What ppl do on MFP that bugs me.



  • kristenlees122
    keep in mind some people might have their daily activity set as sedentary - so that they can log in all of those things like cleaning. it used to bug me before i realised that, now it makes sense. i dont clean much, but i log when i mow the lawn or moved house.
  • kristenlees122
    Hahahaha sooorrry. I guess i just did not read till the end cause i was excited to share my opinion LOL.

    me too! :)
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    By not logging the little things, how are people suppose to make big changes? The smallest steps help to make the largest strides.

    Using that logic of not adding in the small aspects of exercise would be like not adding in condiments into my diary because they aren't 'real' calories since as one tablespoon of ketchup isn't that many calories, how can it affect me that much? All of those little things add up over time, whether they be good or bad.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I don't log house cleaning but I live with 3 teenage boys, a 5 year old girl and my man. Trust me.....cleaning my house is a REAL workout. So :-P
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    You know, there are a LOT of things that bug me. But someone logging an activity and burning calories is NOT one of them.
  • harpgohard
    harpgohard Posts: 65
    Hahahaha sooorrry. I guess i just did not read till the end cause i was excited to share my opinion LOL.
    it wasn't just to you, i was trying to extend my point of view. i support what you're doing though. :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    When I work I burn about 2200 calories.

    When I'm at home cleaning most of the day I burn 2900 calories.
  • fccruz
    fccruz Posts: 3
    I agree, there are those who do indeed do that, I used to be one of them!!! I was only cheating myself. I turned over a new leaf and came out of the closet if you will. My numbers, food and exercise are 100% as my day goes. I now see the real results and am excited. I am 20 pounds lighter, 60 more to go according to my doctor. I love seeing my numbers and foods choices in front of me. MFP is a real eye opener. ;-)
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    The only logs I deal with, are the ones I drop.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I do what I want, and I dgaf if it bugs you. If you don't like it, delete the friend. This is the internet. You control your interactions. Get yourself set up with a friends list of like-minded individuals and go forth and be happy so you don't have to post passive-aggressive forum rants.
  • whiplashpcw
    whiplashpcw Posts: 126 Member
    I do what I want, and I dgaf if it bugs you. If you don't like it, delete the friend. This is the internet. You control your interactions. Get yourself set up with a friends list of like-minded individuals and go forth and be happy so you don't have to post passive-aggressive forum rants.

    That's what she said :)
  • harpgohard
    harpgohard Posts: 65
    I agree with all of you in a way. A lot of your guys' points were some of mine too. I am not bashing anyone at all. Little things DO matter. Some of you misinterpreted what I was trying to say.

    I just favor it more when people log hard workouts. Maybe because I see those workouts as a very important component to weight loss and body change.

    Some people's settings are different than mine.

    I guess I'm into the tough love sorta thing: "If you want your body to change you have to work your *kitten* off" sorta thing.

    I find everyone on here amazing though. It's great that they are trying to make a lifestyle change!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Not trying to stir up controversy or anything, but it bugs me when people log their work, cleaning, or cooking in as exercise. MFP already takes all of those into account when you choose your normal daily activities. I know some people have really intense jobs that require a lot of heavy lifting or some cleaning such as yardwork (ie mowing the lawn) is a lot more intense than housework, so they log those as workouts. But when you are just cleaning around the house or at work, those are not workouts. They are just part of your everyday routine. You should only log them if you have sedentary as your setting. If you don't then only log REAL workouts.


    On the topic of what bugs people...

    It bugs me when people assume there's only one right way to do things and that everything else is wrong. You don't log your work, cleaning, or cooking as exercise. Others do. Guess what? Both ways are perfectly acceptable ways of dieting. "Calories burned" is a guess anyway. Some guesses are more accurate than others, but at the end of the week, if you're losing weight, you're doing it right.

    The only time I think something is wrong or a bad idea is if it has health implications- either it directly endangers a persons health or it sets a person up for failure by making the diet thing too hard.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    I can care less what they do. I worry about what i log and what I do. I only log certain exercises anyways, the other exercises are bonuses.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    ah shaddup
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    The only logs I deal with, are the ones I drop.
    I have a log for the logs I drop. I track them in the measurements tool. I was analyzing their caloric content in my lab, but it was too much trouble.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I do what I want, and I dgaf if it bugs you. If you don't like it, delete the friend. This is the internet. You control your interactions. Get yourself set up with a friends list of like-minded individuals and go forth and be happy so you don't have to post passive-aggressive forum rants.

    That's what she said :)

    Your mom.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I wear bodymedia fit. On a rest day I could burn 2400 calories just cleaning, add exercising to the day I burn close to 2700-3000 calories in a day.
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    The only thing that 'bugs' me about MFP is when people start disparaging their start weight.
    Because your start weight may be someone else's goal weight.

    Or your start weight, might be my weight today (at midpoint), which I worked very hard for. So please don't talk about how 'disgusting' you were or moan about 'how I let myself go'. I would rather wake up feeling like my accomplishment is something to be proud of, rather than something that would've shamed you.

    Your start weight is someone else's finishing weight.

    YES. This exactly. I have seen quite a few people say how fat they feel at 5'7" and 165 or 170lbs... thanks, that's my goal weight. Drives.Me.Insane. Seriously?
  • harpgohard
    harpgohard Posts: 65
    The only logs I deal with, are the ones I drop.
    I have a log for the logs I drop. I track them in the measurements tool. I was analyzing their caloric content in my lab, but it was too much trouble.

    hahahaha omg.