

  • I will try to help :) Remember to shake up your exercise so you don't get bored. Drinks lots and lots of water any way you can without added calories. Do you have any idea what makes you stop at the two week mark?
  • Thanks everyone for your replies.
  • Ok, my walking ticker didn't show up. How do I get it to show up all the time like my weight loss ticker?
  • Ok I got one to work but do I have to put the code in every time I post a message? How do I get the ticker to show up on my profile page?
  • Testing...for the life of me I can't figure out where to put the tickers.... I have walked 0 miles -- 0% of my goal of 50 miles!! I have walked 0 miles -- 0% of my goal of 50 miles!!<br /><a href=""><img src="" border=0></a>
  • I totally agree. I couldn't have said it better.
  • Thanks! I can't stand them either but I am the type to try to workout 100 max all the time and that is not good. I need something to tell me when to back off and when to put more into it.
  • Absolutely mornings for me! By evening the last thing I want to do is workout. Some times I go for a walk on the beach but that is it for evening. I find I have more energy to get it all done in the morning and another benefit is my thinking is clearer throughout the day. Kind of like I worked the cob webs out :) I hope…
  • You eat like I do...NICE!
  • Trudi, Me too! I have actually been signed up since last Aug but just never did anything with it. Thanks for getting me back on here. Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes.