmas cake in a minute) Finding ways to make it all fit. BUT it is doable, there are ways. Luckily you don’t have to be perfect everyday, just better each day
  • Pre plan food, batch cooking…. Life happens, make the best choices you can. Good luck for the interview.
  • Hiya, lots of good info here, just come up with a plan, don’t be too harsh on yourself and remember it is a marathon, not a sprint
  • Hey Fawn, know that feeling. Remember you don’t have to be perfect. Every small change will help. I am trying smaller changes that I hope I can keep doing, rather than following my usual track of extreme then giving up. Good luck
    in Newby Comment by hookandy January 2022
  • Morning and welcome. MFP is a great tool. What are your goals? There will be a group or two to provide support as you go!
  • Are you weighing your food? Do you know your maintance calories? I am 18.5 stone and for me I can lose weight eating closer to 2000 cal, which is more sustainable than 1100. Feel free to add me.
  • Check out the Fitbit app “life cycle” will do this for you
  • There is lots of good advice in the answer above, but for me... Q. How do you eat an elephant? A. In small chunks. 30lb down is a great start. So I'm in the UK and I use stones as markers, but you could use 10lb chunks instead. You just need to keep doing what you have been doing and make 40lb your next mini-goal. Trust me…
  • I enjoy a drink, gin and tonic, beer or a glass of wine. Just as I like chocolate and cake. You just have to shuffle and make room and enjoy them when you do indulge. I can not make any food/drink taboo, or I will crave, but I can reduce and make sensible choices.
  • Hard isn't One step at a time, one good choice after another and dont beat yourself up over the odd slip. Look at it this way, you know how to lose weight, so start doing that, now we just have to figure out how to keep it off!
  • You took a lot longer than six days to put it on, it will take time to take it off. Have you started weighing/logging everything? Amazing how far out estimation can be. The scales can be brutal, and when they are then maybe you can find victories elsewhere, "this week I have walked everyday" "I wanted a treat and have had…
  • It depends on the country you are in, sometimes I struggle finding UK based stuff, but the barcode usually works.
  • Relax, this is a life style change, what better choices can you make today that you can still be doing in a year, or two? We all want to "get on it", "smash it", but it is true the tortoise will always beat the hare. Small changes that you can repeat and keep doing. Logging and mindfull eating, add in some exercise and…
  • The biggest loser type shows are nothing like my weight loss journey. So if there was a stay the same show I am sure it would not be like maintance in the real world.
  • I am also back again, but for the last time. Not doing this @&&&£ again. The key has to look at what works for you and what does not. I know I can lose weight, so I am not stressing about that, but I am looking 9-12months down the line and trying to figure out how to stay down.
  • Amazing how much difference the words themselves actually make. The mental issues caused by cheat, indulgent etc. I am really noticing that it is mindset that makes huge differences. I want to run an experiment and for a week repeat the mantra, this week I can not eat.... and pick something like carrots, repeat and repeat.…
  • Having said that my OH uses the 5:2 fasting by restricting her calories on 2 days to around 500-600 and then maintainance for the other 5 days (In her case 1600-1700) She is fine with this at the moment, but has just started lifting, so we shall see how she fits in lifting with fasting
  • I have just started eating using a "fasting" pattern, so 14:00-21:00 I think thats classed as 16:8 Personally I am ok not eating breakfast, I then end up with 2 bigger meals, lunch and dinner and enough for a snack in the evening while watching TV etc. I find it easier to hit my calories without restricting dinner. If I…
  • This is the starting point, start to log, I defy you to log a week as you are now, you will start to change, as you log things and just start by setting to maintain and see where your day is. I tried to log and I found I would start to question if I really wanted that cake/cookie/chocolate/ice cream : If the answer is yes,…
  • Echo lemurcat2, I would not bother, I don’t see the point in eating for the sake of it. If I was hungry I might look at my deficit to see if I was being too harsh, dinner, snack and still wanting more.... not sustainable
  • I set mine to sedentary and use Fitbit to adjust. Looking back a few weeks my lose pretty much matches the figures in MFP so it does work. If no tracker set to active and see if the figures match in a couple of weeks, then adjust.
  • Don’t rush, marathon not a sprint. Just make better choices when you can. Don’t beat yourself up if it does not go exactly to plan. Gather support around you. Then you can get help/motivation when you need. Good luck.
  • You don’t eat an elephant in one sitting. Lose 1lb, repeat!
  • Did goals work for you while losing? If so take the pressure off yourself and set some health/fitness goals. This week I am going to walk 30mins every day, run faster, lift more, whatever fits with you.
  • I’d just carry on as you are. Looks a great set of figures. Small changes, good results and sustainable. No reason that you can not stay “on plan”
  • Mine is public, hardly makes exciting reading though!! I work by weighing what I can and estimating/guessing the rest!! Started in Jan and the numbers seem to match MFP to actual scales so fairly happy.
  • This losing wieght thing is a pain, lots of good thoughts in the posts above, my thoughts are mainly around relaxing and taking the pressure off yourself. If I "diet" and "cut out" cake, all I want all day is cake. Is some of your issue just that? You have this figure in your head and that is causing you to focus on this?…