

  • Hi, I'm in the same boat.. kind of. I have thyroid disease. Had mine removed when i was 19. only have about 10% left, it's hard. I get so stressed out over it. found I need to be more careful about what i eat. You may want to watch things other then just the calories, sugar sodium things like that can cause you to not…
  • Hi, Well i'm kind of new here. I joined a little while ago (while over a 1 or so) but i'm back to try again. I am also a mother of two. I'm kind of a sahm, but I work at home as well. In front of computer all day. so no exercise there. My biggest issues are with what I eat not how much. I'm learning I don't eat enough. I'm…
  • Binge eating.. oh boy i'm so good at that.. not so good at eating right.. I have two young kids.. and during the day i seem to do ok.. I don't eat junk in front of my kids.. don't want them having it.. don't eat it right.. But my problem is when they go to bed or i'm by myself.. I then eat.. eat eat....i have tried…
  • Good luck, this seems to be a great site.. i have been on here for two days and lots of support.. feel free to add me as a friend missy
  • hi, i'm new on here too.. i am also a mom of 2 great little ones. i work from home i am looking to lose total of 75 lbs, but would like to lose at least 50 by august.. i would love to be friends and support of luck. i have only been on here a day and already finding it a great website..missy
  • hi, I hate gym's feel so funny at them.. and I have two kids a husband that works 2nd shift.. no time for a gym I would have to pay a baby sitter and don't have the extra money. So i do things at home.. i have to push sometimes to do it but so far i've done great.. One of my favorite things now is ZUMBA for christmas my…
  • I did ww about 3 years ago..or so.. I lost 20 lbs, then found out i was prego.. was going to go back after i had kadin, but it's be well he is turning 3 in june, and I have yet to go back.. I did not like the counting points and having to remember what everything was..I have two kids under 5 and just don't have enough time…
  • Hey all, It's not so much that my mom does not support me.. It's more like she doesn't believe i will do it.. since i have tried so many and gave up on them... She too was where i am, but she weighted more then me. she did ww...which worked for her.. but did not work for me.. i of course did good at the beginning, then…
  • Hi, i'm new to this site.. but am 5' 3" close to you and weight in at 210/220 depending on scale.. lol.. I would love to do this with someone in same boat as me.. If you are looking for online friends add me as a friend and we can help each other out.. I have been tring well not to hard to lose weight since 2002, however…