Bj0223 Member


  • I'm on the opposite side here is southern AZ. This summer was insanely hot and this past monsoon season has lasted longer than usual. (no complaint, I love the storms but it makes outside runs/workouts impossible) I'm looking forward to a lovely warm/cool winter and fall. Bring on the 80 degree weather please! This 115 has…
  • married a military man and moved around a lot. I gained 15-20 pounds at every new base. I didn't know anyone and didn't get out much. I would say emotional eating, I missed my family and friends. 18 years later I found myself 80 pounds overweight. However the last two years I have logged my food and added exercise and have…
  • You could have lost 10 pounds and just not see it. The weight comes off where it wants to not where you want it to or expect it to. I started around 215 too and it took losing 30 pounds before I dropped a size! It was frustrating because I was working so hard and no one noticed and either did I at first. Keep going and…
  • This happened to me and I felt the same way. I felt awful for thinking that way but I was upset that here I was counting calories and working out and she had surgery. I had to accept those were normal emotions and I wasn't a bad person but I also had a choice whether or not to dwell on those thoughts. I chose to be happy…
  • I don't think its just you. I think its common for compliments about our weight or looks to make us uncomfortable. I find it embarrassing too. I have a friend who every time she introduces me lately to someone new says "she lost 80 pounds, I'm so proud of her" I know she is proud and wants to brag for me but I want to die…
  • The next seven months are going to be packed full with wedding planning. A goal of 70 pounds may be a lot to take on. Set up your MFP goals and eat within your calories, weigh your food and eat back half your exercise calories and the weight will come off. Not overnight and maybe not 70 pounds but weight will come off.
  • You have the rain and I have heat - heat-heat! Weather plays a big part in my motivation. I may work out less this time of year because I'm stuck inside, I just make sure my diet is spot on. Good Luck- you got this!!
  • In the last couple of years I have lost 78 pounds and I know what you're talking about. I was getting a scan done of my gall bladder and the tech also scanned my heart and said I had a very healthy aorta and then made the comment, of course you are so small. I had to keep myself from laughing! I was flattered and felt…
  • I understand your feelings. I constantly compare myself to others and have to constantly remind myself to stop. There are two separate personalities in my head, my rational one and the nutty one. That nutty one takes control and I have to stop and talk only to the rational girl. Stopping myself and thinking it out when it…
  • I could have written your post. In the last 2 years I have lost 75 pounds and am too at 150 with a goal of 135. I have been at 150 since January however in January I was a size 8 and now I'm a size 6. I also log daily and weigh my foods. My MFP is set at .5 per week and I go up a few pounds and then down. I eat back half…
  • I always taught my kids that words hurt and you cant take them back once you say them. Its out there. On the flip side, no one should have the power over you to make you feel insecure or bad about yourself. You have the power and you have the ability to not listen and not let bad things sink in. We have to be able to…
  • 20 years as a military wife I moved many times. Put yourself out there, go to a local pool, join a fitness group, go walk at the park. Say hello to people and be open, making friends is harder the older we get but possible. Best of Luck! You can do this and as said before the south as beautiful scenery and some of the best…
  • You and I have similar starting weights. My first goal weight was 175 as well and I made that goal this time last year. I bought a couple size med dresses and a couple pairs of size 10 shorts. Now, I'm at 152 and the shorts don't fit but the dresses still do. I would say buy a couple cute dresses, you can wear them longer.…
  • Oh, you asked about exercise too. I really didn't exercise during that time.
  • Yes, major caffeine withdraws but my doc was absolute about cutting that out. I was a 3-4 a day diet coke girl. The headaches were awful but they stop in a couple weeks and lots of water helped. I drank fizzy flavored water. I really cut out chocolate and sweets too. I guess I was "clean eating" before I knew what it meant.
  • Congrats! I was in your boat once upon a time. I was obese when I became pregnant with my daughter. Doc told me she would prefer if I didn't gain weight. I cut back on caffeine and junk food. I upped my protein and veggies. I lost twelve pounds in the first 3 months due to morning sickness and then gained ten back. At the…
  • I understand your concern but I don't see where you think she eats under 1000 calories. She doesn't mention how many oats or carbs or fruit. She also states no sweets or chocolate and then says maybe 2 cubes. I would wager to guess the exercise is casing the calorie deficit and if she's happy and she's an adult, I would…
  • This is perfect. Be honest and direct.
  • you didn't gain all the weight in a month, its not going to come off in a month- patience
  • Great job!! I factor in a treat everyday too. Helps me stay on track :)
  • I was in your boat a couple years ago. Stay strong and focused. The first 30-35 pounds I lost no one noticed, not even me. I lost 40 pounds before I went down a pant size. It does happen and you will notice soon and so will your friends and family. Keep up what you're doing b/c its working! Best of luck to you.
  • That's awesome!! My son came home from college last week and said "mom, you have to stop this new fit/healthy thing" I said "why, you miss the junk food when you come home" He said "no, someone thought you were my sister!" I loved it- keeps me on track!
  • I think its great you did the fun run with your kiddos! Great parenting on your part! Speed comes with time and lots of running- sprints and hills can help too. Try not to focus on others and be proud of what you are accomplishing. You don't know where they started, everyone is on their own journey. Oct 2013- I was running…
  • I'm sorry but no, you didn't gain it all at once and its not going to magically fall off because you really need it to. Start today and log your food- stay within the recommended calories and find an exercise you like. The time will pass anyway so don't give up because you cant lose it all in 2 1/2 months.
  • Awesome!!! Thanks for the encouragement :) You look happy and beautiful and isn't that what its all about?