

  • Brother, you do what works for you! I understand that the site is for us to help and encourage each other but from what I have read in some posts there are those who go way overboard on the advice. Keep on trucking and you will meet your goals (not their goals)
  • With deadlifts, make sure you keep your weight low until you have your form right. Don't get caught up in going heavy too fast. Good form is key and will keep your back healthy. Do bad form in deadlifts and you can hurt yourself. Personally, I think deadlifts rule. Used to fear squats, but after using Stronglifts 5x5, I…
  • Hanni, 140? (Don't hate me if I estimated high :) )
  • If you go to the BodPod website, it will show you locations near you. I need to get one scheduled myself. Also, last time I got my bodyfat calipered it showed as 26% (yuck), but the trainer on base told me not to get to wrapped around the axle. Some people carry their fat over the muscle (me :( ) and some carry it under…
  • The Air Force used to use one similar to the Navy, but for guys it was just Neck minus Waist and look at the height/number chart. I always thought it would be really inaccurate, however at that time I also got calipers and bio-impedance done (lay down on a mat and use two leads). All three methods were within one to two…
  • Mine is my first name (shortened from Anthony to Tony), first letter of last name and the d3000 is the first DSLR camera I bought. Upgraded cameras, keeping the name.
  • Look up some of Jamie Eason's recipes online and on YouTube.
  • What ppl do on MFP that bugs me Beat a dead horse. Best of luck with all your meal plans, workouts, and goals. I am now departing this post. :)
  • I say bash away :) This is what forums are for is people to debate and voice how they feel. No law against that. . . yet.
  • Mine would be the "earned" calories. If you are working on maintaining your weight, then the earned makes sense. If you are trying to lose, you don't "earn" calories (i.e. more calories to eat) you want to "burn" calories. If you are trying to lose weight and you are supposed to take in 2400 calories for maintenance, then…
  • Don't know if this was said before, but Ripptoe was a powerlifter. It kind of depends on what you are training for. If you are training for fitness/looks, they need to look the part. But if you are training to powerlift, how many skinny powerlifters have you seen? Just sayin'
  • Little Rock AFB here!
  • To those who are taking up running and are looking for new shoes my advice is to go to a true running store. Most of them will put you in a neutral shoe and either have you run/walk or will put you on a treadmill. They will evaluate the way your feet hit and will usually offer you a few choices based off that. My ex wife…
  • Active Duty Air Force/used to be a lineman, then an electrician, now in charge of Unaccompanied Housing. Damn near 22 years active and giving it till 2014 till I punch.
  • I could see the difference in the pictures before I even saw the numbers. Very impressive!
  • Fiber from natural sources and you can also supplement that with metamucil capsules or powder. Flax is another good source of fiber that also provides your Omega 3 fatty acids. If you are taking a diet that is high in protein, it is actually recommended by lots of sports nutritionists that you supplement your fiber. This…
  • One package steamed veggies, grilled chicken, avocado or sweet chili, cook each obedient and mix in a bowl with each other. If you look on You Tube for six pack abs you will see the video. Love the recipe and only takes about five minutes.
  • What is this game? How do I win?
  • Ok, I didn't have time to follow all the reading so it may have already been said, but don't worry about the scale. Get you a good seamstress tape or one of the self retracting ones, and worry more about how you measure out and how you fit into your clothes. If you lift you will tone out (I believe I read that each pound…