What ppl do on MFP that bugs me.



  • DangerSass
    DangerSass Posts: 124 Member
    It bugs me when people b*tch about what other people do.

    ^Truth and it bugs me that this looks like my first post ever:cry:
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I clean all the time because I am a little OCD about being organized and I just have to keep my place together regularly..I don't always log it in......But if I break a sweat.....Yes, I am logging it. Period......Yesterday I was drenched in sweat from re-organizing my closet....Yes, I would log that.....It's hard work moving things around all the time.
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    Why does it bother you?

    There are all sorts of people on here...young, old, some with over 100 lbs to lose, some trying to lose 5 lbs...some trying to gain muscle.

    To some people walking around the block would be a huge accomplishment.

    To others finishing a full marathon is their goal.

    Live and let live.

    ^Thank you for this. One of my favorite sayings! For my mother to walk around the Cul de sac would be her life's goal. For me, it's to get back in shape when I was running track at a D1 school.

    I have friends on here who mow the lawn and log it, as well as cleaning their house vigorously for 2 hours. Then there are those who run 6-9 miles before I even get to work in the morning. Who is anyone to judge another, we all need support in reaching our goals.

    I find it hard to get annoyed with people who are trying to do their best to be better, no matter what their goal. But, that's just me.
  • AmericanExpat
    AmericanExpat Posts: 158 Member
    Not trying to stir up controversy or anything, but it bugs me when people log their work, cleaning, or cooking in as exercise. MFP already takes all of those into account when you choose your normal daily activities. I know some people have really intense jobs that require a lot of heavy lifting or some cleaning such as yardwork (ie mowing the lawn) is a lot more intense than housework, so they log those as workouts. But when you are just cleaning around the house or at work, those are not workouts. They are just part of your everyday routine. You should only log them if you have sedentary as your setting. If you don't then only log REAL workouts.


    How do you know those that are logging it don't have sedentary as their setting?

    Right, I realized that.

    "" if you have sedentary as your setting then I understand if you log it. If it is heavy duty activity, then log it. If you go for a walk, then log it. If your calorie intake is low, ie 1200, which should be the very lowest it should be in the first place, then log it. But do you think cleaning around the house is going to help you get guns, no. It won't do much change to your body at all. ""

    Maybe at this point in my WL journey, my goal is not to get guns. When you have 100+ to lose you don't start off working to get guns.... just sayin...
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Know what bugs me? When posters use text lingo and juvenile abbreviations in an online forum.
  • harpgohard
    harpgohard Posts: 65
    Not trying to stir up controversy or anything, but it bugs me when people log their work, cleaning, or cooking in as exercise. MFP already takes all of those into account when you choose your normal daily activities. I know some people have really intense jobs that require a lot of heavy lifting or some cleaning such as yardwork (ie mowing the lawn) is a lot more intense than housework, so they log those as workouts. But when you are just cleaning around the house or at work, those are not workouts. They are just part of your everyday routine. You should only log them if you have sedentary as your setting. If you don't then only log REAL workouts.


    How do you know those that are logging it don't have sedentary as their setting?

    Right, I realized that.

    "" if you have sedentary as your setting then I understand if you log it. If it is heavy duty activity, then log it. If you go for a walk, then log it. If your calorie intake is low, ie 1200, which should be the very lowest it should be in the first place, then log it. But do you think cleaning around the house is going to help you get guns, no. It won't do much change to your body at all. ""

    Maybe at this point in my WL journey, my goal is not to get guns. When you have 100+ to lose you don't start off working to get guns.... just sayin...

    "" I agree with all of you in a way. A lot of your guys' points were some of mine too. I am not bashing anyone at all. Little things DO matter. Some of you misinterpreted what I was trying to say.

    I just favor it more when people log hard workouts. Maybe because I see those workouts as a very important component to weight loss and body change.

    Some people's settings are different than mine.

    I guess I'm into the tough love sorta thing: "If you want your body to change you have to work your *kitten* off" sorta thing.

    I find everyone on here amazing though. It's great that they are trying to make a lifestyle change! ""
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Funniest thing ever on here was a comment someone else made about a question posed on how many calories vacuuming used. He said:
    If you did it while you were getting fatter then don't count it as exercise for losing weight.

  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I know some people (mainly people who are not trying to lose weight, and are severely underweight) who would find it an extreme workout to do everyday household things like vacuum, wash a car, scrub the floor, etc...
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Why does it matter to you what other people log? Does it have any impact on your life, or even your weight loss?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Not trying to stir up controversy or anything, but it bugs me when people log their work, cleaning, or cooking in as exercise.

    Then why even mention it? Did you sit on a stick or something?
  • Karenab1505
    To be fair, you have a point, but at the end of the day, what other people do and don't do shouldn't really be any of our business unless they ask us directly for help or advice.

    The reason I say you have a point, is that I noticed just over a month ago, that I had put on weight. My holiday shorts from last year were a really tight fit. This prompted me to investigate, only to find when I stepped on the scales, my weight has increased by a stone since last September. I was quite worried, as there had been no major changes in my life with regards to my eating or exercise habits............or so I thought.

    I live in the north of Scotland, and we have had pretty awful weather since August last year. My main complaint was that I could not spend hardly any of my free time working in my garden....................ie preparing for winter, then spring, and now we should be in summer!!!

    Before joining this site, this week, I looked at few others, and, lo and behold GARDENING was listed in various forms as an exercise for burning calories. I could not believe how many calories I could burn cutting the grass, or digging the vegetable patch, or even weeding!!!

    I like to cycle as my form of exercise, but again this has been limited due to the weather, so last week when we had a day perfect for cutting grass, and cycling, I was torn between which one to do, as I had not discovered that I could class gardening as exercise. In the end I chose to cut the grass, it was almost a foot high, and it was going to be a big enough job, without letting it grow anymore. Two days later, I discovered that I probably burned more calories cutting the grass than I did cycling for an hour!!!

    To sum up, I think a good proportion of my extra weight has come, not just because I've not been out on my bike, but also because I have not spent the minimum 1 day a week, I would normally spend working in my garden. But thankfully, I have learned, not too feel bad now, for choosing to do urgent work in the garden, rather than cycling, which I automatically assumed was better for me.

    Based on this, I think if it's an activity that you wouldn't normally do on a daily basis, then no matter what it is, it can be logged. I have logged my exercise for today as 60 mins, gardening. I actually spent an hour and a half, cutting down over grown shrubs and bushes in my front garden, and I can assure I worked up a sweat, and my heart was pumping a good bit more than if I had been at rest.
  • angemarie23
    I saw someone on my friends list doing the same thing. Then, I clicked on their profile to see that they had already lost 36 lbs. So, I thought "well, what do I know?"...I've only lost 16. :-) So obviously their settings are working for them. So, I went on my merry way doing what works for me and letting them do what works for them.

  • yummy_
    yummy_ Posts: 248 Member
    Not trying to stir up controversy or anything

  • ck1416
    ck1416 Posts: 154 Member
    Why does it bother you?

    There are all sorts of people on here...young, old, some with over 100 lbs to lose, some trying to lose 5 lbs...some trying to gain muscle.

    To some people walking around the block would be a huge accomplishment.

    To others finishing a full marathon is their goal.

    Live and let live.

    All these people inspire me, since we are all trying to improve our health.

  • tonyrd3000
    tonyrd3000 Posts: 20
    Mine would be the "earned" calories. If you are working on maintaining your weight, then the earned makes sense. If you are trying to lose, you don't "earn" calories (i.e. more calories to eat) you want to "burn" calories. If you are trying to lose weight and you are supposed to take in 2400 calories for maintenance, then you need to have a lower net calorie at the end of the day. Not replenish what you burn. . .
  • vice1989
    vice1989 Posts: 34 Member
    I agree with the earned cal. thing, I never eat the calories I earn (except on my cheat day) Because its like I feel I am not making progess if I just eat all the calories I worked so hard to burn
  • Neecy_Pooh
    Neecy_Pooh Posts: 122
    Not trying to stir up controversy or anything, but it bugs me when people log their work, cleaning, or cooking in as exercise. MFP already takes all of those into account when you choose your normal daily activities. I know some people have really intense jobs that require a lot of heavy lifting or some cleaning such as yardwork (ie mowing the lawn) is a lot more intense than housework, so they log those as workouts. But when you are just cleaning around the house or at work, those are not workouts. They are just part of your everyday routine. You should only log them if you have sedentary as your setting. If you don't then only log REAL workouts.


    OMG! I was just talking about this yesterday!!! It is so annoying. I cannot stand that!! Ironing clothes, doing laundry and cooking is not exercise, it is every day life.
  • harpgohard
    harpgohard Posts: 65
    I understand what other people do should not be part of my business. Then what's the point of logging anything then if you didn't want others to see it? I'm only human, I try not to be judgmental, but I unintentionally do it. For awhile it's been bugging me seeing people log things that I don't consider workouts as workouts, so I wanted to rant about it. I knew I was going to get many people who would disagree with what I said. By reading others' opinions on the topic, it's changed my opinion a little. I still favor a hard workout over cleaning, but I understand why some people may log it as exercise.

    I have taken in everyone's opinion. I understand where they are coming from and thank everyone for their insight. I'm not a rude person. Some of you may think so because of my post is the first impression you have gotten of me. I was just stating my opinion, with an open mind to hear what other thought.

    How ironic that some of you guys are bashing me for thinking that I am bashing others...
  • tonyrd3000
    tonyrd3000 Posts: 20
    I say bash away :) This is what forums are for is people to debate and voice how they feel. No law against that. . . yet.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    What really bothers me about this site are negative and judgemental people who focus on bashing others because they don't do the same workouts or eat the same foods. This site is supposed to be for motivation and support. I personally don't log cleaning or yard work often unless it makes me sweat, but for someone who is new to eating healthy and exercising cleaning the house and walking might be a major workout for them. So quit being so concerned about others and live and let live. No matter how much it upsets you it's not going to change so if your are so deeply bothered by it delete those friends that way they can make room on their friends list for more supportive people.