

  • Thank you for all of your comments, they are very useful and have reinforced my decision. I eat a healthy and unprocessed diet already so thats good. It has just amazed me how many products that I wouldn't think but do contain soya and wheat. I am devastated that I can no longer eat a packet of crisps as a treat! It's not…
  • Not eating that cake when I really really wanted it!!!
  • Hi, Having read through some of the stories on here they are all too familiar. I have been diagnosed for almost 10 years now and don't seem to be any better now than I was then. I have recently been to my docs for an increase in my meds from 125mg to 150mg, which he has done on the provision I have a blood test and we will…
  • Hi, I am new here too and so happy to find a group of people who just understand. I have been diagnosed for approximately 9 years now although it took a long time and another continent before I found out why I was feeling so ill. I try to look after myself go to the gym regularly and eat healthily but have put weight on.…
  • Thanks for your reply and well done. I get what you are saying but despite working out almost every day and eating a healthy vegetarian diet I am at a loss as to why I am not losing weight. I am back to see my doctor on Monday and have hired a PT so am hoping that something starts to work. If not then I don't know what to…
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