My story: Just moved to the south and DANG

Moved from PA and there are so many temptations when it comes to food. Not only that I wanted to reinvent myself (new location, new beginning). Having trouble meeting anyone because people in this city are close minded to alternative people. Finding a support system is extremely difficult and my boyfriend is not in this with me. It would be nice to have people my own age...or anyone at all to help me stick to this and inspire me to become how I feel on the inside. I want to push myself to show those who refused to help or stabbed me in the back that I won't let this city or the past beat me. My success will speak louder than words. If you would like, feel free to add me, as I will definitely support anyone who asks for it. Or just post your story :)


  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    I went to the south once damn sweet tea ok i gained a lot weight while tehre for 4 months
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Welcome!!!! The tea is sweet and the gravy is white. You can do this:) nothing motivates me better to take a walk than southern scenery. Any parks or trails near by? We have walking groups here that meet up. People can be really nice. Don't assume everyone is closed minded..
  • Bj0223
    Bj0223 Posts: 133 Member
    20 years as a military wife I moved many times. Put yourself out there, go to a local pool, join a fitness group, go walk at the park. Say hello to people and be open, making friends is harder the older we get but possible. Best of Luck! You can do this and as said before the south as beautiful scenery and some of the best parks. I lived in southern VA for a short time.
  • stehglenna
    stehglenna Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all so much!
  • stehglenna
    stehglenna Posts: 6 Member
    DanniB423 wrote: »
    Welcome!!!! The tea is sweet and the gravy is white. You can do this:) nothing motivates me better to take a walk than southern scenery. Any parks or trails near by? We have walking groups here that meet up. People can be really nice. Don't assume everyone is closed minded..
    Yeah you're right. I'm just so frustrated. People are so different here. I just have to get used to it. And yeah luckily I have a trail right behind my place I've been going on.

  • stehglenna
    stehglenna Posts: 6 Member
    DanniB423 wrote: »
    Welcome!!!! The tea is sweet and the gravy is white. You can do this:) nothing motivates me better to take a walk than southern scenery. Any parks or trails near by? We have walking groups here that meet up. People can be really nice. Don't assume everyone is closed minded..
    Yeah you're right. I'm just so frustrated. People are so different here. I just have to get used to it. And yeah luckily I have a trail right behind my place I've been going on.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    What you are experiencing is culture shock. People don't expect that when they move within the same country, but the US is big and diverse!