What ppl do on MFP that bugs me.

Not trying to stir up controversy or anything, but it bugs me when people log their work, cleaning, or cooking in as exercise. MFP already takes all of those into account when you choose your normal daily activities. I know some people have really intense jobs that require a lot of heavy lifting or some cleaning such as yardwork (ie mowing the lawn) is a lot more intense than housework, so they log those as workouts. But when you are just cleaning around the house or at work, those are not workouts. They are just part of your everyday routine. You should only log them if you have sedentary as your setting. If you don't then only log REAL workouts.



  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I guess it wouldn't bug me unless they started complaining about how they're not losing any weight or something. It's their log. For all anybody knows all of us are lying up a storm when it comes to our activity logs. It's why I don't look at other people's activities as a way of motivating myself.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    Why does it bother you?

    There are all sorts of people on here...young, old, some with over 100 lbs to lose, some trying to lose 5 lbs...some trying to gain muscle.

    To some people walking around the block would be a huge accomplishment.

    To others finishing a full marathon is their goal.

    Live and let live.

    All these people inspire me, since we are all trying to improve our health.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Funniest thing ever on here was a comment someone else made about a question posed on how many calories vacuuming used. He said:
    If you did it while you were getting fatter then don't count it as exercise for losing weight.

  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I dislike when people shorten words like all they have to type with is a cellphone keyboard.
    Also when you see the same topic 4 times in a row.

    Though I see no problem with marking 'sedentary' and then filling EVERYTHING out. They'll learn soon enough if it doesn't work for them.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Well, IMO if someone is only eating 1200 a day they should log and eat more because 1200 is low.

    But why let what other people do bug you? If it really bothers you delete them. I guess I am just different, I don't care what anyone logs unless they came to me and tried to make me do the same lol.
  • harpgohard
    harpgohard Posts: 65
    true, i know it's their log so i shouldn't really let it bother me. i do use this site and all of my mfp friends to motivate me. when i see that they complete a hard workout, it makes me want to do the same. but i feel like they are almost cheating themselves by logging simple tasks as workouts. if it works for them though, that's great! and i agree that walking around the block can be an accomplishment for some people, some people go on walks and log that. great for them, i do see that as something that should be logged. but would walking to the mailbox also be considered as a workout too? or walking to the bathroom. should they add up all those little trips throughout the day and log it? no that's just nonsense.

    i'm kind of a people watcher. i'm really interested in how other's live their lives. i read all of my pals diaries, statuses, and workouts and use them as inspiration. so like i said before, i feel like they are kind of just cheating themselves.
  • sweetendeavor
    sweetendeavor Posts: 72 Member
    if it works for them, who am I to judge?

    Don't count out household and yard work. I volunteered in New Orleans, raking, cleaning, and carrying wood for a week (activities that I often do at home) everyday and burned crazy calories according to my HRM, activities I never thought to track before that week.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    The only thing that 'bugs' me about MFP is when people start disparaging their start weight.
    Because your start weight may be someone else's goal weight.

    Or your start weight, might be my weight today (at midpoint), which I worked very hard for. So please don't talk about how 'disgusting' you were or moan about 'how I let myself go'. I would rather wake up feeling like my accomplishment is something to be proud of, rather than something that would've shamed you.

    Your start weight is someone else's finishing weight.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    MFP already takes all of those into account when you choose your normal daily activities.

    *sigh* No it doesn't, if you choose sedentary.
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member

    Don't count out household and yard work. I volunteered in New Orleans, raking, cleaning, and carrying wood for a week (activities that I often do at home) everyday and burned crazy calories according to my HRM, activities I never thought to track before that day.

    Agreed. Normal daily housekeeping is, well, normal, but heavy duty cleaning, etc., definitely counts as burning calories. When I was moving -- packing and cleaning for days at a time -- I lost weight like crazy from all of the extra calories burned. It definitely counts.
  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I log cleaning as exercise, as i'm used to doing virtually nothing and have had an extremely sedentary lifestyle the last ten years. If it makes me sweat, I log it. Whether it's cooking, cleaning, or twenty minutes on the elliptical. I have over 150 lbs to lose and walking around the block would feel like death to me. I'm not sure why you feel like it's ok to judge any one but yourself. I track cleaning and it's working for me. I guess I feel like if you were perfect, you wouldn't need to be here, so why put your energy into getting annoyed with how other people are tracking exercise? Focus on yourself and leave the rest of us alone.
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    One of my MFP friends "defriended" me because she thought my caloric intake was too low, even after I told her I was following a strict eating regimen that my coaches had given me. Then, yesterday someone questioned whether or not I was really walking 4.5MPH. Why would I log it that way if I didn't actually do so? I thought this site was suppose to be used for motivation and support? Seems as though my friends just want to make me feel bad for being dedicated. That pisses me off. People that say they want to help you but don't want you to be more successful than they are. Ohhhhhhh jealousy.
  • mandagraves
    I chose sedentary. And I just got a new job as a saleperson. So I walked all friggin day! :) and I did not exercise so I loged in 2 hours of slow pace walk. (making feel less bad that i did not work out lol. Guilty!! ) When I worked for 5 hours of almost brisk pace hahaa..

    Im guilty of it when I feel bad i did not exercise but Im still sedentary.. (rarely) hahahaa

    In a couple weeks if i see that I'm always moving at my job I will change my status to LIghtly Active and now I cant log in stuff like working etc.. Caue its already "calculated"

  • harpgohard
    harpgohard Posts: 65
    Read what I was saying, if you have sedentary as your setting then I understand if you log it. If it is heavy duty activity, then log it. If you go for a walk, then log it. If your calorie intake is low, ie 1200, which should be the very lowest it should be in the first place, then log it. But do you think cleaning around the house is going to help you get guns, no. It won't do much change to your body at all.

    It bothers me, because I feel people are cheating themselves then complain about not getting results. I'm not trying to be judgemental though. I look up to all of you as inspiration. So I love when I see you guys giving your all to do your workouts.
  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member
    The only thing that 'bugs' me about MFP is when people start disparaging their start weight.
    Because your start weight may be someone else's goal weight.

    Or your start weight, might be my weight today (at midpoint), which I worked very hard for. So please don't talk about how 'disgusting' you were or moan about 'how I let myself go'. I would rather wake up feeling like my accomplishment is something to be proud of, rather than something that would've shamed you.

    Excellent point!
  • rileyfanof24
    rileyfanof24 Posts: 40 Member
    I can say I have logged house cleaning once. I don't log the daily house cleaning but I did log the extreme house cleaning I spent that was not the usual house cleaning I do. I think if it is something above what they do daily, they should be logged. Who has time to go work out for 2 - 3 hours if they spend an extra 2 - 3 hours a day doing deep cleaning and I know my house needs deep cleaning sometimes. So....it depends on how they log certain things. Typically I spend the day working at a desk and feel like I am chained to it but there are days here and there that my job changes and I run all day long. I think those extra things can be logged. I don't however think that if I do extra work outs and earn more calories that I can just eat that much more. I still stick to trying to stay in or under my daily calories and have done that without a problem. My diary is open if you want to see what I mean. If a person wants to log something, that just means they are trying to be involved and that is always a good thing no matter how you look at it. We all need to be encouraged here! :0)
  • mandagraves
    Hahahaha sooorrry. I guess i just did not read till the end cause i was excited to share my opinion LOL.
  • Rolande55
    Rolande55 Posts: 52 Member

    i'm kind of a people watcher. i'm really interested in how other's live their lives. i read all of my pals diaries, statuses, and workouts and use them as inspiration. so like i said before, i feel like they are kind of just cheating themselves.

    Maybe that's the problem. You spend too much time focusing on what everyone else is doing instead of doing your own thing....just sayin'...........
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Your body doesn't know whether it is at the gym walking on a treadmill or walking at work.

    Also MFP isn't a mind reader and it all depends on what activity level you select and that is still an estimate.

    I recently logged some yardwork where I was moving rocks all day. It was more of a workout than some "workouts". Who are we to assume what is valid movement?

    Sure it bothers you but I really don't see why it should.
  • sweetendeavor
    sweetendeavor Posts: 72 Member
    I understand what you're saying harp. I can't imagine that someone might think doing house cleaning would give them muscles. However, doesn't every little exercise add up? so if you've been cleaning all day and then went for a run, why not log both? They might just be choosing "light cleaning" as an exercise because it's the closest activity to what they did. There could be so much more to it than we know. Not attacking you. Just trying to help you see it from a different perspective.