Finding it really hard to stay under or at 1200 calories per



    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Easiest exercise is walking-I've been using the Leslie Sansone walk at home series $10 at Walmart or Target. She's fun and the miles go by quick. 1-5 miles 12 or 15 min miles. I try to get in three miles or more a day.:wink:
    Now I'm starting Kettlebell workout I found at Walmart (Danskin Calorie Burner Workout with Gin Miller) to start toning.:tongue:
    Good Luck!
  • rcsewell
    rcsewell Posts: 18 Member
    I am finding it really hard to stay under or at 1200 calories per day.
    There is no way I could stay under, or anywhere near, my target calorie intake if I drank anything besides water. With the exception of 2 cups of coffee in the morning with non-dairy creamere (no sugar), I've been water-only for about a year now. Sure, once in a blue moon I'll have unsweetened tea (never thought I could drink it without sugar!), but there are almost no calories in that.

    Good luck!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I would not last long on a 1200 calorie diet. After the first week or two on mfp, I could see I wasn't going to meet my goals very quickly, so I uped my workout. Not only does it help me lose weight, but I can also indulge in my favorites occasionally. If I couldn't indulge, I don't think I would stay committed for long. I've lost 31 pounds since the end of August. My indulgences are; having a chocolate day once a week (chocolate cheerios and a hershey bar later on), an occasional homemade cheeseburger (with lots of lettuce), and fixing homemade pizza every 10 days. But even on those days... I still manage to stay around the 1400 calorie mark. So far its working.
  • i have been doing since August - granola with greek yoghurt for breakfast, soup and a roll for lunch = 200 calories and for dinner lasagne, chicken curry etc i just then have 2 pieces of fruit a day, veg or salad for dinner and a packet of french fries as a snack. This makes it up to 1200 then i go on the treadmill and walk for 45 mins. I want to lose 1 stone by christmas already lost 1 stone. This diet chef is has shown me how to portion size. :happy:
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    I am finding it really hard to stay under or at 1200 calories per day.
    There is no way I could stay under, or anywhere near, my target calorie intake if I drank anything besides water. With the exception of 2 cups of coffee in the morning with non-dairy creamere (no sugar), I've been water-only for about a year now. Sure, once in a blue moon I'll have unsweetened tea (never thought I could drink it without sugar!), but there are almost no calories in that.

    Good luck!

    I am on coffee and water myself but I also drink tea is that not good for you or why did you give it up?
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    Thank you for all your help and support MFP buddies.:flowerforyou: Starting with low cardio and walks sound like a good idea! I can do this and then work my way up. I am also enjoying the sites that where shared with me.:bigsmile: I appreciate you all taking the time and sharing them and on all the helpful advice from each and every one of you. :happy: Thank you so much you are all special!:flowerforyou:

    Does anybody have a hard time staying full with small portion sizes or how do you all do it to keep yourself from eating more then what you are supposed to?
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    I have had no real hunger at all since I went on the diet, I think positive thinking and just being committed to achieve your goal is all it takes. My breakfsts and lunches are small but satisfying and dinner is when I can enjoy a larger meal. I think it is important
    not to deny yourself something you crave either, just have a taste or two ... and often you will find yourself choosing not to even have it anyway, but just knowing you can is enough. Fill up on food, not beverages or desserts for the most part.
  • esq2man
    esq2man Posts: 30
    1200 seems really low, but if that is what's right for you its doable. 2 packets of no sugar added instant oatmeal for breakfast = 240
    subway 6 inch turkey with veggies and red wine vinegar for lunch is 340 and any lean cuisine for dinner is 220-300. add an eskimo ice cream no sugar added and you're there with calories to spare
  • I found that you can have a quesadilla with corn tortillas and 1 ounce of cheese for about 300 calories -- eat steamed veggies and/or a big salad with lemon and pepper or balsamic vinegar on the side and you will fill up for less than 400 calories. Use this principle: sane to small portion of high calorie -- high fat -- high starch food (almost all mexican and italian choices fall into this category) and then cut it with vegetables -- vegetables and more vegetables.
  • Thank you soooo much MFP buddies:happy: I shall give these ideas a try:love:
  • I always drink plenty of water with my meals, and I eat really slowly! I used to eat my food in such a greedy fashion, then just a few minutes later I'd be feeling so full I thought I might vomit!

    I'm on 1200 per day too - I'm just not a very big person, only 160cms tall. Protein is digested more slowly than other foods, so try swapping it in.
  • Sleeping in your workout gear, that is awesome!!!!
  • Exercise exercise exercise! I consider any workouts I do a way to “earn” extra calories so I don’t have to go crazy trying to stick to 1200. :smile:

    The hardest part about starting an exercise routine is just that, starting! For the first couple of weeks you will have to force yourself, it will be an almost physical battle - but once you are in the swing of it, it becomes natural, and you will grow to enjoy the way it makes you feel! I suggest sleeping in your workout gear to begin with (that’s the only way I could get out of bed when I first started) that way you aren’t so tempted to hit snooze, and just go for a half hour walk to start off . As your fitness improves, increase your workout times.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I am also finding it hard to stay near the 1200 calories mark so I am thinking of changing my goal so that I don't feel guilty for eating a bit more.
  • If you are exercising, you should gain calories back. Be sure to include both type exercises... strength training and cardio and you should be fine. I am set at 1400 and most of the time I have about 2-300 left due to this. Hope this helps
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Here are the suggestions for keeping calories low that I have pulled together. The websites are very helpful.


    Low-fat or fat-free version of foods
    More watery vegetables (lettuce, celery, cucumber) than fruits (see website below to compare calories)
    Low-fat veggie dips, and other low-fat or fat-free dressings
    Sugar-free version of foods: ex. beverages, snacks, deserts
    Whole-grain products to help control appetite (whole-wheat breads, oatmeal, brown rice)
    1 slice of bread at a time, or lite breads in which 2 slices is the same as 1 (for sandwich lovers)
    Fish or chicken without skin instead of beef or pork
    Tofu instead of meat (very low calories with high protein to help with increase metabolism)
    Food re-placers such as veggie burgers, smart dogs, veggie cheese
    Use cooking sprays
    Use herbs


    Whole-grain products instead of white, bleached food products
    Soy-milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, instead of regular cow's milk
    Low-sugar, no added sugar, and sugar-free foods and beverages
    Use sweeteners such as Agave Nectar, Nutrasweet or other artificial sugars (although their safety is questionable)



    If you have trouble keeping your calories down, snack on more vegetables such as carrots, broccoli or cucumber in order to create more space for the foods you crave

    Personally, I like to snack on carrots to combat hunger, and it works!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I'm set at 1200/day also, and you can feel free to look through my diary if you're interested in the kinds of meals that I eat. I usually stay within 100 cals of my goal +/- (though certainly not all the time!). What's helped me is cutting back on carbs (which I needed to do for my own health reasons). There are around 100 calories in every slice of the bread I buy, so I started making open faced sandwiches for lunch, and it has been a lot easier to meet my goals since then. Also, if I get a craving for a bagel (I LOVE bagels) then I'll make half of one instead of a whole one. I find that trying to eat as much protein as possible keeps me really full and satisfied. Hope that helps!

    Good luck on the continuation of your journey :bigsmile:

    There are lite (or light) breads on the market where 2 slices=the same calories as 1 slice. It's good for the sandwich lovers.
  • wonderbread smart white I LOVE IT!
  • TK MFP Friends:flowerforyou:
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