

  • VERY useful!! maybe ill finsish this week off with a session interval if i can find the energy and next week focus more on the weights then?? what about weight loss though?? i recently gained a few unwanted labs hence my thoughts of punishing myself on the 'dreadmill' and elipitical?? it wont hinder weight loss will it…
  • WOW!!!!! loads of you feel the same then!! seems i need to work harder and push myself on the intervals which will mean i cant get bored because im trying to breathe and not pass out!!! OR pluck up the courage to venture outside fo a jog and change of scenery... not sure the world is ready for that sight so i think ill try…
  • lynette..def with you on the music front!! and whats with the gym when they have sound on the TV!!! I cant watch tv :-( i watch myself in the mirror but thats borning me now!! haha!! maybe you guys are right.. change of scenery and get back out on the roads ??
  • ahh so its not just me then :-(
  • this is wierd because i was going to post a topic about this exact same thing today!! i eat under the calories and still work out so how does that work?? i dont want to up calorie intake?? at the moment though everythng i eat im thinking my body is straight away storing it?? surely its burning it?? very confused about this…
  • Couldnt agree more!! im already starting to feel better!! you will loose your 3lbs im sure :-) xx
  • Your exacly right with the refined carbs!! iv not been used to eating that junk and now i no why! Thanks so so much for your comments. Also about the scales.. yes your right with that definatley a case of getting close to target and relaxing off it. Definalty finding MFP is helping with tracking food and for the support!!
  • Im new to this whats 'bump' stand for!! Nice to know im not alone! its just thos e last few lbs are so hard to shift as well!! just gets frustrating sometimes! :ohwell:
  • Love this post, everyones comments are very helpful as well. Im in the same boat iv jjst put on 3 lbs though over a week and a half of rubbish eating and im gutted :-( it took so long to loose the weight and seemes so easy to pile back on :-( i was so close to my target only 3lbs off target and now im miles off. Very…
  • the hardest part is Staring a new excercise!! So you have done that!! It will get easier, dont feel disheartened, stick with it and you will never look back, the personal acievement and the feeling you will get when you are getting fitter will outweigh anything else! Dont give up! go for it, work yourself up slowly and…
  • both!! morning 1st thing than again in the evening!! if i have a loss and it shows in the evening i feel happier because i know your at your lightest first thing!!
  • oooo DEFINATLEY know how your feeling!! i was like this lhe last 2 weeks AND put weight on :-( BUT im back at it now and it feels so much better!! I went when i was tired after being up all night and still managed to find it in me to get down there even if i only did half my workout! Somehow though once your there your…
  • i run every day if i can and i did a 5k last year. you will probobally suprise yourself when you start it up! Definatley get the top/bra sorted though, i wear a very tight Nike top with a built in support and that sorts me out!!! I recently helped my mum start running she thought she never would (she is 49) and that she…
  • I was very nervous!! i joined by myself for myself!! I said to myself to join for 1 month before i went on holiday its now been 10 months and iv just paid today for another!! I got a great induction they are so helpful, iv had personal trainers who have been so nice to me and people who go when i go now no me a bit! but…
  • Definatly posative attitude. Id say set yourself goals daily depending on how your feeling? i have days when im just really exhausted and dont want to do anything, so i watch what i eat and maybe not do as much at the gym but i still go and make a effort but rather than say right today ill burn 500cals,, ill do 400 on…
  • Good For you!!!! sounds like you have changed a lot with your diet! i Agree with the gym thing.. im using mine to get me to my goal, the beauty is at the moment i know iv paid for the month so Make myself go and get my monies worth. And going in my lunch hour is working good because at the end of the day im pretty tired.…
  • Anything is better than nothing it has to be!!! oo yes iv been pushing up the resistance on the elliptical thats a good thing and iv been putting inclines into my runs too so im trying!! i must say though i decided to loose weigh before toning and doing weights! i lost a stone through running and dieting and it was about…
  • I Work out every day in my lunch hour so i aim to cram in my cardio then! then when i get home my goal is to do my weights and sit ups etc. I do a daily 3 mile run at the gym so burn about 300cals then i aim to burn between 1-200 cals on the elliptical. I do think im stuck in a bit of a rut though and getting frustrated i…