

  • I have used my calories so I have been on a treadmill and got 700 calories back.
  • welcome i find this site absolutely brill i know how much each thing that is going in my mouth. I try and excerise 3 times a week and save these calories for a weeked.:happy: from another person from rainey England
  • i have been doing Dietchef.com since August - granola with greek yoghurt for breakfast, soup and a roll for lunch = 200 calories and for dinner lasagne, chicken curry etc i just then have 2 pieces of fruit a day, veg or salad for dinner and a packet of french fries as a snack. This makes it up to 1200 then i go on the…
  • i usually put 2 lbs on then the week after lost 5 lbs. This time i have lost 2 1/2 lbs so i am hoping next week when i get weighed i have lost 4 lbs
  • i have that wii game absolutely shattered after i had been on it.
  • think of the weight that you have lost already, i know it is hard I am where you are at the present moment. I have been away for 2 weekends and people say dont you look great have you lost weight which makes you want to lose more. Come on you can do this. Natalie
  • hi I have a wii fit / wii fit plus this is brill otherwise try the 10 minute fat burners you can get these cheap from amazon.
  • i would love to do it, even though I am in England and we dont have thanksgiving I am up for the challenge. My problem i:drinker: :drinker: s over the next couple of weeks I am away for 2 weekends so need to watch what i eat and drink
  • I am doing diet chef and all the meals and values are on mfp. I have been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks and i have lost 8 lbs. I have gone from ww to slimmingworld and now deit chef which is similar to slimmingworld. I love this site as it tells me what i have eaten and exercise.